You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::CodeGuruProfiler::Types::BatchGetFrameMetricDataRequest

  • Object
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When passing BatchGetFrameMetricDataRequest as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  frame_metrics: [
      frame_name: "String", # required
      thread_states: ["String"], # required
      type: "AggregatedRelativeTotalTime", # required, accepts AggregatedRelativeTotalTime
  period: "Period",
  profiling_group_name: "ProfilingGroupName", # required
  target_resolution: "P1D", # accepts P1D, PT1H, PT5M

The structure representing the BatchGetFrameMetricDataRequest.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


The end time of the time period for the returned time series values. This is specified using the ISO 8601 format. For example, 2020-06-01T13:15:02.001Z represents 1 millisecond past June 1, 2020 1:15:02 PM UTC.


  • (Time)

    The end time of the time period for the returned time series values.


The details of the metrics that are used to request a time series of values. The metric includes the name of the frame, the aggregation type to calculate the metric value for the frame, and the thread states to use to get the count for the metric value of the frame.


  • (Array<Types::FrameMetric>)

    The details of the metrics that are used to request a time series of values.


The duration of the frame metrics used to return the time series values. Specify using the ISO 8601 format. The maximum period duration is one day (PT24H or P1D).


  • (String)

    The duration of the frame metrics used to return the time series values.


The name of the profiling group associated with the the frame metrics used to return the time series values.


  • (String)

    The name of the profiling group associated with the the frame metrics used to return the time series values.


The start time of the time period for the frame metrics used to return the time series values. This is specified using the ISO 8601 format. For example, 2020-06-01T13:15:02.001Z represents 1 millisecond past June 1, 2020 1:15:02 PM UTC.


  • (Time)

    The start time of the time period for the frame metrics used to return the time series values.


The requested resolution of time steps for the returned time series of values. If the requested target resolution is not available due to data not being retained we provide a best effort result by falling back to the most granular available resolution after the target resolution. There are 3 valid values.

  • P1D — 1 day

  • PT1H — 1 hour

  • PT5M — 5 minutes

    Possible values:

    • P1D
    • PT1H
    • PT5M


  • (String)

    The requested resolution of time steps for the returned time series of values.