AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

AWS services or capabilities described in AWS Documentation may vary by region/location. Click Getting Started with Amazon AWS to see specific differences applicable to the China (Beijing) Region.

This class contains region information used to lazily compute the service endpoints. The static constants representing the regions can be used while constructing the AWS client instead of looking up the exact endpoint URL.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon
Assembly: AWSSDK.Core.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class RegionEndpoint

The RegionEndpoint type exposes the following members


Public Property DisplayName System.String

Gets the display name of a region.

Public Property Static Property EnumerableAllRegions System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Amazon.RegionEndpoint>

Enumerate through all the regions.

Public Property OriginalSystemName System.String
Public Property PartitionDnsSuffix System.String

Gets the dns suffix for the region endpoints in a partition. For example the aws partition's suffix is The aws-cn partition's suffix is

Public Property PartitionName System.String

Gets the partition name the region is in. For example for us-east-1 the partition name is aws. For cn-northwest-1 the partition name is aws-cn.

Public Property SystemName System.String

Gets the system name of a region.



Asynchronous operations (methods ending with Async) in the table below are for .NET 4.5 or higher. For .NET 3.5 the SDK follows the standard naming convention of BeginMethodName and EndMethodName to indicate asynchronous operations - these method pairs are not shown in the table below.

Public Method Static Method GetBySystemName(string)

Gets the region based on its system name like "us-west-1"

Public Method Static Method GetDnsSuffixForPartition(string)

Returns the DNS suffix for the given partition, or an empty string if a matching partition was not found in endpoints.json

Public Method GetEndpointForService(string)

Gets the endpoint for a service in a region.

Public Method GetEndpointForService(string, bool)

Gets the endpoint for a service in a region, optionally selecting a dualstack compatible endpoint.

Public Method GetEndpointForService(string, GetEndpointForServiceOptions)

Gets the endpoint for a service in a region.

For forwards compatibility, if the service being requested for isn't known in the region, this method will generate an endpoint using the AWS endpoint heuristics. In this case, it is not guaranteed the endpoint will point to a valid service endpoint.

Public Method Static Method GetRegionEndpointOverride(RegionEndpoint)

Gets the region endpoint override if exists

Public Method Static Method Reload(Stream)

Force the SDK to load and apply the given endpoints details (eg: an updated endpoints.json file). Service clients created after this call will be set up with endpoints based on this information. This function should only be used at application startup, before creating service clients. Known Caveats: * static readonly fields (eg: Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast1) are not updated. If you use this function, you should use Amazon.RegionEndpoint.GetEndpoint(System.String,System.String) with explicit region system names to ensure you work with RegionEndpoint objects containing the reloaded data. RegionEndpoint objects returned from GetEndpoint will generally fail Equality comparisons against the static fields. * Service clients created before calling Reload have no guarantee around which endpoint data will be used.


Field Static Field AFSouth1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Africa (Cape Town) endpoint.

Field Static Field APEast1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) endpoint.

Field Static Field APNortheast1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Asia Pacific (Tokyo) endpoint.

Field Static Field APNortheast2 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Asia Pacific (Seoul) endpoint.

Field Static Field APNortheast3 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Asia Pacific (Osaka) endpoint.

Field Static Field APSouth1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Asia Pacific (Mumbai) endpoint.

Field Static Field APSouth2 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) endpoint.

Field Static Field APSoutheast1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Asia Pacific (Singapore) endpoint.

Field Static Field APSoutheast2 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Asia Pacific (Sydney) endpoint.

Field Static Field APSoutheast3 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Asia Pacific (Jakarta) endpoint.

Field Static Field APSoutheast4 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Asia Pacific (Melbourne) endpoint.

Field Static Field CACentral1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Canada (Central) endpoint.

Field Static Field CAWest1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Canada West (Calgary) endpoint.

Field Static Field CNNorth1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The China (Beijing) endpoint.

Field Static Field CNNorthWest1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The China (Ningxia) endpoint.

Field Static Field EUCentral1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Europe (Frankfurt) endpoint.

Field Static Field EUCentral2 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Europe (Zurich) endpoint.

Field Static Field EUIsoeWest1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The EU ISOE West endpoint.

Field Static Field EUNorth1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Europe (Stockholm) endpoint.

Field Static Field EUSouth1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Europe (Milan) endpoint.

Field Static Field EUSouth2 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Europe (Spain) endpoint.

Field Static Field EUWest1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Europe (Ireland) endpoint.

Field Static Field EUWest2 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Europe (London) endpoint.

Field Static Field EUWest3 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Europe (Paris) endpoint.

Field Static Field ILCentral1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Israel (Tel Aviv) endpoint.

Field Static Field MECentral1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Middle East (UAE) endpoint.

Field Static Field MESouth1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The Middle East (Bahrain) endpoint.

Field Static Field SAEast1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The South America (Sao Paulo) endpoint.

Field Static Field USEast1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The US East (N. Virginia) endpoint.

Field Static Field USEast2 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The US East (Ohio) endpoint.

Field Static Field USGovCloudEast1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The AWS GovCloud (US-East) endpoint.

Field Static Field USGovCloudWest1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The AWS GovCloud (US-West) endpoint.

Field Static Field USIsobEast1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The US ISOB East (Ohio) endpoint.

Field Static Field USIsoEast1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The US ISO East endpoint.

Field Static Field USIsoWest1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The US ISO WEST endpoint.

Field Static Field USWest1 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The US West (N. California) endpoint.

Field Static Field USWest2 Amazon.RegionEndpoint

The US West (Oregon) endpoint.

Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5