AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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This data type is used with the Amazon GameLift containers feature, which is currently in public preview.

Describes a container's configuration, resources, and start instructions. Use this data type to create a container group definition. For the properties of a container that's been deployed to a fleet, see ContainerDefinition. You can't change these properties after you've created the container group definition. If you need a container group with different properties, then you must create a new one.

Used with: CreateContainerGroupDefinition

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.GameLift.Model
Assembly: AWSSDK.GameLift.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class ContainerDefinitionInput

The ContainerDefinitionInput type exposes the following members


Public Method ContainerDefinitionInput()


Public Property Command System.Collections.Generic.List<System.String>

Gets and sets the property Command.

A command to pass to the container on startup. Add multiple arguments as additional strings in the array. See the ContainerDefinition command parameter in the Amazon Elastic Container Service API reference.

Public Property ContainerName System.String

Gets and sets the property ContainerName.

A string that uniquely identifies the container definition within a container group.

Public Property Cpu System.Int32

Gets and sets the property Cpu.

The number of CPU units to reserve for this container. The container can use more resources when needed, if available. Note: 1 vCPU unit equals 1024 CPU units. If you don't reserve CPU units for this container, then it shares the total CPU limit for the container group. This property is similar to the Amazon ECS container definition parameter environment (Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide).

Related data type: ContainerGroupDefinition$TotalCpuLimit

Public Property DependsOn System.Collections.Generic.List<Amazon.GameLift.Model.ContainerDependency>

Gets and sets the property DependsOn.

Sets up dependencies between this container and the status of other containers in the same container group. A container can have dependencies on multiple different containers.

You can use dependencies to establish a startup/shutdown sequence across the container group. A container startup dependency is reversed on shutdown.

For example, you might specify that SideCarContainerB has a START dependency on SideCarContainerA. This dependency means that SideCarContainerB can't start until after SideCarContainerA has started. This dependency is reversed on shutdown, which means that SideCarContainerB must shut down before SideCarContainerA can shut down.

Public Property EntryPoint System.Collections.Generic.List<System.String>

Gets and sets the property EntryPoint.

An entry point to pass to the container on startup. Add multiple arguments as additional strings in the array. See the ContainerDefinition::entryPoint parameter in the Amazon Elastic Container Service API Reference.

Public Property Environment System.Collections.Generic.List<Amazon.GameLift.Model.ContainerEnvironment>

Gets and sets the property Environment.

A set of environment variables to pass to the container on startup. See the ContainerDefinition::environment parameter in the Amazon Elastic Container Service API Reference.

Public Property Essential System.Boolean

Gets and sets the property Essential.

Specifies whether the container is vital for the container group to function properly. If an essential container fails, it causes the entire container group to restart. Each container group must have an essential container.

Replica container groups - A replica group must have exactly one essential container. Use the following to configure an essential replica container:

  • Choose a container is running your game server and the Amazon GameLift Agent.

  • Include a port configuration. This container runs your game server processes, and each process requires a container port to allow access to game clients.

  • Don't configure a health check. The Agent handles this task for the essential replica container.

Daemon container groups - A daemon group must have at least one essential container.

Public Property HealthCheck Amazon.GameLift.Model.ContainerHealthCheck

Gets and sets the property HealthCheck.

Configuration for a non-terminal health check. A container automatically restarts if it stops functioning. This parameter lets you define additional reasons to consider a container unhealthy and restart it. You can set a health check for any container except for the essential container in the replica container group. If an essential container in the daemon group fails a health check, the entire container group is restarted.

Public Property ImageUri System.String

Gets and sets the property ImageUri.

The location of a container image that $short; will copy and deploy to a container fleet. Images in Amazon Elastic Container Registry private repositories are supported. The repository must be in the same Amazon Web Services account and Amazon Web Services Region where you're creating the container group definition. For limits on image size, see Amazon GameLift endpoints and quotas. You can use any of the following image URI formats:

  • Image ID only: [AWS account].dkr.ecr.[AWS region][repository ID]

  • Image ID and digest: [AWS account].dkr.ecr.[AWS region][repository ID]@[digest]

  • Image ID and tag: [AWS account].dkr.ecr.[AWS region][repository ID]:[tag]

Public Property MemoryLimits Amazon.GameLift.Model.ContainerMemoryLimits

Gets and sets the property MemoryLimits.

The amount of memory to make available to the container. If you don't specify memory limits for this container, then it shares the container group's total memory allocation.

Related data type: ContainerGroupDefinition$TotalMemoryLimit

Public Property PortConfiguration Amazon.GameLift.Model.ContainerPortConfiguration

Gets and sets the property PortConfiguration.

A set of ports that Amazon GameLift can assign to processes in the container. All processes that accept inbound traffic connections, including game server processes, must be assigned a port from this set. The set of ports must be large enough to assign one to each process in the container that needs one. If the container includes your game server, include enough ports to assign one port to each concurrent server process (as defined in a container fleet's RuntimeConfiguration). For more details, see Networking for container fleets.

Container ports aren't directly accessed by inbound traffic. Amazon GameLift maps these container ports to externally accessible connection ports, which are assigned as needed from the container fleet's ConnectionPortRange.

Public Property WorkingDirectory System.String

Gets and sets the property WorkingDirectory.

The directory in the container where commands are run. See the ContainerDefinition::workingDirectory parameter in the Amazon Elastic Container Service API Reference.

Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5