AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Initiates the authentication response.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.CognitoIdentityProvider.Model
Assembly: AWSSDK.CognitoIdentityProvider.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class InitiateAuthResponse : AmazonWebServiceResponse

The InitiateAuthResponse type exposes the following members


Public Method InitiateAuthResponse()


Public Property AuthenticationResult Amazon.CognitoIdentityProvider.Model.AuthenticationResultType

Gets and sets the property AuthenticationResult.

The result of the authentication response. This result is only returned if the caller doesn't need to pass another challenge. If the caller does need to pass another challenge before it gets tokens, ChallengeName, ChallengeParameters, and Session are returned.

Public Property ChallengeName Amazon.CognitoIdentityProvider.ChallengeNameType

Gets and sets the property ChallengeName.

The name of the challenge that you're responding to with this call. This name is returned in the InitiateAuth response if you must pass another challenge.

Valid values include the following:

All of the following challenges require USERNAME and SECRET_HASH (if applicable) in the parameters.

  • SMS_MFA: Next challenge is to supply an SMS_MFA_CODE, delivered via SMS.

  • PASSWORD_VERIFIER: Next challenge is to supply PASSWORD_CLAIM_SIGNATURE, PASSWORD_CLAIM_SECRET_BLOCK, and TIMESTAMP after the client-side SRP calculations.

  • CUSTOM_CHALLENGE: This is returned if your custom authentication flow determines that the user should pass another challenge before tokens are issued.

  • DEVICE_SRP_AUTH: If device tracking was activated on your user pool and the previous challenges were passed, this challenge is returned so that Amazon Cognito can start tracking this device.

  • DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER: Similar to PASSWORD_VERIFIER, but for devices only.

  • NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED: For users who are required to change their passwords after successful first login.

    Respond to this challenge with NEW_PASSWORD and any required attributes that Amazon Cognito returned in the requiredAttributes parameter. You can also set values for attributes that aren't required by your user pool and that your app client can write. For more information, see RespondToAuthChallenge.

    In a NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED challenge response, you can't modify a required attribute that already has a value. In RespondToAuthChallenge, set a value for any keys that Amazon Cognito returned in the requiredAttributes parameter, then use the UpdateUserAttributes API operation to modify the value of any additional attributes.

  • MFA_SETUP: For users who are required to setup an MFA factor before they can sign in. The MFA types activated for the user pool will be listed in the challenge parameters MFAS_CAN_SETUP value.

    To set up software token MFA, use the session returned here from InitiateAuth as an input to AssociateSoftwareToken. Use the session returned by VerifySoftwareToken as an input to RespondToAuthChallenge with challenge name MFA_SETUP to complete sign-in. To set up SMS MFA, an administrator should help the user to add a phone number to their account, and then the user should call InitiateAuth again to restart sign-in.

Public Property ChallengeParameters System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.String, System.String>

Gets and sets the property ChallengeParameters.

The challenge parameters. These are returned in the InitiateAuth response if you must pass another challenge. The responses in this parameter should be used to compute inputs to the next call (RespondToAuthChallenge).

All challenges require USERNAME and SECRET_HASH (if applicable).

Public Property ContentLength System.Int64 Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.AmazonWebServiceResponse.
Public Property HttpStatusCode System.Net.HttpStatusCode Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.AmazonWebServiceResponse.
Public Property ResponseMetadata Amazon.Runtime.ResponseMetadata Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.AmazonWebServiceResponse.
Public Property Session System.String

Gets and sets the property Session.

The session that should pass both ways in challenge-response calls to the service. If the caller must pass another challenge, they return a session with other challenge parameters. This session should be passed as it is to the next RespondToAuthChallenge API call.


The following example signs in the user mytestuser with analytics data, client metadata, and user context data for advanced security.

Example username and password sign-in for a user who has TOTP MFA

var client = new AmazonCognitoIdentityProviderClient();
var response = client.InitiateAuth(new InitiateAuthRequest 
    AnalyticsMetadata = new AnalyticsMetadataType { AnalyticsEndpointId = "d70b2ba36a8c4dc5a04a0451a31a1e12" },
    AuthFlow = "USER_PASSWORD_AUTH",
    AuthParameters = new Dictionary<string, string> {
        { "PASSWORD", "This-is-my-test-99!" },
        { "SECRET_HASH", "oT5ZkS8ctnrhYeeGsGTvOzPhoc/Jd1cO5fueBWFVmp8=" },
        { "USERNAME", "mytestuser" }
    ClientId = "1example23456789",
    ClientMetadata = new Dictionary<string, string> {
        { "MyTestKey", "MyTestValue" }
    UserContextData = new UserContextDataType {
        EncodedData = "AmazonCognitoAdvancedSecurityData_object",
        IpAddress = ""

string challengeName = response.ChallengeName;
Dictionary<string, string> challengeParameters = response.ChallengeParameters;
string session = response.Session;


Version Information

.NET Core App:
Supported in: 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5, 4.0, 3.5