调用 Data API - Amazon Redshift
Amazon Web Services 文档中描述的 Amazon Web Services 服务或功能可能因区域而异。要查看适用于中国区域的差异,请参阅 中国的 Amazon Web Services 服务入门 (PDF)

调用 Data API

您可以调用数据 API 或 Amazon CLI 以在集群或无服务器工作组上运行 SQL 语句。运行 SQL 语句的主要操作是《Amazon Redshift 数据 API 参考》中的 ExecuteStatementBatchExecuteStatement。数据 API 支持 Amazon 开发工具包所支持的编程语言。有关它们的更多信息,请参阅用于在 Amazon 上构建的工具

要查看调用 Data API 的代码示例,请参阅 GitHub 中的 Redshift 数据 API入门。此存储库包含使用 Amazon Lambda,从 Amazon EC2、Amazon Glue Data Catalog 和 Amazon SageMaker Runtime 访问 Amazon Redshift 数据的示例。示例编程语言包括 Python、Go、Java 和 Javascript。

您可以使用 Amazon CLI 调用 Data API。

以下示例使用 Amazon CLI 调用数据 API。要运行示例,请编辑参数值以匹配您的环境。在许多示例中,会提供 cluster-identifier 以针对集群运行。在针对无服务器工作组运行时,需改为提供 workgroup-name。这些示例演示了一些数据 API 操作。有关更多信息,请参阅 Amazon CLI 命令参考


运行 SQL 语句

要运行 SQL 语句,请使用 aws redshift-data execute-statement Amazon CLI 命令。

以下 Amazon CLI 命令针对集群运行一个 SQL 语句,并返回一个标识符来获取结果。此示例使用 Amazon Secrets Manager 身份验证方法。

aws redshift-data execute-statement --region us-west-2 --secret arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012:secret:myuser-secret-hKgPWn --cluster-identifier mycluster-test --sql "select * from stl_query limit 1" --database dev


{ "ClusterIdentifier": "mycluster-test", "CreatedAt": 1598323175.823, "Database": "dev", "Id": "c016234e-5c6c-4bc5-bb16-2c5b8ff61814", "SecretArn": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012:secret:yanruiz-secret-hKgPWn" }

以下 Amazon CLI 命令针对集群运行一个 SQL 语句,并返回一个标识符来获取结果。此示例使用临时凭证身份验证方法。

aws redshift-data execute-statement --region us-west-2 --db-user myuser --cluster-identifier mycluster-test --database dev --sql "select * from stl_query limit 1"


{ "ClusterIdentifier": "mycluster-test", "CreatedAt": 1598306924.632, "Database": "dev", "DbUser": "myuser", "Id": "d9b6c0c9-0747-4bf4-b142-e8883122f766" }

以下 Amazon CLI 命令针对无服务器工作组运行一个 SQL 语句,并返回一个标识符来获取结果。此示例使用临时凭证身份验证方法。

aws redshift-data execute-statement --database dev --workgroup-name myworkgroup --sql "select 1;"


{ "CreatedAt": "2022-02-11T06:25:28.748000+00:00", "Database": "dev", "DbUser": "IAMR:RoleName", "Id": "89dd91f5-2d43-43d3-8461-f33aa093c41e", "WorkgroupName": "myworkgroup" }

以下 Amazon CLI 命令针对集群运行一个 SQL 语句,并返回一个标识符来获取结果。此示例使用 Amazon Secrets Manager 身份验证方法和幂等性令牌。

aws redshift-data execute-statement --region us-west-2 --secret arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012:secret:myuser-secret-hKgPWn --cluster-identifier mycluster-test --sql "select * from stl_query limit 1" --database dev --client-token b855dced-259b-444c-bc7b-d3e8e33f94g1


{ "ClusterIdentifier": "mycluster-test", "CreatedAt": 1598323175.823, "Database": "dev", "Id": "c016234e-5c6c-4bc5-bb16-2c5b8ff61814", "SecretArn": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012:secret:yanruiz-secret-hKgPWn" }

运行带有参数的 SQL 语句

要运行 SQL 语句,请使用 aws redshift-data execute-statement Amazon CLI 命令。

以下 Amazon CLI 命令针对集群运行一个 SQL 语句,并返回一个标识符来获取结果。此示例使用 Amazon Secrets Manager 身份验证方法。SQL 文本具有命名参数 distance。在这种情况下,在谓词中使用的距离是 5。在 SELECT 语句中,列名的命名参数只能在谓词中使用。SQL 语句的命名参数值在 parameters 选项中指定。

aws redshift-data execute-statement --region us-west-2 --secret arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012:secret:myuser-secret-hKgPWn --cluster-identifier mycluster-test --sql "SELECT ratecode FROM demo_table WHERE trip_distance > :distance" --parameters "[{\"name\": \"distance\", \"value\": \"5\"}]" --database dev


