You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::LexModelBuildingService::Types::GetBotResponse

  • Object
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The message that Amazon Lex returns when the user elects to end the conversation without completing it. For more information, see PutBot.


  • (Types::Statement)

    The message that Amazon Lex returns when the user elects to end the conversation without completing it.


Checksum of the bot used to identify a specific revision of the bot\'s $LATEST version.


  • (String)

    Checksum of the bot used to identify a specific revision of the bot\'s $LATEST version.


For each Amazon Lex bot created with the Amazon Lex Model Building Service, you must specify whether your use of Amazon Lex is related to a website, program, or other application that is directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to children under age 13 and subject to the Children\'s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) by specifying true or false in the childDirected field. By specifying true in the childDirected field, you confirm that your use of Amazon Lex is related to a website, program, or other application that is directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to children under age 13 and subject to COPPA. By specifying false in the childDirected field, you confirm that your use of Amazon Lex is not related to a website, program, or other application that is directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to children under age 13 and subject to COPPA. You may not specify a default value for the childDirected field that does not accurately reflect whether your use of Amazon Lex is related to a website, program, or other application that is directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to children under age 13 and subject to COPPA.

If your use of Amazon Lex relates to a website, program, or other application that is directed in whole or in part, to children under age 13, you must obtain any required verifiable parental consent under COPPA. For information regarding the use of Amazon Lex in connection with websites, programs, or other applications that are directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to children under age 13, see the Amazon Lex FAQ.


  • (Boolean)

    For each Amazon Lex bot created with the Amazon Lex Model Building Service, you must specify whether your use of Amazon Lex is related to a website, program, or other application that is directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to children under age 13 and subject to the Children\'s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) by specifying true or false in the childDirected field.


The message Amazon Lex uses when it doesn\'t understand the user\'s request. For more information, see PutBot.


  • (Types::Prompt)

    The message Amazon Lex uses when it doesn\'t understand the user\'s request.


The date that the bot was created.


  • (Time)

    The date that the bot was created.


A description of the bot.


  • (String)

    A description of the bot.


Indicates whether user utterances should be sent to Amazon Comprehend for sentiment analysis.


  • (Boolean)

    Indicates whether user utterances should be sent to Amazon Comprehend for sentiment analysis.


Indicates whether the bot uses accuracy improvements. true indicates that the bot is using the improvements, otherwise, false.


  • (Boolean)

    Indicates whether the bot uses accuracy improvements.


If status is FAILED, Amazon Lex explains why it failed to build the bot.


  • (String)

    If status is FAILED, Amazon Lex explains why it failed to build the bot.


The maximum time in seconds that Amazon Lex retains the data gathered in a conversation. For more information, see PutBot.


  • (Integer)

    The maximum time in seconds that Amazon Lex retains the data gathered in a conversation.


An array of intent objects. For more information, see PutBot.



The date that the bot was updated. When you create a resource, the creation date and last updated date are the same.


  • (Time)

    The date that the bot was updated.


The target locale for the bot.

Possible values:

  • de-DE
  • en-AU
  • en-GB
  • en-US
  • es-ES
  • es-US
  • fr-FR
  • fr-CA
  • it-IT


  • (String)

    The target locale for the bot.


The name of the bot.


  • (String)

    The name of the bot.


The score that determines where Amazon Lex inserts the AMAZON.FallbackIntent, AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent, or both when returning alternative intents in a PostContent or PostText response. AMAZON.FallbackIntent is inserted if the confidence score for all intents is below this value. AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent is only inserted if it is configured for the bot.


  • (Float)

    The score that determines where Amazon Lex inserts the AMAZON.FallbackIntent, AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent, or both when returning alternative intents in a [PostContent][1] or [PostText][2] response.


The status of the bot.

When the status is BUILDING Amazon Lex is building the bot for testing and use.

If the status of the bot is READY_BASIC_TESTING, you can test the bot using the exact utterances specified in the bot\'s intents. When the bot is ready for full testing or to run, the status is READY.

If there was a problem with building the bot, the status is FAILED and the failureReason field explains why the bot did not build.

If the bot was saved but not built, the status is NOT_BUILT.

Possible values:



  • (String)

    The status of the bot.


The version of the bot. For a new bot, the version is always $LATEST.


  • (String)

    The version of the bot.


The Amazon Polly voice ID that Amazon Lex uses for voice interaction with the user. For more information, see PutBot.


  • (String)

    The Amazon Polly voice ID that Amazon Lex uses for voice interaction with the user.