部署配置 - Amazon AppConfig
Amazon Web Services 文档中描述的 Amazon Web Services 服务或功能可能因区域而异。要查看适用于中国区域的差异,请参阅 中国的 Amazon Web Services 服务入门 (PDF)


创建用于处理功能标志和自由格式配置数据所需的构件 后,可以使用 Amazon Web Services Management Console、 Amazon CLI 或 SDK 创建新部署。在 Amazon AppConfig 中开始部署时,将调用 StartDeployment API 操作。该调用包括 Amazon AppConfig 应用程序、环境和配置文件的 ID 以及(可选)要部署的配置数据版本。该调用还包括要使用的部署策略的 ID,该策略确定如何部署配置数据。

如果您部署存储在 Amazon Secrets Manager 中的密钥、使用客户托管密钥加密的 Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) 对象,或存储在使用客户托管密钥加密的 Amazon Systems Manager Parameter Store 中的安全字符串参数,则必须为 KmsKeyIdentifier 参数指定一个值。如果您的配置未加密或使用 Amazon 托管式密钥 加密,则不需要指定 KmsKeyIdentifier 参数的值。


KmsKeyIdentifier 指定的值必须是客户管理的密钥。该密钥不必与您用来加密配置的密钥相同。

当您使用 KmsKeyIdentifier 开始部署时,附加到 Amazon Identity and Access Management(IAM)主体的权限策略必须支持 kms:GenerateDataKey 操作。

Amazon AppConfig 监控分发到所有主机的过程并报告状态。如果分发失败,Amazon AppConfig 将回滚配置。




可以使用以下过程通过 Amazon Systems Manager 控制台部署 Amazon AppConfig 配置。

  1. 访问 https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/appconfig/,打开 Amazon Systems Manager 控制台。

  2. 在导航窗格中,选择应用程序,然后选择在在 Amazon AppConfig 中为应用程序创建命名空间中创建的应用程序。

  3. 环境选项卡上,填充环境的单选按钮,然后选择查看详细信息

  4. 选择开始部署

  5. 对于 Configuration (配置),请从列表中选择一个配置。

  6. 根据配置的来源,使用版本列表来选择要部署的版本。

  7. 对于 Deployment strategy (部署策略),请从列表中选择一个策略。

  8. (可选)对于部署描述,输入描述。

  9. 对于其它加密选项,请从列表中选择一个 Amazon Key Management Service 密钥。

  10. (可选)在标签部分中,选择添加新标签,并输入键和可选值。您最多可以为一个资源指定 50 个标签。

  11. 选择开始部署


以下过程介绍如何使用 Amazon CLI(在 Linux 或 Windows 上)或 Amazon Tools for PowerShell 部署 Amazon AppConfig 配置。

  1. 打开 Amazon CLI。

  2. 运行以下命令部署配置。

    aws appconfig start-deployment \ --application-id The_application_ID \ --environment-id The_environment_ID \ --deployment-strategy-id The_deployment_strategy_ID \ --configuration-profile-id The_configuration_profile_ID \ --configuration-version The_configuration_version_to_deploy \ --description A_description_of_the_deployment \ --tags User_defined_key_value_pair_metadata_of_the_deployment
    aws appconfig start-deployment ^ --application-id The_application_ID ^ --environment-id The_environment_ID ^ --deployment-strategy-id The_deployment_strategy_ID ^ --configuration-profile-id The_configuration_profile_ID ^ --configuration-version The_configuration_version_to_deploy ^ --description A_description_of_the_deployment ^ --tags User_defined_key_value_pair_metadata_of_the_deployment
    Start-APPCDeployment ` -ApplicationId The_application_ID ` -ConfigurationProfileId The_configuration_profile_ID ` -ConfigurationVersion The_configuration_version_to_deploy ` -DeploymentStrategyId The_deployment_strategy_ID ` -Description A_description_of_the_deployment ` -EnvironmentId The_environment_ID ` -Tag Hashtable_type_user_defined_key_value_pair_metadata_of_the_deployment


