You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::ElasticTranscoder::Types::CreatePresetRequest

  • Object
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When passing CreatePresetRequest as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  name: "Name", # required
  description: "Description",
  container: "PresetContainer", # required
  video: {
    codec: "VideoCodec",
    codec_options: {
      "CodecOption" => "CodecOption",
    keyframes_max_dist: "KeyframesMaxDist",
    fixed_gop: "FixedGOP",
    bit_rate: "VideoBitRate",
    frame_rate: "FrameRate",
    max_frame_rate: "MaxFrameRate",
    resolution: "Resolution",
    aspect_ratio: "AspectRatio",
    max_width: "DigitsOrAuto",
    max_height: "DigitsOrAuto",
    display_aspect_ratio: "AspectRatio",
    sizing_policy: "SizingPolicy",
    padding_policy: "PaddingPolicy",
    watermarks: [
        id: "PresetWatermarkId",
        max_width: "PixelsOrPercent",
        max_height: "PixelsOrPercent",
        sizing_policy: "WatermarkSizingPolicy",
        horizontal_align: "HorizontalAlign",
        horizontal_offset: "PixelsOrPercent",
        vertical_align: "VerticalAlign",
        vertical_offset: "PixelsOrPercent",
        opacity: "Opacity",
        target: "Target",
  audio: {
    codec: "AudioCodec",
    sample_rate: "AudioSampleRate",
    bit_rate: "AudioBitRate",
    channels: "AudioChannels",
    audio_packing_mode: "AudioPackingMode",
    codec_options: {
      profile: "AudioCodecProfile",
      bit_depth: "AudioBitDepth",
      bit_order: "AudioBitOrder",
      signed: "AudioSigned",
  thumbnails: {
    format: "JpgOrPng",
    interval: "Digits",
    resolution: "ThumbnailResolution",
    aspect_ratio: "AspectRatio",
    max_width: "DigitsOrAuto",
    max_height: "DigitsOrAuto",
    sizing_policy: "SizingPolicy",
    padding_policy: "PaddingPolicy",

The CreatePresetRequest structure.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


A section of the request body that specifies the audio parameters.



The container type for the output file. Valid values include flac, flv, fmp4, gif, mp3, mp4, mpg, mxf, oga, ogg, ts, and webm.


  • (String)

    The container type for the output file.


A description of the preset.


  • (String)

    A description of the preset.


The name of the preset. We recommend that the name be unique within the AWS account, but uniqueness is not enforced.


  • (String)

    The name of the preset.


A section of the request body that specifies the thumbnail parameters, if any.


  • (Types::Thumbnails)

    A section of the request body that specifies the thumbnail parameters, if any.


A section of the request body that specifies the video parameters.
