使用软件开发工具包将 Amazon SNS 消息发布到亚马逊 SQS 队列 Amazon - Amazon Simple Notification Service
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使用软件开发工具包将 Amazon SNS 消息发布到亚马逊 SQS 队列 Amazon


  • 创建主题(FIFO 或非 FIFO)。

  • 针对主题订阅多个队列,并提供应用筛选条件的选项。

  • 将消息发布到主题。

  • 轮询队列中是否有收到的消息。

Amazon SDK for .NET

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中查找完整示例,了解如何进行设置和运行。


/// <summary> /// Console application to run a workflow scenario for topics and queues. /// </summary> public static class TopicsAndQueues { private static bool _useFifoTopic = false; private static bool _useContentBasedDeduplication = false; private static string _topicName = null!; private static string _topicArn = null!; private static readonly int _queueCount = 2; private static readonly string[] _queueUrls = new string[_queueCount]; private static readonly string[] _subscriptionArns = new string[_queueCount]; private static readonly string[] _tones = { "cheerful", "funny", "serious", "sincere" }; public static SNSWrapper SnsWrapper { get; set; } = null!; public static SQSWrapper SqsWrapper { get; set; } = null!; public static bool UseConsole { get; set; } = true; static async Task Main(string[] args) { // Set up dependency injection for Amazon EventBridge. using var host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args) .ConfigureLogging(logging => logging.AddFilter("System", LogLevel.Debug) .AddFilter<DebugLoggerProvider>("Microsoft", LogLevel.Information) .AddFilter<ConsoleLoggerProvider>("Microsoft", LogLevel.Trace)) .ConfigureServices((_, services) => services.AddAWSService<IAmazonSQS>() .AddAWSService<IAmazonSimpleNotificationService>() .AddTransient<SNSWrapper>() .AddTransient<SQSWrapper>() ) .Build(); ServicesSetup(host); PrintDescription(); await RunScenario(); } /// <summary> /// Populate the services for use within the console application. /// </summary> /// <param name="host">The services host.</param> private static void ServicesSetup(IHost host) { SnsWrapper = host.Services.GetRequiredService<SNSWrapper>(); SqsWrapper = host.Services.GetRequiredService<SQSWrapper>(); } /// <summary> /// Run the scenario for working with topics and queues. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public static async Task<bool> RunScenario() { try { await SetupTopic(); await SetupQueues(); await PublishMessages(); foreach (var queueUrl in _queueUrls) { var messages = await PollForMessages(queueUrl); if (messages.Any()) { await DeleteMessages(queueUrl, messages); } } await CleanupResources(); Console.WriteLine("Messaging with topics and queues workflow is complete."); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); Console.WriteLine($"There was a problem running the scenario: {ex.Message}"); await CleanupResources(); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); return false; } } /// <summary> /// Print a description for the tasks in the workflow. /// </summary> /// <returns>Async task.</returns> private static void PrintDescription() { Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); Console.WriteLine($"Welcome to messaging with topics and queues."); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); Console.WriteLine($"In this workflow, you will create an SNS topic and subscribe {_queueCount} SQS queues to the topic." + $"\r\nYou can select from several options for configuring the topic and the subscriptions for the 2 queues." + $"\r\nYou can then post to the topic and see the results in the queues.\r\n"); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); } /// <summary> /// Set up the SNS topic to be used with the queues. /// </summary> /// <returns>Async task.</returns> private static async Task<string> SetupTopic() { Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); Console.WriteLine($"SNS topics can be configured as FIFO (First-In-First-Out)." + $"\r\nFIFO topics deliver messages in order and support deduplication and message filtering." + $"\r\nYou can then post to the topic and see the results in the queues.\r\n"); _useFifoTopic = GetYesNoResponse("Would you like to work with FIFO topics?"); if (_useFifoTopic) { Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); _topicName = GetUserResponse("Enter a name for your SNS topic: ", "example-topic"); Console.WriteLine( "Because you have selected a FIFO topic, '.fifo' must be appended to the topic name.\r\n"); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); Console.WriteLine($"Because you have chosen a FIFO topic, deduplication is supported." + $"\r\nDeduplication IDs are either set in the message or automatically generated " + $"\r\nfrom content using a hash function.\r\n" + $"\r\nIf a message is successfully published to an SNS FIFO topic, any message " + $"\r\npublished and determined to have the same deduplication ID, " + $"\r\nwithin the five-minute deduplication interval, is accepted but not delivered.\r\n" + $"\r\nFor more information about deduplication, " + $"\r\nsee https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sns/latest/dg/fifo-message-dedup.html."); _useContentBasedDeduplication = GetYesNoResponse("Use content-based deduplication instead of entering a deduplication ID?"); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); } _topicArn = await SnsWrapper.CreateTopicWithName(_topicName, _useFifoTopic, _useContentBasedDeduplication); Console.WriteLine($"Your new topic with the name {_topicName}" + $"\r\nand Amazon Resource Name (ARN) {_topicArn}" + $"\r\nhas been created.\r\n"); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); return _topicArn; } /// <summary> /// Set up the queues. /// </summary> /// <returns>Async task.</returns> private static async Task SetupQueues() { Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); Console.WriteLine($"Now you will create {_queueCount} Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queues to subscribe to the topic."); // Repeat this section for each queue. for (int i = 0; i < _queueCount; i++) { var queueName = GetUserResponse("Enter a name for an Amazon SQS queue: ", $"example-queue-{i}"); if (_useFifoTopic) { // Only explain this once. if (i == 0) { Console.WriteLine( "Because you have selected a FIFO topic, '.fifo' must be appended to the queue name."); } var queueUrl = await SqsWrapper.CreateQueueWithName(queueName, _useFifoTopic); _queueUrls[i] = queueUrl; Console.WriteLine($"Your new queue with the name {queueName}" + $"\r\nand queue URL {queueUrl}" + $"\r\nhas been created.\r\n"); if (i == 0) { Console.WriteLine( $"The queue URL is used to retrieve the queue ARN,\r\n" + $"which is used to create a subscription."); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); } var queueArn = await SqsWrapper.GetQueueArnByUrl(queueUrl); if (i == 0) { Console.WriteLine( $"An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy must be attached to an SQS queue, enabling it to receive\r\n" + $"messages from an SNS topic"); } await SqsWrapper.SetQueuePolicyForTopic(queueArn, _topicArn, queueUrl); await SetupFilters(i, queueArn, queueName); } } Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); } /// <summary> /// Set up filters with user options for a queue. /// </summary> /// <param name="queueCount">The number of this queue.</param> /// <param name="queueArn">The ARN of the queue.</param> /// <param name="queueName">The name of the queue.</param> /// <returns>Async Task.</returns> public static async Task SetupFilters(int queueCount, string queueArn, string queueName) { if (_useFifoTopic) { Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); // Only explain this once. if (queueCount == 0) { Console.WriteLine( "Subscriptions to a FIFO topic can have filters." + "If you add a filter to this subscription, then only the filtered messages " + "will be received in the queue."); Console.WriteLine( "For information about message filtering, " + "see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sns/latest/dg/sns-message-filtering.html"); Console.WriteLine( "For this example, you can filter messages by a" + "TONE attribute."); } var useFilter = GetYesNoResponse($"Filter messages for {queueName}'s subscription to the topic?"); string? filterPolicy = null; if (useFilter) { filterPolicy = CreateFilterPolicy(); } var subscriptionArn = await SnsWrapper.SubscribeTopicWithFilter(_topicArn, filterPolicy, queueArn); _subscriptionArns[queueCount] = subscriptionArn; Console.WriteLine( $"The queue {queueName} has been subscribed to the topic {_topicName} " + $"with the subscription ARN {subscriptionArn}"); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); } } /// <summary> /// Use user input to create a filter policy for a subscription. /// </summary> /// <returns>The serialized filter policy.</returns> public static string CreateFilterPolicy() { Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); Console.WriteLine( $"You can filter messages by one or more of the following" + $"TONE attributes."); List<string> filterSelections = new List<string>(); var selectionNumber = 0; do { Console.WriteLine( $"Enter a number to add a TONE filter, or enter 0 to stop adding filters."); for (int i = 0; i < _tones.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"\t{i + 1}. {_tones[i]}"); } var selection = GetUserResponse("", filterSelections.Any() ? "0" : "1"); int.TryParse(selection, out selectionNumber); if (selectionNumber > 0 && !filterSelections.Contains(_tones[selectionNumber - 1])) { filterSelections.Add(_tones[selectionNumber - 1]); } } while (selectionNumber != 0); var filters = new Dictionary<string, List<string>> { { "tone", filterSelections } }; string filterPolicy = JsonSerializer.Serialize(filters); return filterPolicy; } /// <summary> /// Publish messages using user settings. /// </summary> /// <returns>Async task.</returns> public static async Task PublishMessages() { Console.WriteLine("Now we can publish messages."); var keepSendingMessages = true; string? deduplicationId = null; string? toneAttribute = null; while (keepSendingMessages) { Console.WriteLine(); var message = GetUserResponse("Enter a message to publish.", "This is a sample message"); if (_useFifoTopic) { Console.WriteLine("Because you are using a FIFO topic, you must set a message group ID." + "\r\nAll messages within the same group will be received in the order " + "they were published."); Console.WriteLine(); var messageGroupId = GetUserResponse("Enter a message group ID for this message:", "1"); if (!_useContentBasedDeduplication) { Console.WriteLine("Because you are not using content-based deduplication, " + "you must enter a deduplication ID."); Console.WriteLine("Enter a deduplication ID for this message."); deduplicationId = GetUserResponse("Enter a deduplication ID for this message.", "1"); } if (GetYesNoResponse("Add an attribute to this message?")) { Console.WriteLine("Enter a number for an attribute."); for (int i = 0; i < _tones.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"\t{i + 1}. {_tones[i]}"); } var selection = GetUserResponse("", "1"); int.TryParse(selection, out var selectionNumber); if (selectionNumber > 0 && selectionNumber < _tones.Length) { toneAttribute = _tones[selectionNumber - 1]; } } var messageID = await SnsWrapper.PublishToTopicWithAttribute( _topicArn, message, "tone", toneAttribute, deduplicationId, messageGroupId); Console.WriteLine($"Message published with id {messageID}."); } keepSendingMessages = GetYesNoResponse("Send another message?", false); } } /// <summary> /// Poll for the published messages to see the results of the user's choices. /// </summary> /// <returns>Async task.</returns> public static async Task<List<Message>> PollForMessages(string queueUrl) { Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); Console.WriteLine($"Now the SQS queue at {queueUrl} will be polled to retrieve the messages." + "\r\nPress any key to continue."); if (UseConsole) { Console.ReadLine(); } var moreMessages = true; var messages = new List<Message>(); while (moreMessages) { var newMessages = await SqsWrapper.ReceiveMessagesByUrl(queueUrl, 10); moreMessages = newMessages.Any(); if (moreMessages) { messages.AddRange(newMessages); } } Console.WriteLine($"{messages.Count} message(s) were received by the queue at {queueUrl}."); foreach (var message in messages) { Console.WriteLine("\tMessage:" + $"\n\t{message.Body}"); } Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); return messages; } /// <summary> /// Delete the message using handles in a batch. /// </summary> /// <returns>Async task.</returns> public static async Task DeleteMessages(string queueUrl, List<Message> messages) { Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); Console.WriteLine("Now we can delete the messages in this queue in a batch."); await SqsWrapper.DeleteMessageBatchByUrl(queueUrl, messages); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); } /// <summary> /// Clean up the resources from the scenario. /// </summary> /// <returns>Async task.</returns> private static async Task CleanupResources() { Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); Console.WriteLine($"Clean up resources."); try { foreach (var queueUrl in _queueUrls) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queueUrl)) { var deleteQueue = GetYesNoResponse($"Delete queue with url {queueUrl}?"); if (deleteQueue) { await SqsWrapper.DeleteQueueByUrl(queueUrl); } } } foreach (var subscriptionArn in _subscriptionArns) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subscriptionArn)) { await SnsWrapper.UnsubscribeByArn(subscriptionArn); } } var deleteTopic = GetYesNoResponse($"Delete topic {_topicName}?"); if (deleteTopic) { await SnsWrapper.DeleteTopicByArn(_topicArn); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Unable to clean up resources. Here's why: {ex.Message}."); } Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); } /// <summary> /// Helper method to get a yes or no response from the user. /// </summary> /// <param name="question">The question string to print on the console.</param> /// <param name="defaultAnswer">Optional default answer to use.</param> /// <returns>True if the user responds with a yes.</returns> private static bool GetYesNoResponse(string question, bool defaultAnswer = true) { if (UseConsole) { Console.WriteLine(question); var ynResponse = Console.ReadLine(); var response = ynResponse != null && ynResponse.Equals("y", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); return response; } // If not using the console, use the default. return defaultAnswer; } /// <summary> /// Helper method to get a string response from the user through the console. /// </summary> /// <param name="question">The question string to print on the console.</param> /// <param name="defaultAnswer">Optional default answer to use.</param> /// <returns>True if the user responds with a yes.</returns> private static string GetUserResponse(string question, string defaultAnswer) { if (UseConsole) { var response = ""; while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) { Console.WriteLine(question); response = Console.ReadLine(); } return response; } // If not using the console, use the default. return defaultAnswer; } }

