You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::MediaConvert::Types::CaptionSourceFramerate

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When passing CaptionSourceFramerate as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  framerate_denominator: 1,
  framerate_numerator: 1,

Ignore this setting unless your input captions format is SCC. To have the service compensate for differing frame rates between your input captions and input video, specify the frame rate of the captions file. Specify this value as a fraction, using the settings Framerate numerator (framerateNumerator) and Framerate denominator (framerateDenominator). For example, you might specify 24 / 1 for 24 fps, 25 / 1 for 25 fps, 24000 / 1001 for 23.976 fps, or 30000 / 1001 for 29.97 fps.

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Specify the denominator of the fraction that represents the frame rate for the setting Caption source frame rate (CaptionSourceFramerate). Use this setting along with the setting Framerate numerator (framerateNumerator).


  • (Integer)

    Specify the denominator of the fraction that represents the frame rate for the setting Caption source frame rate (CaptionSourceFramerate).


Specify the numerator of the fraction that represents the frame rate for the setting Caption source frame rate (CaptionSourceFramerate). Use this setting along with the setting Framerate denominator (framerateDenominator).


  • (Integer)

    Specify the numerator of the fraction that represents the frame rate for the setting Caption source frame rate (CaptionSourceFramerate).