You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::WAFV2::Types::ListAvailableManagedRuleGroupsRequest

  • Object
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When passing ListAvailableManagedRuleGroupsRequest as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  scope: "CLOUDFRONT", # required, accepts CLOUDFRONT, REGIONAL
  next_marker: "NextMarker",
  limit: 1,

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


The maximum number of objects that you want AWS WAF to return for this request. If more objects are available, in the response, AWS WAF provides a NextMarker value that you can use in a subsequent call to get the next batch of objects.


  • (Integer)

    The maximum number of objects that you want AWS WAF to return for this request.


When you request a list of objects with a Limit setting, if the number of objects that are still available for retrieval exceeds the limit, AWS WAF returns a NextMarker value in the response. To retrieve the next batch of objects, provide the marker from the prior call in your next request.


  • (String)

    When you request a list of objects with a Limit setting, if the number of objects that are still available for retrieval exceeds the limit, AWS WAF returns a NextMarker value in the response.


Specifies whether this is for an AWS CloudFront distribution or for a regional application. A regional application can be an Application Load Balancer (ALB), an API Gateway REST API, or an AppSync GraphQL API.

To work with CloudFront, you must also specify the Region US East (N. Virginia) as follows:

  • CLI - Specify the Region when you use the CloudFront scope: --scope=CLOUDFRONT --region=us-east-1.

  • API and SDKs - For all calls, use the Region endpoint us-east-1.

    Possible values:



  • (String)

    Specifies whether this is for an AWS CloudFront distribution or for a regional application.