创建一个包装 Amazon SQS 操作的类。

/// <summary> /// Wrapper for Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) operations. /// </summary> public class SQSWrapper { private readonly IAmazonSQS _amazonSQSClient; /// <summary> /// Constructor for the Amazon SQS wrapper. /// </summary> /// <param name="amazonSQS">The injected Amazon SQS client.</param> public SQSWrapper(IAmazonSQS amazonSQS) { _amazonSQSClient = amazonSQS; } /// <summary> /// Create a queue with a specific name. /// </summary> /// <param name="queueName">The name for the queue.</param> /// <param name="useFifoQueue">True to use a FIFO queue.</param> /// <returns>The url for the queue.</returns> public async Task<string> CreateQueueWithName(string queueName, bool useFifoQueue) { int maxMessage = 256 * 1024; var queueAttributes = new Dictionary<string, string> { { QueueAttributeName.MaximumMessageSize, maxMessage.ToString() } }; var createQueueRequest = new CreateQueueRequest() { QueueName = queueName, Attributes = queueAttributes }; if (useFifoQueue) { // Update the name if it is not correct for a FIFO queue. if (!queueName.EndsWith(".fifo")) { createQueueRequest.QueueName = queueName + ".fifo"; } // Add an attribute for a FIFO queue. createQueueRequest.Attributes.Add( QueueAttributeName.FifoQueue, "true"); } var createResponse = await _amazonSQSClient.CreateQueueAsync( new CreateQueueRequest() { QueueName = queueName }); return createResponse.QueueUrl; } /// <summary> /// Get the ARN for a queue from its URL. /// </summary> /// <param name="queueUrl">The URL of the queue.</param> /// <returns>The ARN of the queue.</returns> public async Task<string> GetQueueArnByUrl(string queueUrl) { var getAttributesRequest = new GetQueueAttributesRequest() { QueueUrl = queueUrl, AttributeNames = new List<string>() { QueueAttributeName.QueueArn } }; var getAttributesResponse = await _amazonSQSClient.GetQueueAttributesAsync( getAttributesRequest); return getAttributesResponse.QueueARN; } /// <summary> /// Set the policy attribute of a queue for a topic. /// </summary> /// <param name="queueArn">The ARN of the queue.</param> /// <param name="topicArn">The ARN of the topic.</param> /// <param name="queueUrl">The url for the queue.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public async Task<bool> SetQueuePolicyForTopic(string queueArn, string topicArn, string queueUrl) { var queuePolicy = "{" + "\"Version\": \"2012-10-17\"," + "\"Statement\": [{" + "\"Effect\": \"Allow\"," + "\"Principal\": {" + $"\"Service\": " + "\"sns.amazonaws.com\"" + "}," + "\"Action\": \"sqs:SendMessage\"," + $"\"Resource\": \"{queueArn}\"," + "\"Condition\": {" + "\"ArnEquals\": {" + $"\"aws:SourceArn\": \"{topicArn}\"" + "}" + "}" + "}]" + "}"; var attributesResponse = await _amazonSQSClient.SetQueueAttributesAsync( new SetQueueAttributesRequest() { QueueUrl = queueUrl, Attributes = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "Policy", queuePolicy } } }); return attributesResponse.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK; } /// <summary> /// Receive messages from a queue by its URL. /// </summary> /// <param name="queueUrl">The url of the queue.</param> /// <returns>The list of messages.</returns> public async Task<List<Message>> ReceiveMessagesByUrl(string queueUrl, int maxMessages) { // Setting WaitTimeSeconds to non-zero enables long polling. // For information about long polling, see // https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/sqs-short-and-long-polling.html var messageResponse = await _amazonSQSClient.ReceiveMessageAsync( new ReceiveMessageRequest() { QueueUrl = queueUrl, MaxNumberOfMessages = maxMessages, WaitTimeSeconds = 1 }); return messageResponse.Messages; } /// <summary> /// Delete a batch of messages from a queue by its url. /// </summary> /// <param name="queueUrl">The url of the queue.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public async Task<bool> DeleteMessageBatchByUrl(string queueUrl, List<Message> messages) { var deleteRequest = new DeleteMessageBatchRequest() { QueueUrl = queueUrl, Entries = new List<DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry>() }; foreach (var message in messages) { deleteRequest.Entries.Add(new DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry() { ReceiptHandle = message.ReceiptHandle, Id = message.MessageId }); } var deleteResponse = await _amazonSQSClient.DeleteMessageBatchAsync(deleteRequest); return deleteResponse.Failed.Any(); } /// <summary> /// Delete a queue by its URL. /// </summary> /// <param name="queueUrl">The url of the queue.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public async Task<bool> DeleteQueueByUrl(string queueUrl) { var deleteResponse = await _amazonSQSClient.DeleteQueueAsync( new DeleteQueueRequest() { QueueUrl = queueUrl }); return deleteResponse.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK; } }

