You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::MTurk::Types::ListQualificationTypesRequest

  • Object
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When passing ListQualificationTypesRequest as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  query: "String",
  must_be_requestable: false, # required
  must_be_owned_by_caller: false,
  next_token: "PaginationToken",
  max_results: 1,

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


The maximum number of results to return in a single call.


  • (Integer)

    The maximum number of results to return in a single call.


Specifies that only Qualification types that the Requester created are returned. If false, the operation returns all Qualification types.


  • (Boolean)

    Specifies that only Qualification types that the Requester created are returned.


Specifies that only Qualification types that a user can request through the Amazon Mechanical Turk web site, such as by taking a Qualification test, are returned as results of the search. Some Qualification types, such as those assigned automatically by the system, cannot be requested directly by users. If false, all Qualification types, including those managed by the system, are considered. Valid values are True | False.


  • (Boolean)

    Specifies that only Qualification types that a user can request through the Amazon Mechanical Turk web site, such as by taking a Qualification test, are returned as results of the search.


If the previous response was incomplete (because there is more data to retrieve), Amazon Mechanical Turk returns a pagination token in the response. You can use this pagination token to retrieve the next set of results.


  • (String)

    If the previous response was incomplete (because there is more data to retrieve), Amazon Mechanical Turk returns a pagination token in the response.


A text query against all of the searchable attributes of Qualification types.


  • (String)

    A text query against all of the searchable attributes of Qualification types.