{ "ClusterIdentifier": "mycluster-test", "CreatedAt": 1598323175.823, "Database": "dev", "Id": "c016234e-5c6c-4bc5-bb16-2c5b8ff61814", "SecretArn": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012:secret:yanruiz-secret-hKgPWn" }

以下示例使用示例数据库中的 EVENT 表。有关更多信息,请参阅《Amazon Redshift 数据库开发人员指南》中的 EVENT 表

如果您的数据库中没有 EVENT 表,则可以使用数据 API 创建一个,如下所示:

aws redshift-data execute-statement --database dev --cluster-id my-test-cluster --db-user awsuser --sql "create table event( eventid integer not null distkey, venueid smallint not null, catid smallint not null, dateid smallint not null sortkey, eventname varchar(200), starttime timestamp)"

以下命令将一个行插入 EVENT 表。

aws redshift-data execute-statement --database dev --cluster-id my-test-cluster --db-user awsuser --sql "insert into event values(:eventid, :venueid::smallint, :catid, :dateid, :eventname, :starttime)" --parameters "[{\"name\": \"eventid\", \"value\": \"1\"}, {\"name\": \"venueid\", \"value\": \"1\"}, {\"name\": \"catid\", \"value\": \"1\"}, {\"name\": \"dateid\", \"value\": \"1\"}, {\"name\": \"eventname\", \"value\": \"event 1\"}, {\"name\": \"starttime\", \"value\": \"2022-02-22\"}]"

以下命令将另一个行插入 EVENT 表。该示例演示以下内容:

  • 名为 id 参数在 SQL 文本中使用了四次。

  • 插入参数 starttime 时自动应用隐式类型转换。

  • venueid 列是转换为 SMALLINT 数据类型的类型。

  • 表示 DATE 数据类型的字符串将隐式转换为 TIMESTAMP 数据类型。

  • 注释可以在 SQL 文本中使用。

aws redshift-data execute-statement --database dev --cluster-id my-test-cluster --db-user awsuser --sql "insert into event values(:id, :id::smallint, :id, :id, :eventname, :starttime) /*this is comment, and it won't apply parameterization for :id, :eventname or :starttime here*/" --parameters "[{\"name\": \"eventname\", \"value\": \"event 2\"}, {\"name\": \"starttime\", \"value\": \"2022-02-22\"}, {\"name\": \"id\", \"value\": \"2\"}]"


eventid | venueid | catid | dateid | eventname | starttime ---------+---------+-------+--------+-----------+--------------------- 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | event 1 | 2022-02-22 00:00:00 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | event 2 | 2022-02-22 00:00:00

以下命令使用 WHERE 子句中的命名参数来检索 eventid1 的行。

aws redshift-data execute-statement --database dev --cluster-id my-test-cluster --db-user awsuser --sql "select * from event where eventid=:id" --parameters "[{\"name\": \"id\", \"value\": \"1\"}]"

运行以下命令以获取上一个 SQL 语句的 SQL 结果:

aws redshift-data get-statement-result --id 7529ad05-b905-4d71-9ec6-8b333836eb5a


{ "Records": [ [ { "longValue": 1 }, { "longValue": 1 }, { "longValue": 1 }, { "longValue": 1 }, { "stringValue": "event 1" }, { "stringValue": "2022-02-22 00:00:00.0" } ] ], "ColumnMetadata": [ { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": true, "label": "eventid", "length": 0, "name": "eventid", "nullable": 0, "precision": 10, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "public", "tableName": "event", "typeName": "int4" }, { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": true, "label": "venueid", "length": 0, "name": "venueid", "nullable": 0, "precision": 5, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "public", "tableName": "event", "typeName": "int2" }, { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": true, "label": "catid", "length": 0, "name": "catid", "nullable": 0, "precision": 5, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "public", "tableName": "event", "typeName": "int2" }, { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": true, "label": "dateid", "length": 0, "name": "dateid", "nullable": 0, "precision": 5, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "public", "tableName": "event", "typeName": "int2" }, { "isCaseSensitive": true, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": false, "label": "eventname", "length": 0, "name": "eventname", "nullable": 1, "precision": 200, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "public", "tableName": "event", "typeName": "varchar" }, { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": false, "label": "starttime", "length": 0, "name": "starttime", "nullable": 1, "precision": 29, "scale": 6, "schemaName": "public", "tableName": "event", "typeName": "timestamp" } ], "TotalNumRows": 1 }