创建一个包装 Amazon SNS 操作的类。

/// <summary> /// Wrapper for Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) operations. /// </summary> public class SNSWrapper { private readonly IAmazonSimpleNotificationService _amazonSNSClient; /// <summary> /// Constructor for the Amazon SNS wrapper. /// </summary> /// <param name="amazonSQS">The injected Amazon SNS client.</param> public SNSWrapper(IAmazonSimpleNotificationService amazonSNS) { _amazonSNSClient = amazonSNS; } /// <summary> /// Create a new topic with a name and specific FIFO and de-duplication attributes. /// </summary> /// <param name="topicName">The name for the topic.</param> /// <param name="useFifoTopic">True to use a FIFO topic.</param> /// <param name="useContentBasedDeduplication">True to use content-based de-duplication.</param> /// <returns>The ARN of the new topic.</returns> public async Task<string> CreateTopicWithName(string topicName, bool useFifoTopic, bool useContentBasedDeduplication) { var createTopicRequest = new CreateTopicRequest() { Name = topicName, }; if (useFifoTopic) { // Update the name if it is not correct for a FIFO topic. if (!topicName.EndsWith(".fifo")) { createTopicRequest.Name = topicName + ".fifo"; } // Add the attributes from the method parameters. createTopicRequest.Attributes = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "FifoTopic", "true" } }; if (useContentBasedDeduplication) { createTopicRequest.Attributes.Add("ContentBasedDeduplication", "true"); } } var createResponse = await _amazonSNSClient.CreateTopicAsync(createTopicRequest); return createResponse.TopicArn; } /// <summary> /// Subscribe a queue to a topic with optional filters. /// </summary> /// <param name="topicArn">The ARN of the topic.</param> /// <param name="useFifoTopic">The optional filtering policy for the subscription.</param> /// <param name="queueArn">The ARN of the queue.</param> /// <returns>The ARN of the new subscription.</returns> public async Task<string> SubscribeTopicWithFilter(string topicArn, string? filterPolicy, string queueArn) { var subscribeRequest = new SubscribeRequest() { TopicArn = topicArn, Protocol = "sqs", Endpoint = queueArn }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterPolicy)) { subscribeRequest.Attributes = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "FilterPolicy", filterPolicy } }; } var subscribeResponse = await _amazonSNSClient.SubscribeAsync(subscribeRequest); return subscribeResponse.SubscriptionArn; } /// <summary> /// Publish a message to a topic with an attribute and optional deduplication and group IDs. /// </summary> /// <param name="topicArn">The ARN of the topic.</param> /// <param name="message">The message to publish.</param> /// <param name="attributeName">The optional attribute for the message.</param> /// <param name="attributeValue">The optional attribute value for the message.</param> /// <param name="deduplicationId">The optional deduplication ID for the message.</param> /// <param name="groupId">The optional group ID for the message.</param> /// <returns>The ID of the message published.</returns> public async Task<string> PublishToTopicWithAttribute( string topicArn, string message, string? attributeName = null, string? attributeValue = null, string? deduplicationId = null, string? groupId = null) { var publishRequest = new PublishRequest() { TopicArn = topicArn, Message = message, MessageDeduplicationId = deduplicationId, MessageGroupId = groupId }; if (attributeValue != null) { // Add the string attribute if it exists. publishRequest.MessageAttributes = new Dictionary<string, MessageAttributeValue> { { attributeName!, new MessageAttributeValue() { StringValue = attributeValue, DataType = "String"} } }; } var publishResponse = await _amazonSNSClient.PublishAsync(publishRequest); return publishResponse.MessageId; } /// <summary> /// Unsubscribe from a topic by a subscription ARN. /// </summary> /// <param name="subscriptionArn">The ARN of the subscription.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public async Task<bool> UnsubscribeByArn(string subscriptionArn) { var unsubscribeResponse = await _amazonSNSClient.UnsubscribeAsync( new UnsubscribeRequest() { SubscriptionArn = subscriptionArn }); return unsubscribeResponse.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK; } /// <summary> /// Delete a topic by its topic ARN. /// </summary> /// <param name="topicArn">The ARN of the topic.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public async Task<bool> DeleteTopicByArn(string topicArn) { var deleteResponse = await _amazonSNSClient.DeleteTopicAsync( new DeleteTopicRequest() { TopicArn = topicArn }); return deleteResponse.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK; } }
SDK for C++

