You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::ResourceGroups::Types::CreateGroupInput

  • Object
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When passing CreateGroupInput as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  name: "GroupName", # required
  description: "Description",
  resource_query: {
    type: "TAG_FILTERS_1_0", # required, accepts TAG_FILTERS_1_0, CLOUDFORMATION_STACK_1_0
    query: "Query", # required
  tags: {
    "TagKey" => "TagValue",
  configuration: [
      type: "GroupConfigurationType", # required
      parameters: [
          name: "GroupConfigurationParameterName", # required
          values: ["GroupConfigurationParameterValue"],

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


A configuration associates the resource group with an AWS service and specifies how the service can interact with the resources in the group. A configuration is an array of GroupConfigurationItem elements.

You can specify either a Configuration or a ResourceQuery in a group, but not both.


  • (Array<Types::GroupConfigurationItem>)

    A configuration associates the resource group with an AWS service and specifies how the service can interact with the resources in the group.


The description of the resource group. Descriptions can consist of letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores, periods, and spaces.


  • (String)

    The description of the resource group.


The name of the group, which is the identifier of the group in other operations. You can\'t change the name of a resource group after you create it. A resource group name can consist of letters, numbers, hyphens, periods, and underscores. The name cannot start with AWS or aws; these are reserved. A resource group name must be unique within each AWS Region in your AWS account.


  • (String)

    The name of the group, which is the identifier of the group in other operations.


The resource query that determines which AWS resources are members of this group.

You can specify either a ResourceQuery or a Configuration, but not both.


  • (Types::ResourceQuery)

    The resource query that determines which AWS resources are members of this group.


The tags to add to the group. A tag is key-value pair string.


  • (Hash<String,String>)

    The tags to add to the group.