Amazon Health Dashboard Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling 的通知 - Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling
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Amazon Health Dashboard Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling 的通知

您的 Amazon Health Dashboard 为来自 Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling 的通知提供支持。针对可能影响应用程序的资源性能或者可用性问题,这些通知可以让您注意相关情况并提供修正指导。当前只有特定于缺少安全组和启动模板的事件可用。

Amazon Health Dashboard 是 Amazon Health 服务的一部分。它不需要设置,您的账户中通过身份验证的任何用户都可以查看。有关更多信息,请参阅Amazon Health 控制面板入门


示例:由于缺少安全组,Auto Scaling 组未向外扩展


  At 2020-01-11 04:00 UTC, we detected an issue with your Auto Scaling group [ARN] in Amazon Web Services 账户 123456789012.

  A security group associated with this Auto Scaling group cannot be found. Each time a 
  scale out operation is performed, it will be prevented until you make a change that 
  fixes the issue.

  We recommend that you review and update your Auto Scaling group configuration to change 
  the launch template or launch configuration that depends on the unavailable security 
  Amazon Web Services 

示例:由于缺少启动模板,Auto Scaling 组未向外扩展


  At 2021-05-11 04:00 UTC, we detected an issue with your Auto Scaling group [ARN] in Amazon Web Services 账户 123456789012.

  The launch template associated with this Auto Scaling group cannot be found. Each time 
  a scale out operation is performed, it will be prevented until you make a change that 
  fixes the issue.

  We recommend that you review and update your Auto Scaling group configuration and 
  specify an existing launch template to use.
  Amazon Web Services