要运行多个 SQL 语句

要使用一个命令运行多个 SQL 语句,请使用 aws redshift-data batch-execute-statement Amazon CLI 命令。

以下 Amazon CLI 命令针对集群运行三个 SQL 语句,并返回一个标识符来获取结果。此示例使用临时凭证身份验证方法。

aws redshift-data batch-execute-statement --region us-west-2 --db-user myuser --cluster-identifier mycluster-test --database dev --sqls "set timezone to BST" "select * from mytable" "select * from another_table"


{ "ClusterIdentifier": "mycluster-test", "CreatedAt": 1598306924.632, "Database": "dev", "DbUser": "myuser", "Id": "d9b6c0c9-0747-4bf4-b142-e8883122f766" }

要列出有关 SQL 语句的元数据

要列出有关 SQL 语句的元数据,请使用 aws redshift-data list-statements Amazon CLI 命令。运行此命令的授权基于调用者的 IAM 权限。

以下 Amazon CLI 命令列出了运行的 SQL 语句。

aws redshift-data list-statements --region us-west-2 --status ALL


{ "Statements": [ { "CreatedAt": 1598306924.632, "Id": "d9b6c0c9-0747-4bf4-b142-e8883122f766", "QueryString": "select * from stl_query limit 1", "Status": "FINISHED", "UpdatedAt": 1598306926.667 }, { "CreatedAt": 1598311717.437, "Id": "e0ebd578-58b3-46cc-8e52-8163fd7e01aa", "QueryString": "select * from stl_query limit 1", "Status": "FAILED", "UpdatedAt": 1598311719.008 }, { "CreatedAt": 1598313683.65, "Id": "c361d4f7-8c53-4343-8c45-6b2b1166330c", "QueryString": "select * from stl_query limit 1", "Status": "ABORTED", "UpdatedAt": 1598313685.495 }, { "CreatedAt": 1598306653.333, "Id": "a512b7bd-98c7-45d5-985b-a715f3cfde7f", "QueryString": "select 1", "Status": "FINISHED", "UpdatedAt": 1598306653.992 } ] }

描述有关 SQL 语句的元数据

要获取 SQL 语句的元数据描述,请使用 aws redshift-data describe-statement Amazon CLI 命令。运行此命令的授权基于调用者的 IAM 权限。

以下 Amazon CLI 命令描述 SQL 语句。

aws redshift-data describe-statement --id d9b6c0c9-0747-4bf4-b142-e8883122f766 --region us-west-2


{ "ClusterIdentifier": "mycluster-test", "CreatedAt": 1598306924.632, "Duration": 1095981511, "Id": "d9b6c0c9-0747-4bf4-b142-e8883122f766", "QueryString": "select * from stl_query limit 1", "RedshiftPid": 20859, "RedshiftQueryId": 48879, "ResultRows": 1, "ResultSize": 4489, "Status": "FINISHED", "UpdatedAt": 1598306926.667 }

以下是使用多个 SQL 语句运行 batch-execute-statement 命令后的 describe-statement 响应示例。

{ "ClusterIdentifier": "mayo", "CreatedAt": 1623979777.126, "Duration": 6591877, "HasResultSet": true, "Id": "b2906c76-fa6e-4cdf-8c5f-4de1ff9b7652", "RedshiftPid": 31459, "RedshiftQueryId": 0, "ResultRows": 2, "ResultSize": 22, "Status": "FINISHED", "SubStatements": [ { "CreatedAt": 1623979777.274, "Duration": 3396637, "HasResultSet": true, "Id": "b2906c76-fa6e-4cdf-8c5f-4de1ff9b7652:1", "QueryString": "select 1;", "RedshiftQueryId": -1, "ResultRows": 1, "ResultSize": 11, "Status": "FINISHED", "UpdatedAt": 1623979777.903 }, { "CreatedAt": 1623979777.274, "Duration": 3195240, "HasResultSet": true, "Id": "b2906c76-fa6e-4cdf-8c5f-4de1ff9b7652:2", "QueryString": "select 2;", "RedshiftQueryId": -1, "ResultRows": 1, "ResultSize": 11, "Status": "FINISHED", "UpdatedAt": 1623979778.076 } ], "UpdatedAt": 1623979778.183 }