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中查找完整示例,了解如何进行设置和运行。

Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration clientConfig; // Optional: Set to the AWS Region (overrides config file). // clientConfig.region = "us-east-1"; //! Workflow for messaging with topics and queues using Amazon SNS and Amazon SQS. /*! \param clientConfig Aws client configuration. \return bool: Successful completion. */ bool AwsDoc::TopicsAndQueues::messagingWithTopicsAndQueues( const Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration &clientConfiguration) { std::cout << "Welcome to messaging with topics and queues." << std::endl; printAsterisksLine(); std::cout << "In this workflow, you will create an SNS topic and subscribe " << NUMBER_OF_QUEUES << " SQS queues to the topic." << std::endl; std::cout << "You can select from several options for configuring the topic and the subscriptions for the " << NUMBER_OF_QUEUES << " queues." << std::endl; std::cout << "You can then post to the topic and see the results in the queues." << std::endl; Aws::SNS::SNSClient snsClient(clientConfiguration); printAsterisksLine(); std::cout << "SNS topics can be configured as FIFO (First-In-First-Out)." << std::endl; std::cout << "FIFO topics deliver messages in order and support deduplication and message filtering." << std::endl; bool isFifoTopic = askYesNoQuestion( "Would you like to work with FIFO topics? (y/n) "); bool contentBasedDeduplication = false; Aws::String topicName; if (isFifoTopic) { printAsterisksLine(); std::cout << "Because you have chosen a FIFO topic, deduplication is supported." << std::endl; std::cout << "Deduplication IDs are either set in the message or automatically generated " << "from content using a hash function." << std::endl; std::cout << "If a message is successfully published to an SNS FIFO topic, any message " << "published and determined to have the same deduplication ID, " << std::endl; std::cout << "within the five-minute deduplication interval, is accepted but not delivered." << std::endl; std::cout << "For more information about deduplication, " << "see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sns/latest/dg/fifo-message-dedup.html." << std::endl; contentBasedDeduplication = askYesNoQuestion( "Use content-based deduplication instead of entering a deduplication ID? (y/n) "); } printAsterisksLine(); Aws::SQS::SQSClient sqsClient(clientConfiguration); Aws::Vector<Aws::String> queueURLS; Aws::Vector<Aws::String> subscriptionARNS; Aws::String topicARN; { topicName = askQuestion("Enter a name for your SNS topic. "); // 1. Create an Amazon SNS topic, either FIFO or non-FIFO. Aws::SNS::Model::CreateTopicRequest request; if (isFifoTopic) { request.AddAttributes("FifoTopic", "true"); if (contentBasedDeduplication) { request.AddAttributes("ContentBasedDeduplication", "true"); } topicName = topicName + FIFO_SUFFIX; std::cout << "Because you have selected a FIFO topic, '.fifo' must be appended to the topic name." << std::endl; } request.SetName(topicName); Aws::SNS::Model::CreateTopicOutcome outcome = snsClient.CreateTopic(request); if (outcome.IsSuccess()) { topicARN = outcome.GetResult().GetTopicArn(); std::cout << "Your new topic with the name '" << topicName << "' and the topic Amazon Resource Name (ARN) " << std::endl; std::cout << "'" << topicARN << "' has been created." << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "Error with TopicsAndQueues::CreateTopic. " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; cleanUp(topicARN, queueURLS, subscriptionARNS, snsClient, sqsClient); return false; } } printAsterisksLine(); std::cout << "Now you will create " << NUMBER_OF_QUEUES << " SQS queues to subscribe to the topic." << std::endl; Aws::Vector<Aws::String> queueNames; bool filteringMessages = false; bool first = true; for (int i = 1; i <= NUMBER_OF_QUEUES; ++i) { Aws::String queueURL; Aws::String queueName; { printAsterisksLine(); std::ostringstream ostringstream; ostringstream << "Enter a name for " << (first ? "an" : "the next") << " SQS queue. "; queueName = askQuestion(ostringstream.str()); // 2. Create an SQS queue. Aws::SQS::Model::CreateQueueRequest request; if (isFifoTopic) { request.AddAttributes(Aws::SQS::Model::QueueAttributeName::FifoQueue, "true"); queueName = queueName + FIFO_SUFFIX; if (first) // Only explain this once. { std::cout << "Because you are creating a FIFO SQS queue, '.fifo' must " << "be appended to the queue name." << std::endl; } } request.SetQueueName(queueName); queueNames.push_back(queueName); Aws::SQS::Model::CreateQueueOutcome outcome = sqsClient.CreateQueue(request); if (outcome.IsSuccess()) { queueURL = outcome.GetResult().GetQueueUrl(); std::cout << "Your new SQS queue with the name '" << queueName << "' and the queue URL " << std::endl; std::cout << "'" << queueURL << "' has been created." << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "Error with SQS::CreateQueue. " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; cleanUp(topicARN, queueURLS, subscriptionARNS, snsClient, sqsClient); return false; } } queueURLS.push_back(queueURL); if (first) // Only explain this once. { std::cout << "The queue URL is used to retrieve the queue ARN, which is " << "used to create a subscription." << std::endl; } Aws::String queueARN; { // 3. Get the SQS queue ARN attribute. Aws::SQS::Model::GetQueueAttributesRequest request; request.SetQueueUrl(queueURL); request.AddAttributeNames(Aws::SQS::Model::QueueAttributeName::QueueArn); Aws::SQS::Model::GetQueueAttributesOutcome outcome = sqsClient.GetQueueAttributes(request); if (outcome.IsSuccess()) { const Aws::Map<Aws::SQS::Model::QueueAttributeName, Aws::String> &attributes = outcome.GetResult().GetAttributes(); const auto &iter = attributes.find( Aws::SQS::Model::QueueAttributeName::QueueArn); if (iter != attributes.end()) { queueARN = iter->second; std::cout << "The queue ARN '" << queueARN << "' has been retrieved." << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "Error ARN attribute not returned by GetQueueAttribute." << std::endl; cleanUp(topicARN, queueURLS, subscriptionARNS, snsClient, sqsClient); return false; } } else { std::cerr << "Error with SQS::GetQueueAttributes. " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; cleanUp(topicARN, queueURLS, subscriptionARNS, snsClient, sqsClient); return false; } } if (first) { std::cout << "An IAM policy must be attached to an SQS queue, enabling it to receive " "messages from an SNS topic." << std::endl; } { // 4. Set the SQS queue policy attribute with a policy enabling the receipt of SNS messages. Aws::SQS::Model::SetQueueAttributesRequest request; request.SetQueueUrl(queueURL); Aws::String policy = createPolicyForQueue(queueARN, topicARN); request.AddAttributes(Aws::SQS::Model::QueueAttributeName::Policy, policy); Aws::SQS::Model::SetQueueAttributesOutcome outcome = sqsClient.SetQueueAttributes(request); if (outcome.IsSuccess()) { std::cout << "The attributes for the queue '" << queueName << "' were successfully updated." << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "Error with SQS::SetQueueAttributes. " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; cleanUp(topicARN, queueURLS, subscriptionARNS, snsClient, sqsClient); return false; } } printAsterisksLine(); { // 5. Subscribe the SQS queue to the SNS topic. Aws::SNS::Model::SubscribeRequest request; request.SetTopicArn(topicARN); request.SetProtocol("sqs"); request.SetEndpoint(queueARN); if (isFifoTopic) { if (first) { std::cout << "Subscriptions to a FIFO topic can have filters." << std::endl; std::cout << "If you add a filter to this subscription, then only the filtered messages " << "will be received in the queue." << std::endl; std::cout << "For information about message filtering, " << "see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sns/latest/dg/sns-message-filtering.html" << std::endl; std::cout << "For this example, you can filter messages by a \"" << TONE_ATTRIBUTE << "\" attribute." << std::endl; } std::ostringstream ostringstream; ostringstream << "Filter messages for \"" << queueName << "\"'s subscription to the topic \"" << topicName << "\"? (y/n)"; // Add filter if user answers yes. if (askYesNoQuestion(ostringstream.str())) { Aws::String jsonPolicy = getFilterPolicyFromUser(); if (!jsonPolicy.empty()) { filteringMessages = true; std::cout << "This is the filter policy for this subscription." << std::endl; std::cout << jsonPolicy << std::endl; request.AddAttributes("FilterPolicy", jsonPolicy); } else { std::cout << "Because you did not select any attributes, no filter " << "will be added to this subscription." << std::endl; } } } // if (isFifoTopic) Aws::SNS::Model::SubscribeOutcome outcome = snsClient.Subscribe(request); if (outcome.IsSuccess()) { Aws::String subscriptionARN = outcome.GetResult().GetSubscriptionArn(); std::cout << "The queue '" << queueName << "' has been subscribed to the topic '" << "'" << topicName << "'" << std::endl; std::cout << "with the subscription ARN '" << subscriptionARN << "." << std::endl; subscriptionARNS.push_back(subscriptionARN); } else { std::cerr << "Error with TopicsAndQueues::Subscribe. " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; cleanUp(topicARN, queueURLS, subscriptionARNS, snsClient, sqsClient); return false; } } first = false; } first = true; do { printAsterisksLine(); // 6. Publish a message to the SNS topic. Aws::SNS::Model::PublishRequest request; request.SetTopicArn(topicARN); Aws::String message = askQuestion("Enter a message text to publish. "); request.SetMessage(message); if (isFifoTopic) { if (first) { std::cout << "Because you are using a FIFO topic, you must set a message group ID." << std::endl; std::cout << "All messages within the same group will be received in the " << "order they were published." << std::endl; } Aws::String messageGroupID = askQuestion( "Enter a message group ID for this message. "); request.SetMessageGroupId(messageGroupID); if (!contentBasedDeduplication) { if (first) { std::cout << "Because you are not using content-based deduplication, " << "you must enter a deduplication ID." << std::endl; } Aws::String deduplicationID = askQuestion( "Enter a deduplication ID for this message. "); request.SetMessageDeduplicationId(deduplicationID); } } if (filteringMessages && askYesNoQuestion( "Add an attribute to this message? (y/n) ")) { for (size_t i = 0; i < TONES.size(); ++i) { std::cout << " " << (i + 1) << ". " << TONES[i] << std::endl; } int selection = askQuestionForIntRange( "Enter a number for an attribute. ", 1, static_cast<int>(TONES.size())); Aws::SNS::Model::MessageAttributeValue messageAttributeValue; messageAttributeValue.SetDataType("String"); messageAttributeValue.SetStringValue(TONES[selection - 1]); request.AddMessageAttributes(TONE_ATTRIBUTE, messageAttributeValue); } Aws::SNS::Model::PublishOutcome outcome = snsClient.Publish(request); if (outcome.IsSuccess()) { std::cout << "Your message was successfully published." << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "Error with TopicsAndQueues::Publish. " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; cleanUp(topicARN, queueURLS, subscriptionARNS, snsClient, sqsClient); return false; } first = false; } while (askYesNoQuestion("Post another message? (y/n) ")); printAsterisksLine(); std::cout << "Now the SQS queue will be polled to retrieve the messages." << std::endl; askQuestion("Press any key to continue...", alwaysTrueTest); for (size_t i = 0; i < queueURLS.size(); ++i) { // 7. Poll an SQS queue for its messages. std::vector<Aws::String> messages; std::vector<Aws::String> receiptHandles; while (true) { Aws::SQS::Model::ReceiveMessageRequest request; request.SetMaxNumberOfMessages(10); request.SetQueueUrl(queueURLS[i]); // Setting WaitTimeSeconds to non-zero enables long polling. // For information about long polling, see // https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/sqs-short-and-long-polling.html request.SetWaitTimeSeconds(1); Aws::SQS::Model::ReceiveMessageOutcome outcome = sqsClient.ReceiveMessage(request); if (outcome.IsSuccess()) { const Aws::Vector<Aws::SQS::Model::Message> &newMessages = outcome.GetResult().GetMessages(); if (newMessages.empty()) { break; } else { for (const Aws::SQS::Model::Message &message: newMessages) { messages.push_back(message.GetBody()); receiptHandles.push_back(message.GetReceiptHandle()); } } } else { std::cerr << "Error with SQS::ReceiveMessage. " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; cleanUp(topicARN, queueURLS, subscriptionARNS, snsClient, sqsClient); return false; } } printAsterisksLine(); if (messages.empty()) { std::cout << "No messages were "; } else if (messages.size() == 1) { std::cout << "One message was "; } else { std::cout << messages.size() << " messages were "; } std::cout << "received by the queue '" << queueNames[i] << "'." << std::endl; for (const Aws::String &message: messages) { std::cout << " Message : '" << message << "'." << std::endl; } // 8. Delete a batch of messages from an SQS queue. if (!receiptHandles.empty()) { Aws::SQS::Model::DeleteMessageBatchRequest request; request.SetQueueUrl(queueURLS[i]); int id = 1; // Ids must be unique within a batch delete request. for (const Aws::String &receiptHandle: receiptHandles) { Aws::SQS::Model::DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry entry; entry.SetId(std::to_string(id)); ++id; entry.SetReceiptHandle(receiptHandle); request.AddEntries(entry); } Aws::SQS::Model::DeleteMessageBatchOutcome outcome = sqsClient.DeleteMessageBatch(request); if (outcome.IsSuccess()) { std::cout << "The batch deletion of messages was successful." << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "Error with SQS::DeleteMessageBatch. " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; cleanUp(topicARN, queueURLS, subscriptionARNS, snsClient, sqsClient); return false; } } } return cleanUp(topicARN, queueURLS, subscriptionARNS, snsClient, sqsClient, true); // askUser } bool AwsDoc::TopicsAndQueues::cleanUp(const Aws::String &topicARN, const Aws::Vector<Aws::String> &queueURLS, const Aws::Vector<Aws::String> &subscriptionARNS, const Aws::SNS::SNSClient &snsClient, const Aws::SQS::SQSClient &sqsClient, bool askUser) { bool result = true; printAsterisksLine(); if (!queueURLS.empty() && askUser && askYesNoQuestion("Delete the SQS queues? (y/n) ")) { for (const auto &queueURL: queueURLS) { // 9. Delete an SQS queue. Aws::SQS::Model::DeleteQueueRequest request; request.SetQueueUrl(queueURL); Aws::SQS::Model::DeleteQueueOutcome outcome = sqsClient.DeleteQueue(request); if (outcome.IsSuccess()) { std::cout << "The queue with URL '" << queueURL << "' was successfully deleted." << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "Error with SQS::DeleteQueue. " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; result = false; } } for (const auto &subscriptionARN: subscriptionARNS) { // 10. Unsubscribe an SNS subscription. Aws::SNS::Model::UnsubscribeRequest request; request.SetSubscriptionArn(subscriptionARN); Aws::SNS::Model::UnsubscribeOutcome outcome = snsClient.Unsubscribe(request); if (outcome.IsSuccess()) { std::cout << "Unsubscribe of subscription ARN '" << subscriptionARN << "' was successful." << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "Error with TopicsAndQueues::Unsubscribe. " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; result = false; } } } printAsterisksLine(); if (!topicARN.empty() && askUser && askYesNoQuestion("Delete the SNS topic? (y/n) ")) { // 11. Delete an SNS topic. Aws::SNS::Model::DeleteTopicRequest request; request.SetTopicArn(topicARN); Aws::SNS::Model::DeleteTopicOutcome outcome = snsClient.DeleteTopic(request); if (outcome.IsSuccess()) { std::cout << "The topic with ARN '" << topicARN << "' was successfully deleted." << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "Error with TopicsAndQueues::DeleteTopicRequest. " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; result = false; } } return result; } //! Create an IAM policy that gives an SQS queue permission to receive messages from an SNS topic. /*! \sa createPolicyForQueue() \param queueARN: The SQS queue Amazon Resource Name (ARN). \param topicARN: The SNS topic ARN. \return Aws::String: The policy as JSON. */ Aws::String AwsDoc::TopicsAndQueues::createPolicyForQueue(const Aws::String &queueARN, const Aws::String &topicARN) { std::ostringstream policyStream; policyStream << R"({ "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "sns.amazonaws.com" }, "Action": "sqs:SendMessage", "Resource": ")" << queueARN << R"(", "Condition": { "ArnEquals": { "aws:SourceArn": ")" << topicARN << R"(" } } } ] })"; return policyStream.str(); }
适用于 Go V2 的 SDK

