You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::ImportExport::Types::GetShippingLabelInput

  • Object
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When passing GetShippingLabelInput as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  job_ids: ["GenericString"], # required
  name: "name",
  company: "company",
  phone_number: "phoneNumber",
  country: "country",
  state_or_province: "stateOrProvince",
  city: "city",
  postal_code: "postalCode",
  street1: "street1",
  street2: "street2",
  street3: "street3",
  api_version: "APIVersion",

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


Specifies the version of the client tool.


  • (String)

    Specifies the version of the client tool.


Specifies the name of your city for the return address.


  • (String)

    Specifies the name of your city for the return address.


Specifies the name of the company that will ship this package.


  • (String)

    Specifies the name of the company that will ship this package.


Specifies the name of your country for the return address.


  • (String)

    Specifies the name of your country for the return address.



  • (Array<String>)


Specifies the name of the person responsible for shipping this package.


  • (String)

    Specifies the name of the person responsible for shipping this package.


Specifies the phone number of the person responsible for shipping this package.


  • (String)

    Specifies the phone number of the person responsible for shipping this package.


Specifies the postal code for the return address.


  • (String)

    Specifies the postal code for the return address.


Specifies the name of your state or your province for the return address.


  • (String)

    Specifies the name of your state or your province for the return address.


Specifies the first part of the street address for the return address, for example 1234 Main Street.


  • (String)

    Specifies the first part of the street address for the return address, for example 1234 Main Street.


Specifies the optional second part of the street address for the return address, for example Suite 100.


  • (String)

    Specifies the optional second part of the street address for the return address, for example Suite 100.


Specifies the optional third part of the street address for the return address, for example c/o Jane Doe.


  • (String)

    Specifies the optional third part of the street address for the return address, for example c/o Jane Doe.