Get started - Microsoft SQL Server on Amazon EC2
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This section contains the PowerShell parameter definitions and scripts for replatforming your databases. For more information about how to use PowerShell scripts, see PowerShell.

Run the Windows to Linux replatforming assistant for Microsoft SQL Server script

The following common scenarios and example PowerShell scripts demonstrate how to replatform your Microsoft SQL Server databases using Windows to Linux replatforming assistant for Microsoft SQL Server Databases.


The Windows to Linux Replatforming Assistant for Microsoft SQL Server Databases resets the SQL Server server administrator (SA) user password on the target instance every time that it is run. After the replatform process is complete, you must set your own SA user password before you can connect to the target SQL Server instance.


The Windows to Linux replatforming assistant for Microsoft SQL Server Databases script adheres to the syntax shown in the following example.

PS C:\> C:\MigrateSQLServerToEC2Linux.ps1 [[-SqlServerInstanceName] <String>] [[-DBNames]<Object[]>] [- MigrateAllDBs] [PathForBackup] <String> [-SetSourceDBModeReadOnly] [-IamInstanceProfileName] <String>[- AWSRegion] <String> [[-EC2InstanceId] <String>] [[-EC2InstanceType] <String>] [[-EC2KeyPair] <String>] [[- SubnetId] <String>] [[-AWSProfileName] <String>] [[-AWSProfileLocation] <String>] [-GeneratePresignedUrls] [<CommonParameters>]
Example 1: Move a database to an EC2 instance

The following example shows how to move a database named AdventureDB to an EC2 Microsoft SQL Server on Linux instance, with an instance ID of i-024689abcdef, from the Microsoft SQL Server Instance named MSSQLSERVER. The backup directory to be used is D:\\Backup and the Amazon Region is us-east-2.

PS C:\> ./MigrateSQLServerToEC2Linux.ps1 - SQLServerInstanceName MSSQLSERVER -EC2InstanceId i- 024689abcdef -DBNames AdventureDB -PathForBackup D:\\Backup -AWSRegion us-east-2 - IamInstanceProfileName AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore
Example 2: Move a database to an EC2 instance using the Amazon credentials profile

The following example shows how to move the database in Example 1 using the Amazon credentials profile: DBMigration.

PS C:\> ./MigrateSQLServerToEC2Linux.ps1 - SQLServerInstanceName MSSQLSERVER -EC2InstanceId i- 024689abcdef -DBNames AdventureDB -PathForBackup D:\\Backup -AWSRegion us-east-2 -AWSProfileName DBMigration -IamInstanceProfileName AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore
Example 3: Move a database to a new m5.large type instance

The following example shows how to create an m5.large type EC2 Linux instance in subnet-abc127 using the Key Pair customer-ec2-keypair and then moving AdventureDB and TestDB to the new instance from the database used in Examples 1 and 2.

PS C:\> ./MigrateSQLServerToEC2Linux.ps1 -EC2InstanceType m5.large -SubnetId subnet-abc127 -EC2KeyPair customer-ec2-keypair -DBNames AdventureDB,TestDB -PathForBackup D:\\Backup -AWSRegion us-east-2 - AWSProfileName DBMigration -IamInstanceProfileName AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore
Example 4: Move all databases to a new m5.large type instance

The following example shows how to create an m5.large type EC2 Linux instance in subnet-abc127 using the Key Pair customer-ec2-keypair and then migrating all databases to the instance from databases used in Examples 1 and 2.

PS C:\> ./MigrateSQLServerToEC2Linux.ps1 -EC2InstanceType m5.large -SubnetId subnet-abc127 -EC2KeyPair customer-ec2-keypair -MigrateAllDBs -PathForBackup D:\\Backup -AWSRegion us-east-2 -AWSProfileName DBMigration -IamInstanceProfileName AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore


The following parameters are used by the PowerShell script to replatform your Microsoft SQL Server databases.


The name of the Microsoft SQL Server instance to be backed up. If a value for SqlServerInstanceName is not provided, $env:ComputerName is used by default.

Type: String

Required: No


The names of the databases to be backed up and restored. Specify the names of the databases in a comma-separated list (for example, adventureDB,universityDB). Either the DBNames or MigrateAllDBs parameter is required.

Type: Object

Required: No


This switch is disabled by default. If this switch is enabled, the automation migrates all databases except for the system databases (master, msdb, tempdb). Either the DBNames or MigrateAllDBs parameter is required.

Type: SwitchParameter

Required: No


The path where the full backup is stored.

Type: String

Required: Yes


This switch is disabled by default. If this switch is enabled, it makes the database read-only during migration.

Type: SwitchParameter

Required: No


Enter the Amazon IAM instance role with permissions to run Systems Manager Automation on your behalf. See Getting Started with Automation in the Amazon Systems Manager User Guide.

Type: String

Required: Yes


Enter the Amazon Region where your Amazon S3 buckets are created to store database backups.

Type: String

Required: Yes


To restore Microsoft SQL Server databases to an existing EC2 instance running Microsoft SQL Server Linux, enter the instance ID of the instance. Make sure that the EC2 instance already has the Amazon Systems Manager SSM Agent installed and running.

Type: String

Required: No


To restore Microsoft SQL Server databases to a new EC2 Linux instance, enter the instance type of the instance to be launched.

Type: String

Required: No


To restore Microsoft SQL Server databases to a new EC2 Linux instance, enter the name of the EC2 Key Pair to be used to access the instance. This parameter is recommended if you are creating a new EC2 Linux instance.

Type: String

Required: No


This parameter is required when creating a new EC2 Linux instance. When creating a new EC2 Linux instance, if SubnetId is not provided, the Amazon user default subnet is used to launch the EC2 Linux instance.

Type: String

Required: No


The name of the Amazon profile that the automation uses when connecting to Amazon services. For more information on the required user permissions, see Getting Started with Automation in the Amazon Systems Manager User Guide. If a profile is not entered, the automation uses your default Amazon profile.

Type: String

Required: No


The location of the Amazon Profile if the Amazon Profile is not stored in the default location.

Type: String

Required: No


This parameter is only used when replatforming to non-EC2 instances, such as to VMware Cloud on Amazon or on-premises VMs.

Type: SwitchParameter

Required: No


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see About Common Parameters in the Microsoft PowerShell documentation.

Required: No