You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::APIGateway::Types::GetDeploymentRequest

  • Object
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When passing GetDeploymentRequest as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  rest_api_id: "String", # required
  deployment_id: "String", # required
  embed: ["String"],

Requests API Gateway to get information about a Deployment resource.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


[Required] The identifier of the Deployment resource to get information about.


  • (String)

    [Required] The identifier of the Deployment resource to get information about.


A query parameter to retrieve the specified embedded resources of the returned Deployment resource in the response. In a REST API call, this embed parameter value is a list of comma-separated strings, as in GET /restapis/`{restapi_id}/deployments/{deployment_id}`?embed=var1,var2. The SDK and other platform-dependent libraries might use a different format for the list. Currently, this request supports only retrieval of the embedded API summary this way. Hence, the parameter value must be a single-valued list containing only the "apisummary" string. For example, GET /restapis/`{restapi_id}/deployments/{deployment_id}`?embed=apisummary .


  • (Array<String>)

    A query parameter to retrieve the specified embedded resources of the returned Deployment resource in the response.


[Required] The string identifier of the associated RestApi.


  • (String)

    [Required] The string identifier of the associated RestApi.