获取 SQL 语句的结果

要从运行的 SQL 语句中获取结果,请使用 redshift-data get-statement-result Amazon CLI 命令。您可以提供响应 execute-statement 或者 batch-execute-statement 而收到的 Id。可以在 describe-statement 的结果中检索 batch-execute-statement 运行的 SQL 语句的 Id 值,并以冒号和 b2906c76-fa6e-4cdf-8c5f-4de1ff9b7652:2 等序号为该值添加后缀。如果使用 batch-execute-statement 运行多个 SQL 语句,则每个 SQL 语句都有一个 Id 值,如 describe-statement 中所示。运行此命令的授权基于调用者的 IAM 权限。

以下语句返回 execute-statement 运行的 SQL 语句的结果。

aws redshift-data get-statement-result --id d9b6c0c9-0747-4bf4-b142-e8883122f766 --region us-west-2

以下语句返回 batch-execute-statement 运行的第二个 SQL 语句的结果。

aws redshift-data get-statement-result --id b2906c76-fa6e-4cdf-8c5f-4de1ff9b7652:2 --region us-west-2

以下是 get-statement-result 调用的响应的示例。

{ "ColumnMetadata": [ { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": true, "label": "userid", "length": 0, "name": "userid", "nullable": 0, "precision": 10, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "", "tableName": "stll_query", "typeName": "int4" }, { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": true, "label": "query", "length": 0, "name": "query", "nullable": 0, "precision": 10, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "", "tableName": "stll_query", "typeName": "int4" }, { "isCaseSensitive": true, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": false, "label": "label", "length": 0, "name": "label", "nullable": 0, "precision": 320, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "", "tableName": "stll_query", "typeName": "bpchar" }, { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": true, "label": "xid", "length": 0, "name": "xid", "nullable": 0, "precision": 19, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "", "tableName": "stll_query", "typeName": "int8" }, { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": true, "label": "pid", "length": 0, "name": "pid", "nullable": 0, "precision": 10, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "", "tableName": "stll_query", "typeName": "int4" }, { "isCaseSensitive": true, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": false, "label": "database", "length": 0, "name": "database", "nullable": 0, "precision": 32, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "", "tableName": "stll_query", "typeName": "bpchar" }, { "isCaseSensitive": true, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": false, "label": "querytxt", "length": 0, "name": "querytxt", "nullable": 0, "precision": 4000, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "", "tableName": "stll_query", "typeName": "bpchar" }, { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": false, "label": "starttime", "length": 0, "name": "starttime", "nullable": 0, "precision": 29, "scale": 6, "schemaName": "", "tableName": "stll_query", "typeName": "timestamp" }, { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": false, "label": "endtime", "length": 0, "name": "endtime", "nullable": 0, "precision": 29, "scale": 6, "schemaName": "", "tableName": "stll_query", "type": 93, "typeName": "timestamp" }, { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": true, "label": "aborted", "length": 0, "name": "aborted", "nullable": 0, "precision": 10, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "", "tableName": "stll_query", "typeName": "int4" }, { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": true, "label": "insert_pristine", "length": 0, "name": "insert_pristine", "nullable": 0, "precision": 10, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "", "tableName": "stll_query", "typeName": "int4" }, { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": true, "label": "concurrency_scaling_status", "length": 0, "name": "concurrency_scaling_status", "nullable": 0, "precision": 10, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "", "tableName": "stll_query", "typeName": "int4" } ], "Records": [ [ { "longValue": 1 }, { "longValue": 3 }, { "stringValue": "health" }, { "longValue": 1023 }, { "longValue": 15279 }, { "stringValue": "dev" }, { "stringValue": "select system_status from stv_gui_status;" }, { "stringValue": "2020-08-21 17:33:51.88712" }, { "stringValue": "2020-08-21 17:33:52.974306" }, { "longValue": 0 }, { "longValue": 0 }, { "longValue": 6 } ] ], "TotalNumRows": 1 }


要获取描述表的元数据,请使用 aws redshift-data describe-table Amazon CLI 命令。

以下 Amazon CLI 命令针对集群运行一个 SQL 语句,并返回描述表的元数据。此示例使用 Amazon Secrets Manager 身份验证方法。

aws redshift-data describe-table --region us-west-2 --cluster-identifier mycluster-test --database dev --schema information_schema --table sql_features --secret arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012:secret:myuser-secret-hKgPWn


{ "ColumnList": [ { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": false, "length": 2147483647, "name": "feature_id", "nullable": 1, "precision": 2147483647, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "information_schema", "tableName": "sql_features", "typeName": "character_data" }, { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": false, "length": 2147483647, "name": "feature_name", "nullable": 1, "precision": 2147483647, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "information_schema", "tableName": "sql_features", "typeName": "character_data" } ] }