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const FIFO_SUFFIX = ".fifo" const TONE_KEY = "tone" var ToneChoices = []string{"cheerful", "funny", "serious", "sincere"} // MessageBody is used to deserialize the body of a message from a JSON string. type MessageBody struct { Message string } // ScenarioRunner separates the steps of this scenario into individual functions so that // they are simpler to read and understand. type ScenarioRunner struct { questioner demotools.IQuestioner snsActor *actions.SnsActions sqsActor *actions.SqsActions } func (runner ScenarioRunner) CreateTopic() (string, string, bool, bool) { log.Println("SNS topics can be configured as FIFO (First-In-First-Out) or standard.\n" + "FIFO topics deliver messages in order and support deduplication and message filtering.") isFifoTopic := runner.questioner.AskBool("\nWould you like to work with FIFO topics? (y/n) ", "y") contentBasedDeduplication := false if isFifoTopic { log.Println(strings.Repeat("-", 88)) log.Println("Because you have chosen a FIFO topic, deduplication is supported.\n" + "Deduplication IDs are either set in the message or are automatically generated\n" + "from content using a hash function. If a message is successfully published to\n" + "an SNS FIFO topic, any message published and determined to have the same\n" + "deduplication ID, within the five-minute deduplication interval, is accepted\n" + "but not delivered. For more information about deduplication, see:\n" + "\thttps://docs.aws.amazon.com/sns/latest/dg/fifo-message-dedup.html.") contentBasedDeduplication = runner.questioner.AskBool( "\nDo you want to use content-based deduplication instead of entering a deduplication ID? (y/n) ", "y") } log.Println(strings.Repeat("-", 88)) topicName := runner.questioner.Ask("Enter a name for your SNS topic. ") if isFifoTopic { topicName = fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", topicName, FIFO_SUFFIX) log.Printf("Because you have selected a FIFO topic, '%v' must be appended to\n"+ "the topic name.", FIFO_SUFFIX) } topicArn, err := runner.snsActor.CreateTopic(topicName, isFifoTopic, contentBasedDeduplication) if err != nil { panic(err) } log.Printf("Your new topic with the name '%v' and Amazon Resource Name (ARN) \n"+ "'%v' has been created.", topicName, topicArn) return topicName, topicArn, isFifoTopic, contentBasedDeduplication } func (runner ScenarioRunner) CreateQueue(ordinal string, isFifoTopic bool) (string, string) { queueName := runner.questioner.Ask(fmt.Sprintf("Enter a name for the %v SQS queue. ", ordinal)) if isFifoTopic { queueName = fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", queueName, FIFO_SUFFIX) if ordinal == "first" { log.Printf("Because you are creating a FIFO SQS queue, '%v' must "+ "be appended to the queue name.\n", FIFO_SUFFIX) } } queueUrl, err := runner.sqsActor.CreateQueue(queueName, isFifoTopic) if err != nil { panic(err) } log.Printf("Your new SQS queue with the name '%v' and the queue URL "+ "'%v' has been created.", queueName, queueUrl) return queueName, queueUrl } func (runner ScenarioRunner) SubscribeQueueToTopic( queueName string, queueUrl string, topicName string, topicArn string, ordinal string, isFifoTopic bool) (string, bool) { queueArn, err := runner.sqsActor.GetQueueArn(queueUrl) if err != nil { panic(err) } log.Printf("The ARN of your queue is: %v.\n", queueArn) err = runner.sqsActor.AttachSendMessagePolicy(queueUrl, queueArn, topicArn) if err != nil { panic(err) } log.Println("Attached an IAM policy to the queue so the SNS topic can send " + "messages to it.") log.Println(strings.Repeat("-", 88)) var filterPolicy map[string][]string if isFifoTopic { if ordinal == "first" { log.Println("Subscriptions to a FIFO topic can have filters.\n" + "If you add a filter to this subscription, then only the filtered messages\n" + "will be received in the queue.\n" + "For information about message filtering, see\n" + "\thttps://docs.aws.amazon.com/sns/latest/dg/sns-message-filtering.html\n" + "For this example, you can filter messages by a \"tone\" attribute.") } wantFiltering := runner.questioner.AskBool( fmt.Sprintf("Do you want to filter messages that are sent to \"%v\"\n"+ "from the %v topic? (y/n) ", queueName, topicName), "y") if wantFiltering { log.Println("You can filter messages by one or more of the following \"tone\" attributes.") var toneSelections []string askAboutTones := true for askAboutTones { toneIndex := runner.questioner.AskChoice( "Enter the number of the tone you want to filter by:\n", ToneChoices) toneSelections = append(toneSelections, ToneChoices[toneIndex]) askAboutTones = runner.questioner.AskBool("Do you want to add another tone to the filter? (y/n) ", "y") } log.Printf("Your subscription will be filtered to only pass the following tones: %v\n", toneSelections) filterPolicy = map[string][]string{TONE_KEY: toneSelections} } } subscriptionArn, err := runner.snsActor.SubscribeQueue(topicArn, queueArn, filterPolicy) if err != nil { panic(err) } log.Printf("The queue %v is now subscribed to the topic %v with the subscription ARN %v.\n", queueName, topicName, subscriptionArn) return subscriptionArn, filterPolicy != nil } func (runner ScenarioRunner) PublishMessages(topicArn string, isFifoTopic bool, contentBasedDeduplication bool, usingFilters bool) { var message string var groupId string var dedupId string var toneSelection string publishMore := true for publishMore { groupId = "" dedupId = "" toneSelection = "" message = runner.questioner.Ask("Enter a message to publish: ") if isFifoTopic { log.Println("Because you are using a FIFO topic, you must set a message group ID.\n" + "All messages within the same group will be received in the order they were published.") groupId = runner.questioner.Ask("Enter a message group ID: ") if !contentBasedDeduplication { log.Println("Because you are not using content-based deduplication,\n" + "you must enter a deduplication ID.") dedupId = runner.questioner.Ask("Enter a deduplication ID: ") } } if usingFilters { if runner.questioner.AskBool("Add a tone attribute so this message can be filtered? (y/n) ", "y") { toneIndex := runner.questioner.AskChoice( "Enter the number of the tone you want to filter by:\n", ToneChoices) toneSelection = ToneChoices[toneIndex] } } err := runner.snsActor.Publish(topicArn, message, groupId, dedupId, TONE_KEY, toneSelection) if err != nil { panic(err) } log.Println(("Your message was published.")) publishMore = runner.questioner.AskBool("Do you want to publish another messsage? (y/n) ", "y") } } func (runner ScenarioRunner) PollForMessages(queueUrls []string) { log.Println("Polling queues for messages...") for _, queueUrl := range queueUrls { var messages []types.Message for { currentMsgs, err := runner.sqsActor.GetMessages(queueUrl, 10, 1) if err != nil { panic(err) } if len(currentMsgs) == 0 { break } messages = append(messages, currentMsgs...) } if len(messages) == 0 { log.Printf("No messages were received by queue %v.\n", queueUrl) } else if len(messages) == 1 { log.Printf("One message was received by queue %v:\n", queueUrl) } else { log.Printf("%v messages were received by queue %v:\n", len(messages), queueUrl) } for msgIndex, message := range messages { messageBody := MessageBody{} err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(*message.Body), &messageBody) if err != nil { panic(err) } log.Printf("Message %v: %v\n", msgIndex+1, messageBody.Message) } if len(messages) > 0 { log.Printf("Deleting %v messages from queue %v.\n", len(messages), queueUrl) err := runner.sqsActor.DeleteMessages(queueUrl, messages) if err != nil { panic(err) } } } } // RunTopicsAndQueuesScenario is an interactive example that shows you how to use the // AWS SDK for Go to create and use Amazon SNS topics and Amazon SQS queues. // // 1. Create a topic (FIFO or non-FIFO). // 2. Subscribe several queues to the topic with an option to apply a filter. // 3. Publish messages to the topic. // 4. Poll the queues for messages received. // 5. Delete the topic and the queues. // // This example creates service clients from the specified sdkConfig so that // you can replace it with a mocked or stubbed config for unit testing. // // It uses a questioner from the `demotools` package to get input during the example. // This package can be found in the ..\..\demotools folder of this repo. func RunTopicsAndQueuesScenario( sdkConfig aws.Config, questioner demotools.IQuestioner) { resources := Resources{} defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { log.Println("Something went wrong with the demo.\n" + "Cleaning up any resources that were created...") resources.Cleanup() } }() queueCount := 2 log.Println(strings.Repeat("-", 88)) log.Printf("Welcome to messaging with topics and queues.\n\n"+ "In this workflow, you will create an SNS topic and subscribe %v SQS queues to the\n"+ "topic. You can select from several options for configuring the topic and the\n"+ "subscriptions for the queues. You can then post to the topic and see the results\n"+ "in the queues.\n", queueCount) log.Println(strings.Repeat("-", 88)) runner := ScenarioRunner{ questioner: questioner, snsActor: &actions.SnsActions{SnsClient: sns.NewFromConfig(sdkConfig)}, sqsActor: &actions.SqsActions{SqsClient: sqs.NewFromConfig(sdkConfig)}, } resources.snsActor = runner.snsActor resources.sqsActor = runner.sqsActor topicName, topicArn, isFifoTopic, contentBasedDeduplication := runner.CreateTopic() resources.topicArn = topicArn log.Println(strings.Repeat("-", 88)) log.Printf("Now you will create %v SQS queues and subscribe them to the topic.\n", queueCount) ordinals := []string{"first", "next"} usingFilters := false for _, ordinal := range ordinals { queueName, queueUrl := runner.CreateQueue(ordinal, isFifoTopic) resources.queueUrls = append(resources.queueUrls, queueUrl) _, filtering := runner.SubscribeQueueToTopic(queueName, queueUrl, topicName, topicArn, ordinal, isFifoTopic) usingFilters = usingFilters || filtering } log.Println(strings.Repeat("-", 88)) runner.PublishMessages(topicArn, isFifoTopic, contentBasedDeduplication, usingFilters) log.Println(strings.Repeat("-", 88)) runner.PollForMessages(resources.queueUrls) log.Println(strings.Repeat("-", 88)) wantCleanup := questioner.AskBool("Do you want to remove all AWS resources created for this scenario? (y/n) ", "y") if wantCleanup { log.Println("Cleaning up resources...") resources.Cleanup() } log.Println(strings.Repeat("-", 88)) log.Println("Thanks for watching!") log.Println(strings.Repeat("-", 88)) }

