You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::MarketplaceEntitlementService::Types::GetEntitlementsRequest

  • Object
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When passing GetEntitlementsRequest as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  product_code: "ProductCode", # required
  filter: {
    "CUSTOMER_IDENTIFIER" => ["FilterValue"],
  next_token: "NonEmptyString",
  max_results: 1,

The GetEntitlementsRequest contains parameters for the GetEntitlements operation.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


Filter is used to return entitlements for a specific customer or for a specific dimension. Filters are described as keys mapped to a lists of values. Filtered requests are unioned for each value in the value list, and then intersected for each filter key.


  • (Hash<String,Array<String>>)

    Filter is used to return entitlements for a specific customer or for a specific dimension.


The maximum number of items to retrieve from the GetEntitlements operation. For pagination, use the NextToken field in subsequent calls to GetEntitlements.


  • (Integer)

    The maximum number of items to retrieve from the GetEntitlements operation.


For paginated calls to GetEntitlements, pass the NextToken from the previous GetEntitlementsResult.


  • (String)

    For paginated calls to GetEntitlements, pass the NextToken from the previous GetEntitlementsResult.


Product code is used to uniquely identify a product in AWS Marketplace. The product code will be provided by AWS Marketplace when the product listing is created.


  • (String)

    Product code is used to uniquely identify a product in AWS Marketplace.