以下 Amazon CLI 命令针对集群运行一个 SQL 语句来描述表。此示例使用临时凭证身份验证方法。

aws redshift-data describe-table --region us-west-2 --db-user myuser --cluster-identifier mycluster-test --database dev --schema information_schema --table sql_features


{ "ColumnList": [ { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": false, "length": 2147483647, "name": "feature_id", "nullable": 1, "precision": 2147483647, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "information_schema", "tableName": "sql_features", "typeName": "character_data" }, { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": false, "length": 2147483647, "name": "feature_name", "nullable": 1, "precision": 2147483647, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "information_schema", "tableName": "sql_features", "typeName": "character_data" }, { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": false, "length": 2147483647, "name": "sub_feature_id", "nullable": 1, "precision": 2147483647, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "information_schema", "tableName": "sql_features", "typeName": "character_data" }, { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": false, "length": 2147483647, "name": "sub_feature_name", "nullable": 1, "precision": 2147483647, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "information_schema", "tableName": "sql_features", "typeName": "character_data" }, { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": false, "length": 2147483647, "name": "is_supported", "nullable": 1, "precision": 2147483647, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "information_schema", "tableName": "sql_features", "typeName": "character_data" }, { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": false, "length": 2147483647, "name": "is_verified_by", "nullable": 1, "precision": 2147483647, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "information_schema", "tableName": "sql_features", "typeName": "character_data" }, { "isCaseSensitive": false, "isCurrency": false, "isSigned": false, "length": 2147483647, "name": "comments", "nullable": 1, "precision": 2147483647, "scale": 0, "schemaName": "information_schema", "tableName": "sql_features", "typeName": "character_data" } ] }


要列出集群中的数据库,请使用 aws redshift-data list-databases Amazon CLI 命令。

以下 Amazon CLI 命令针对集群运行一个 SQL 语句来列出数据库。此示例使用 Amazon Secrets Manager 身份验证方法。

aws redshift-data list-databases --region us-west-2 --secret arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012:secret:myuser-secret-hKgPWn --cluster-identifier mycluster-test --database dev


{ "Databases": [ "dev" ] }

以下 Amazon CLI 命令针对集群运行一个 SQL 语句来列出数据库。此示例使用临时凭证身份验证方法。

aws redshift-data list-databases --region us-west-2 --db-user myuser --cluster-identifier mycluster-test --database dev


{ "Databases": [ "dev" ] }

要列出数据库中的 schema

要列出数据库中的 schema,请使用 aws redshift-data list-schemas Amazon CLI 命令。

以下 Amazon CLI 命令针对集群运行一个 SQL 语句来列出数据库中的架构。此示例使用 Amazon Secrets Manager 身份验证方法。

aws redshift-data list-schemas --region us-west-2 --secret arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012:secret:myuser-secret-hKgPWn --cluster-identifier mycluster-test --database dev


{ "Schemas": [ "information_schema", "pg_catalog", "pg_internal", "public" ] }

以下 Amazon CLI 命令针对集群运行一个 SQL 语句来列出数据库中的架构。此示例使用临时凭证身份验证方法。

aws redshift-data list-schemas --region us-west-2 --db-user mysuser --cluster-identifier mycluster-test --database dev


{ "Schemas": [ "information_schema", "pg_catalog", "pg_internal", "public" ] }


要列出数据库中的表,请使用 aws redshift-data list-tables Amazon CLI 命令。

以下 Amazon CLI 命令针对集群运行一个 SQL 语句来列出数据库中的表。此示例使用 Amazon Secrets Manager 身份验证方法。

aws redshift-data list-tables --region us-west-2 --secret arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012:secret:myuser-secret-hKgPWn --cluster-identifier mycluster-test --database dev --schema information_schema


{ "Tables": [ { "name": "sql_features", "schema": "information_schema", "type": "SYSTEM TABLE" }, { "name": "sql_implementation_info", "schema": "information_schema", "type": "SYSTEM TABLE" } }

以下 Amazon CLI 命令针对集群运行一个 SQL 语句来列出数据库中的表。此示例使用临时凭证身份验证方法。

aws redshift-data list-tables --region us-west-2 --db-user myuser --cluster-identifier mycluster-test --database dev --schema information_schema


{ "Tables": [ { "name": "sql_features", "schema": "information_schema", "type": "SYSTEM TABLE" }, { "name": "sql_implementation_info", "schema": "information_schema", "type": "SYSTEM TABLE" } ] }