定义一个封装本示例中使用的 Amazon SNS 操作的结构。

// SnsActions encapsulates the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) actions // used in the examples. type SnsActions struct { SnsClient *sns.Client } // CreateTopic creates an Amazon SNS topic with the specified name. You can optionally // specify that the topic is created as a FIFO topic and whether it uses content-based // deduplication instead of ID-based deduplication. func (actor SnsActions) CreateTopic(topicName string, isFifoTopic bool, contentBasedDeduplication bool) (string, error) { var topicArn string topicAttributes := map[string]string{} if isFifoTopic { topicAttributes["FifoTopic"] = "true" } if contentBasedDeduplication { topicAttributes["ContentBasedDeduplication"] = "true" } topic, err := actor.SnsClient.CreateTopic(context.TODO(), &sns.CreateTopicInput{ Name: aws.String(topicName), Attributes: topicAttributes, }) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't create topic %v. Here's why: %v\n", topicName, err) } else { topicArn = *topic.TopicArn } return topicArn, err } // DeleteTopic delete an Amazon SNS topic. func (actor SnsActions) DeleteTopic(topicArn string) error { _, err := actor.SnsClient.DeleteTopic(context.TODO(), &sns.DeleteTopicInput{ TopicArn: aws.String(topicArn)}) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't delete topic %v. Here's why: %v\n", topicArn, err) } return err } // SubscribeQueue subscribes an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue to an // Amazon SNS topic. When filterMap is not nil, it is used to specify a filter policy // so that messages are only sent to the queue when the message has the specified attributes. func (actor SnsActions) SubscribeQueue(topicArn string, queueArn string, filterMap map[string][]string) (string, error) { var subscriptionArn string var attributes map[string]string if filterMap != nil { filterBytes, err := json.Marshal(filterMap) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't create filter policy, here's why: %v\n", err) return "", err } attributes = map[string]string{"FilterPolicy": string(filterBytes)} } output, err := actor.SnsClient.Subscribe(context.TODO(), &sns.SubscribeInput{ Protocol: aws.String("sqs"), TopicArn: aws.String(topicArn), Attributes: attributes, Endpoint: aws.String(queueArn), ReturnSubscriptionArn: true, }) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't susbscribe queue %v to topic %v. Here's why: %v\n", queueArn, topicArn, err) } else { subscriptionArn = *output.SubscriptionArn } return subscriptionArn, err } // Publish publishes a message to an Amazon SNS topic. The message is then sent to all // subscribers. When the topic is a FIFO topic, the message must also contain a group ID // and, when ID-based deduplication is used, a deduplication ID. An optional key-value // filter attribute can be specified so that the message can be filtered according to // a filter policy. func (actor SnsActions) Publish(topicArn string, message string, groupId string, dedupId string, filterKey string, filterValue string) error { publishInput := sns.PublishInput{TopicArn: aws.String(topicArn), Message: aws.String(message)} if groupId != "" { publishInput.MessageGroupId = aws.String(groupId) } if dedupId != "" { publishInput.MessageDeduplicationId = aws.String(dedupId) } if filterKey != "" && filterValue != "" { publishInput.MessageAttributes = map[string]types.MessageAttributeValue{ filterKey: {DataType: aws.String("String"), StringValue: aws.String(filterValue)}, } } _, err := actor.SnsClient.Publish(context.TODO(), &publishInput) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't publish message to topic %v. Here's why: %v", topicArn, err) } return err }

定义一个封装本示例中使用的 Amazon SQS 操作的结构。

// SqsActions encapsulates the Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) actions // used in the examples. type SqsActions struct { SqsClient *sqs.Client } // CreateQueue creates an Amazon SQS queue with the specified name. You can specify // whether the queue is created as a FIFO queue. func (actor SqsActions) CreateQueue(queueName string, isFifoQueue bool) (string, error) { var queueUrl string queueAttributes := map[string]string{} if isFifoQueue { queueAttributes["FifoQueue"] = "true" } queue, err := actor.SqsClient.CreateQueue(context.TODO(), &sqs.CreateQueueInput{ QueueName: aws.String(queueName), Attributes: queueAttributes, }) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't create queue %v. Here's why: %v\n", queueName, err) } else { queueUrl = *queue.QueueUrl } return queueUrl, err } // GetQueueArn uses the GetQueueAttributes action to get the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) // of an Amazon SQS queue. func (actor SqsActions) GetQueueArn(queueUrl string) (string, error) { var queueArn string arnAttributeName := types.QueueAttributeNameQueueArn attribute, err := actor.SqsClient.GetQueueAttributes(context.TODO(), &sqs.GetQueueAttributesInput{ QueueUrl: aws.String(queueUrl), AttributeNames: []types.QueueAttributeName{arnAttributeName}, }) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't get ARN for queue %v. Here's why: %v\n", queueUrl, err) } else { queueArn = attribute.Attributes[string(arnAttributeName)] } return queueArn, err } // AttachSendMessagePolicy uses the SetQueueAttributes action to attach a policy to an // Amazon SQS queue that allows the specified Amazon SNS topic to send messages to the // queue. func (actor SqsActions) AttachSendMessagePolicy(queueUrl string, queueArn string, topicArn string) error { policyDoc := PolicyDocument{ Version: "2012-10-17", Statement: []PolicyStatement{{ Effect: "Allow", Action: "sqs:SendMessage", Principal: map[string]string{"Service": "sns.amazonaws.com"}, Resource: aws.String(queueArn), Condition: PolicyCondition{"ArnEquals": map[string]string{"aws:SourceArn": topicArn}}, }}, } policyBytes, err := json.Marshal(policyDoc) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't create policy document. Here's why: %v\n", err) return err } _, err = actor.SqsClient.SetQueueAttributes(context.TODO(), &sqs.SetQueueAttributesInput{ Attributes: map[string]string{ string(types.QueueAttributeNamePolicy): string(policyBytes), }, QueueUrl: aws.String(queueUrl), }) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't set send message policy on queue %v. Here's why: %v\n", queueUrl, err) } return err } // PolicyDocument defines a policy document as a Go struct that can be serialized // to JSON. type PolicyDocument struct { Version string Statement []PolicyStatement } // PolicyStatement defines a statement in a policy document. type PolicyStatement struct { Effect string Action string Principal map[string]string `json:",omitempty"` Resource *string `json:",omitempty"` Condition PolicyCondition `json:",omitempty"` } // PolicyCondition defines a condition in a policy. type PolicyCondition map[string]map[string]string // GetMessages uses the ReceiveMessage action to get messages from an Amazon SQS queue. func (actor SqsActions) GetMessages(queueUrl string, maxMessages int32, waitTime int32) ([]types.Message, error) { var messages []types.Message result, err := actor.SqsClient.ReceiveMessage(context.TODO(), &sqs.ReceiveMessageInput{ QueueUrl: aws.String(queueUrl), MaxNumberOfMessages: maxMessages, WaitTimeSeconds: waitTime, }) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't get messages from queue %v. Here's why: %v\n", queueUrl, err) } else { messages = result.Messages } return messages, err } // DeleteMessages uses the DeleteMessageBatch action to delete a batch of messages from // an Amazon SQS queue. func (actor SqsActions) DeleteMessages(queueUrl string, messages []types.Message) error { entries := make([]types.DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry, len(messages)) for msgIndex := range messages { entries[msgIndex].Id = aws.String(fmt.Sprintf("%v", msgIndex)) entries[msgIndex].ReceiptHandle = messages[msgIndex].ReceiptHandle } _, err := actor.SqsClient.DeleteMessageBatch(context.TODO(), &sqs.DeleteMessageBatchInput{ Entries: entries, QueueUrl: aws.String(queueUrl), }) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't delete messages from queue %v. Here's why: %v\n", queueUrl, err) } return err } // DeleteQueue deletes an Amazon SQS queue. func (actor SqsActions) DeleteQueue(queueUrl string) error { _, err := actor.SqsClient.DeleteQueue(context.TODO(), &sqs.DeleteQueueInput{ QueueUrl: aws.String(queueUrl)}) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't delete queue %v. Here's why: %v\n", queueUrl, err) } return err }
适用于 JavaScript (v3) 的软件开发工具包

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中查找完整示例,了解如何进行设置和运行。


import { SNSClient } from "@aws-sdk/client-sns"; import { SQSClient } from "@aws-sdk/client-sqs"; import { TopicsQueuesWkflw } from "./TopicsQueuesWkflw.js"; import { Prompter } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/prompter.js"; import { SlowLogger } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/slow-logger.js"; export const startSnsWorkflow = () => { const noLoggerDelay = process.argv.find((arg) => arg === "--no-logger-delay"); const snsClient = new SNSClient({}); const sqsClient = new SQSClient({}); const prompter = new Prompter(); const logger = noLoggerDelay ? console : new SlowLogger(25); const wkflw = new TopicsQueuesWkflw(snsClient, sqsClient, prompter, logger); wkflw.start(); };