       "ApplicationId": "The ID of the application that was deployed",
       "EnvironmentId" : "The ID of the environment",
       "DeploymentStrategyId": "The ID of the deployment strategy that was deployed",
       "ConfigurationProfileId": "The ID of the configuration profile that was deployed",
       "DeploymentNumber": The sequence number of the deployment,
       "ConfigurationName": "The name of the configuration",
       "ConfigurationLocationUri": "Information about the source location of the configuration",
       "ConfigurationVersion": "The configuration version that was deployed",
       "Description": "The description of the deployment",
       "DeploymentDurationInMinutes": Total amount of time the deployment lasted,
       "GrowthType": "The linear or exponential algorithm used to define how percentage grew over time",
       "GrowthFactor": The percentage of targets to receive a deployed configuration during each interval,
       "FinalBakeTimeInMinutes": Time Amazon AppConfig monitored for alarms before considering the deployment to be complete,
       "State": "The state of the deployment",  
       "EventLog": [ 
             "Description": "A description of the deployment event",
             "EventType": "The type of deployment event",
             "OccurredAt": The date and time the event occurred,
             "TriggeredBy": "The entity that triggered the deployment event"
       "PercentageComplete": The percentage of targets for which the deployment is available,
       "StartedAt": The time the deployment started,
       "CompletedAt": The time the deployment completed   
       "ApplicationId": "The ID of the application that was deployed",
       "EnvironmentId" : "The ID of the environment",
       "DeploymentStrategyId": "The ID of the deployment strategy that was deployed",
       "ConfigurationProfileId": "The ID of the configuration profile that was deployed",
       "DeploymentNumber": The sequence number of the deployment,
       "ConfigurationName": "The name of the configuration",
       "ConfigurationLocationUri": "Information about the source location of the configuration",
       "ConfigurationVersion": "The configuration version that was deployed",
       "Description": "The description of the deployment",
       "DeploymentDurationInMinutes": Total amount of time the deployment lasted,
       "GrowthType": "The linear or exponential algorithm used to define how percentage grew over time",
       "GrowthFactor": The percentage of targets to receive a deployed configuration during each interval,
       "FinalBakeTimeInMinutes": Time Amazon AppConfig monitored for alarms before considering the deployment to be complete,
       "State": "The state of the deployment",  
       "EventLog": [ 
             "Description": "A description of the deployment event",
             "EventType": "The type of deployment event",
             "OccurredAt": The date and time the event occurred,
             "TriggeredBy": "The entity that triggered the deployment event"
       "PercentageComplete": The percentage of targets for which the deployment is available,
       "StartedAt": The time the deployment started,
       "CompletedAt": The time the deployment completed 
    ApplicationId               : The ID of the application that was deployed
    CompletedAt                 : The time the deployment completed
    ConfigurationLocationUri    : Information about the source location of the configuration
    ConfigurationName           : The name of the configuration
    ConfigurationProfileId      : The ID of the configuration profile that was deployed
    ConfigurationVersion        : The configuration version that was deployed
    ContentLength               : Runtime of the deployment 
    DeploymentDurationInMinutes : Total amount of time the deployment lasted
    DeploymentNumber            : The sequence number of the deployment
    DeploymentStrategyId        : The ID of the deployment strategy that was deployed
    Description                 : The description of the deployment
    EnvironmentId               : The ID of the environment that was deployed
    EventLog                    : {Description : A description of the deployment event, EventType : The type of deployment event, OccurredAt : The date and time the event occurred,
             TriggeredBy : The entity that triggered the deployment event}
    FinalBakeTimeInMinutes      : Time Amazon AppConfig monitored for alarms before considering the deployment to be complete
    GrowthFactor                : The percentage of targets to receive a deployed configuration during each interval
    GrowthType                  : The linear or exponential algorithm used to define how percentage grew over time
    HttpStatusCode              : HTTP Status of the runtime
    PercentageComplete          : The percentage of targets for which the deployment is available
    ResponseMetadata            : Runtime Metadata
    StartedAt                   : The time the deployment started
    State                       : The state of the deployment