Security Hub 中的自动化规则示例 - Amazon Security Hub
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Security Hub 中的自动化规则示例

本节包括常见用例的一些自动化规则示例。这些示例对应于 Amazon Security Hub 控制台中的规则模板。

当特定资源(例如 S3 存储桶)面临风险时,将严重性提升为“严重”

在本示例中,当 ResourceId 在调查发现中的对象是特定的 Amazon Simple Storage Service(Amazon S3)存储桶时,匹配规则条件。规则操作是将匹配调查发现的严重性更改为 CRITICAL。您可以修改此模板以应用于其他资源。


{ "IsTerminal": true, "RuleName": "Elevate severity of findings that relate to important resources", "RuleOrder": 1, "RuleStatus": "ENABLED", "Description": "Elevate finding severity to CRITICAL when specific resource such as an S3 bucket is at risk", "Criteria": { "ProductName": [{ "Value": "Security Hub", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "ComplianceStatus": [{ "Value": "FAILED", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "RecordState": [{ "Value": "ACTIVE", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "WorkflowStatus": [{ "Value": "NEW", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "ResourceId": [{ "Value": "arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket/developers/design_info.doc", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }] }, "Actions": [{ "Type": "FINDING_FIELDS_UPDATE", "FindingFieldsUpdate": { "Severity": { "Label": "CRITICAL" }, "Note": { "Text": "This is a critical resource. Please review ASAP.", "UpdatedBy": "sechub-automation" } } }] }


$ aws securityhub create-automation-rule \ --is-terminal \ --rule-name "Elevate severity of findings that relate to important resources" \ --rule-order 1 \ --rule-status "ENABLED" \ --description "Elevate finding severity to CRITICAL when specific resource such as an S3 bucket is at risk" \ --criteria '{ "ProductName": [{ "Value": "Security Hub", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "ComplianceStatus": [{ "Value": "FAILED", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "RecordState": [{ "Value": "ACTIVE", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "WorkflowStatus": [{ "Value": "NEW", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "ResourceId": [{ "Value": "arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket/developers/design_info.doc", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }] }' \ --actions '[{ "Type": "FINDING_FIELDS_UPDATE", "FindingFieldsUpdate": { "Severity": { "Label": "CRITICAL" }, "Note": { "Text": "This is a critical resource. Please review ASAP.", "UpdatedBy": "sechub-automation" } } }]' \ --region us-east-1


在此示例中,当在特定的生产账户中生成 HIGH 严重级别的调查发现时,匹配规则条件。规则操作是将匹配调查发现的严重性更改为 CRITICAL


{ "IsTerminal": false, "RuleName": "Elevate severity for production accounts", "RuleOrder": 1, "RuleStatus": "ENABLED", "Description": "Elevate finding severity from HIGH to CRITICAL for findings that relate to resources in specific production accounts", "Criteria": { "ProductName": [{ "Value": "Security Hub", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "ComplianceStatus": [{ "Value": "FAILED", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "RecordState": [{ "Value": "ACTIVE", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "WorkflowStatus": [{ "Value": "NEW", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "SeverityLabel": [{ "Value": "HIGH", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "AwsAccountId": [ { "Value": "111122223333", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }, { "Value": "123456789012", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }] }, "Actions": [{ "Type": "FINDING_FIELDS_UPDATE", "FindingFieldsUpdate": { "Severity": { "Label": "CRITICAL" }, "Note": { "Text": "A resource in production accounts is at risk. Please review ASAP.", "UpdatedBy": "sechub-automation" } } }] }


aws securityhub create-automation-rule \ --no-is-terminal \ --rule-name "Elevate severity of findings that relate to resources in production accounts" \ --rule-order 1 \ --rule-status "ENABLED" \ --description "Elevate finding severity from HIGH to CRITICAL for findings that relate to resources in specific production accounts" \ --criteria '{ "ProductName": [{ "Value": "Security Hub", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "ComplianceStatus": [{ "Value": "FAILED", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "RecordState": [{ "Value": "ACTIVE", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "SeverityLabel": [{ "Value": "HIGH", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "AwsAccountId": [ { "Value": "111122223333", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }, { "Value": "123456789012", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }] }' \ --actions '[{ "Type": "FINDING_FIELDS_UPDATE", "FindingFieldsUpdate": { "Severity": { "Label": "CRITICAL" }, "Note": { "Text": "A resource in production accounts is at risk. Please review ASAP.", "UpdatedBy": "sechub-automation" } } }]' \ --region us-east-1


在此示例中,与从亚马逊发送到 Security Hub 的INFORMATIONAL严重性调查结果的规则标准相匹配 GuardDuty。规则操作是将匹配调查发现的工作流程状态更改为 SUPPRESSED


{ "IsTerminal": false, "RuleName": "Suppress informational findings", "RuleOrder": 1, "RuleStatus": "ENABLED", "Description": "Suppress GuardDuty findings with INFORMATIONAL severity", "Criteria": { "ProductName": [{ "Value": "GuardDuty", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "RecordState": [{ "Value": "ACTIVE", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "WorkflowStatus": [{ "Value": "NEW", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "SeverityLabel": [{ "Value": "INFORMATIONAL", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }] }, "Actions": [{ "Type": "FINDING_FIELDS_UPDATE", "FindingFieldsUpdate": { "Workflow": { "Status": "SUPPRESSED" }, "Note": { "Text": "Automatically suppress GuardDuty findings with INFORMATIONAL severity", "UpdatedBy": "sechub-automation" } } }] }


aws securityhub create-automation-rule \ --no-is-terminal \ --rule-name "Suppress informational findings" \ --rule-order 1 \ --rule-status "ENABLED" \ --description "Suppress GuardDuty findings with INFORMATIONAL severity" \ --criteria '{ "ProductName": [{ "Value": "GuardDuty", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "ComplianceStatus": [{ "Value": "FAILED", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "RecordState": [{ "Value": "ACTIVE", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "WorkflowStatus": [{ "Value": "NEW", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "SeverityLabel": [{ "Value": "INFORMATIONAL", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }] }' \ --actions '[{ "Type": "FINDING_FIELDS_UPDATE", "FindingFieldsUpdate": { "Workflow": { "Status": "SUPPRESSED" }, "Note": { "Text": "Automatically suppress GuardDuty findings with INFORMATIONAL severity", "UpdatedBy": "sechub-automation" } } }]' \ --region us-east-1