const toneChoices = [ { name: "cheerful", value: "cheerful" }, { name: "funny", value: "funny" }, { name: "serious", value: "serious" }, { name: "sincere", value: "sincere" }, ]; export class TopicsQueuesWkflw { // SNS topic is configured as First-In-First-Out isFifo = true; // Automatic content-based deduplication is enabled. autoDedup = false; snsClient; sqsClient; topicName; topicArn; subscriptionArns = []; /** * @type {{ queueName: string, queueArn: string, queueUrl: string, policy?: string }[]} */ queues = []; prompter; /** * @param {import('@aws-sdk/client-sns').SNSClient} snsClient * @param {import('@aws-sdk/client-sqs').SQSClient} sqsClient * @param {import('../../libs/prompter.js').Prompter} prompter * @param {import('../../libs/logger.js').Logger} logger */ constructor(snsClient, sqsClient, prompter, logger) { this.snsClient = snsClient; this.sqsClient = sqsClient; this.prompter = prompter; this.logger = logger; } async welcome() { await this.logger.log(MESSAGES.description); } async confirmFifo() { await this.logger.log(MESSAGES.snsFifoDescription); this.isFifo = await this.prompter.confirm({ message: MESSAGES.snsFifoPrompt, }); if (this.isFifo) { this.logger.logSeparator(MESSAGES.headerDedup); await this.logger.log(MESSAGES.deduplicationNotice); await this.logger.log(MESSAGES.deduplicationDescription); this.autoDedup = await this.prompter.confirm({ message: MESSAGES.deduplicationPrompt, }); } } async createTopic() { await this.logger.log(MESSAGES.creatingTopics); this.topicName = await this.prompter.input({ message: MESSAGES.topicNamePrompt, }); if (this.isFifo) { this.topicName += ".fifo"; this.logger.logSeparator(MESSAGES.headerFifoNaming); await this.logger.log(MESSAGES.appendFifoNotice); } const response = await this.snsClient.send( new CreateTopicCommand({ Name: this.topicName, Attributes: { FifoTopic: this.isFifo ? "true" : "false", ...(this.autoDedup ? { ContentBasedDeduplication: "true" } : {}), }, }), ); this.topicArn = response.TopicArn; await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.topicCreatedNotice .replace("${TOPIC_NAME}", this.topicName) .replace("${TOPIC_ARN}", this.topicArn), ); } async createQueues() { await this.logger.log(MESSAGES.createQueuesNotice); // Increase this number to add more queues. let maxQueues = 2; for (let i = 0; i < maxQueues; i++) { await this.logger.log(MESSAGES.queueCount.replace("${COUNT}", i + 1)); let queueName = await this.prompter.input({ message: MESSAGES.queueNamePrompt.replace( "${EXAMPLE_NAME}", i === 0 ? "good-news" : "bad-news", ), }); if (this.isFifo) { queueName += ".fifo"; await this.logger.log(MESSAGES.appendFifoNotice); } const response = await this.sqsClient.send( new CreateQueueCommand({ QueueName: queueName, Attributes: { ...(this.isFifo ? { FifoQueue: "true" } : {}) }, }), ); const { Attributes } = await this.sqsClient.send( new GetQueueAttributesCommand({ QueueUrl: response.QueueUrl, AttributeNames: ["QueueArn"], }), ); this.queues.push({ queueName, queueArn: Attributes.QueueArn, queueUrl: response.QueueUrl, }); await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.queueCreatedNotice .replace("${QUEUE_NAME}", queueName) .replace("${QUEUE_URL}", response.QueueUrl) .replace("${QUEUE_ARN}", Attributes.QueueArn), ); } } async attachQueueIamPolicies() { for (const [index, queue] of this.queues.entries()) { const policy = JSON.stringify( { Statement: [ { Effect: "Allow", Principal: { Service: "sns.amazonaws.com", }, Action: "sqs:SendMessage", Resource: queue.queueArn, Condition: { ArnEquals: { "aws:SourceArn": this.topicArn, }, }, }, ], }, null, 2, ); if (index !== 0) { this.logger.logSeparator(); } await this.logger.log(MESSAGES.attachPolicyNotice); console.log(policy); const addPolicy = await this.prompter.confirm({ message: MESSAGES.addPolicyConfirmation.replace( "${QUEUE_NAME}", queue.queueName, ), }); if (addPolicy) { await this.sqsClient.send( new SetQueueAttributesCommand({ QueueUrl: queue.queueUrl, Attributes: { Policy: policy, }, }), ); queue.policy = policy; } else { await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.policyNotAttachedNotice.replace( "${QUEUE_NAME}", queue.queueName, ), ); } } } async subscribeQueuesToTopic() { for (const [index, queue] of this.queues.entries()) { /** * @type {import('@aws-sdk/client-sns').SubscribeCommandInput} */ const subscribeParams = { TopicArn: this.topicArn, Protocol: "sqs", Endpoint: queue.queueArn, }; let tones = []; if (this.isFifo) { if (index === 0) { await this.logger.log(MESSAGES.fifoFilterNotice); } tones = await this.prompter.checkbox({ message: MESSAGES.fifoFilterSelect.replace( "${QUEUE_NAME}", queue.queueName, ), choices: toneChoices, }); if (tones.length) { subscribeParams.Attributes = { FilterPolicyScope: "MessageAttributes", FilterPolicy: JSON.stringify({ tone: tones, }), }; } } const { SubscriptionArn } = await this.snsClient.send( new SubscribeCommand(subscribeParams), ); this.subscriptionArns.push(SubscriptionArn); await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.queueSubscribedNotice .replace("${QUEUE_NAME}", queue.queueName) .replace("${TOPIC_NAME}", this.topicName) .replace("${TONES}", tones.length ? tones.join(", ") : "none"), ); } } async publishMessages() { const message = await this.prompter.input({ message: MESSAGES.publishMessagePrompt, }); let groupId, deduplicationId, choices; if (this.isFifo) { await this.logger.log(MESSAGES.groupIdNotice); groupId = await this.prompter.input({ message: MESSAGES.groupIdPrompt, }); if (this.autoDedup === false) { await this.logger.log(MESSAGES.deduplicationIdNotice); deduplicationId = await this.prompter.input({ message: MESSAGES.deduplicationIdPrompt, }); } choices = await this.prompter.checkbox({ message: MESSAGES.messageAttributesPrompt, choices: toneChoices, }); } await this.snsClient.send( new PublishCommand({ TopicArn: this.topicArn, Message: message, ...(groupId ? { MessageGroupId: groupId, } : {}), ...(deduplicationId ? { MessageDeduplicationId: deduplicationId, } : {}), ...(choices ? { MessageAttributes: { tone: { DataType: "String.Array", StringValue: JSON.stringify(choices), }, }, } : {}), }), ); const publishAnother = await this.prompter.confirm({ message: MESSAGES.publishAnother, }); if (publishAnother) { await this.publishMessages(); } } async receiveAndDeleteMessages() { for (const queue of this.queues) { const { Messages } = await this.sqsClient.send( new ReceiveMessageCommand({ QueueUrl: queue.queueUrl, }), ); if (Messages) { await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.messagesReceivedNotice.replace( "${QUEUE_NAME}", queue.queueName, ), ); console.log(Messages); await this.sqsClient.send( new DeleteMessageBatchCommand({ QueueUrl: queue.queueUrl, Entries: Messages.map((message) => ({ Id: message.MessageId, ReceiptHandle: message.ReceiptHandle, })), }), ); } else { await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.noMessagesReceivedNotice.replace( "${QUEUE_NAME}", queue.queueName, ), ); } } const deleteAndPoll = await this.prompter.confirm({ message: MESSAGES.deleteAndPollConfirmation, }); if (deleteAndPoll) { await this.receiveAndDeleteMessages(); } } async destroyResources() { for (const subscriptionArn of this.subscriptionArns) { await this.snsClient.send( new UnsubscribeCommand({ SubscriptionArn: subscriptionArn }), ); } for (const queue of this.queues) { await this.sqsClient.send( new DeleteQueueCommand({ QueueUrl: queue.queueUrl }), ); } if (this.topicArn) { await this.snsClient.send( new DeleteTopicCommand({ TopicArn: this.topicArn }), ); } } async start() { console.clear(); try { this.logger.logSeparator(MESSAGES.headerWelcome); await this.welcome(); this.logger.logSeparator(MESSAGES.headerFifo); await this.confirmFifo(); this.logger.logSeparator(MESSAGES.headerCreateTopic); await this.createTopic(); this.logger.logSeparator(MESSAGES.headerCreateQueues); await this.createQueues(); this.logger.logSeparator(MESSAGES.headerAttachPolicy); await this.attachQueueIamPolicies(); this.logger.logSeparator(MESSAGES.headerSubscribeQueues); await this.subscribeQueuesToTopic(); this.logger.logSeparator(MESSAGES.headerPublishMessage); await this.publishMessages(); this.logger.logSeparator(MESSAGES.headerReceiveMessages); await this.receiveAndDeleteMessages(); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } finally { await this.destroyResources(); } } }

有关 S Amazon DK 开发者指南和代码示例的完整列表,请参阅将 Amazon SNS 与 Amazon 开发工具包结合使用。本主题还包括有关入门的信息以及有关先前的 SDK 版本的详细信息。