为自定义 Amazon AppConfig 扩展程序创建 Lambda 函数
对于大多数用例,要创建自定义扩展程序,必须创建一个 Amazon Lambda 函数来执行扩展程序中定义的任何计算和处理。本部分包含自定义 Amazon AppConfig 扩展程序的 Lambda 函数示例代码。本部分还包括有效负载请求和响应参考详细信息。有关创建 Lambda 函数的更多信息,请参阅 Amazon Lambda 开发人员指南中的 Lambda 入门。
Lambda 函数的以下示例代码在调用时会自动将 Amazon AppConfig 配置备份到 Amazon S3 存储桶。每当创建或部署新配置时,都会备份该配置。该示例使用扩展程序参数,因此不必在 Lambda 函数中对存储桶名称进行硬编码。通过使用扩展程序参数,用户可以将扩展程序附加到多个应用程序,并将配置备份到不同的存储桶。代码示例包含用于进一步解释该函数的注释。
Amazon AppConfig 扩展程序的示例 Lambda 函数
from datetime import datetime import base64 import json import boto3 def lambda_handler(event, context): print(event) # Extensions that use the PRE_CREATE_HOSTED_CONFIGURATION_VERSION and PRE_START_DEPLOYMENT # action points receive the contents of AWS AppConfig configurations in Lambda event parameters. # Configuration contents are received as a base64-encoded string, which the lambda needs to decode # in order to get the configuration data as bytes. For other action points, the content # of the configuration isn't present, so the code below will fail. config_data_bytes = base64.b64decode(event["Content"]) # You can specify parameters for extensions. The CreateExtension API action lets you define # which parameters an extension supports. You supply the values for those parameters when you # create an extension association by calling the CreateExtensionAssociation API action. # The following code uses a parameter called S3_BUCKET to obtain the value specified in the # extension association. You can specify this parameter when you create the extension # later in this walkthrough. extension_association_params = event.get('Parameters', {}) bucket_name = extension_association_params['S3_BUCKET'] write_backup_to_s3(bucket_name, config_data_bytes) # The PRE_CREATE_HOSTED_CONFIGURATION_VERSION and PRE_START_DEPLOYMENT action points can # modify the contents of a configuration. The following code makes a minor change # for the purposes of a demonstration. old_config_data_string = config_data_bytes.decode('utf-8') new_config_data_string = old_config_data_string.replace('hello', 'hello!') new_config_data_bytes = new_config_data_string.encode('utf-8') # The lambda initially received the configuration data as a base64-encoded string # and must return it in the same format. new_config_data_base64string = base64.b64encode(new_config_data_bytes).decode('ascii') return { 'statusCode': 200, # If you want to modify the contents of the configuration, you must include the new contents in the # Lambda response. If you don't want to modify the contents, you can omit the 'Content' field shown here. 'Content': new_config_data_base64string } def write_backup_to_s3(bucket_name, config_data_bytes): s3 = boto3.resource('s3') new_object = s3.Object(bucket_name, f"config_backup_{datetime.now().isoformat()}.txt") new_object.put(Body=config_data_bytes)
如果要在本演练中使用此示例,请使用名称 MyS3ConfigurationBackUpExtension
保存它,并复制该函数的 Amazon 资源名称(ARN)。您可以在下一节中创建 Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) 代入角色时指定 ARN。您可以在创建扩展程序时指定 ARN 和名称。
本节包括使用自定义 Amazon AppConfig 扩展程序的有效负载请求和响应参考详细信息。
{ 'InvocationId': 'vlns753', // id for specific invocation 'Parameters': { 'ParameterOne': 'ValueOne', 'ParameterTwo': 'ValueTwo' }, 'ContentType': 'text/plain', 'ContentVersion': '2', 'Content': 'SGVsbG8gZWFydGgh', // Base64 encoded content 'Application': { 'Id': 'abcd123', 'Name': 'ApplicationName' }, 'ConfigurationProfile': { 'Id': 'ijkl789', 'Name': 'ConfigurationName' }, 'Description': '', 'Type': 'PreCreateHostedConfigurationVersion', 'PreviousContent': { 'ContentType': 'text/plain', 'ContentVersion': '1', 'Content': 'SGVsbG8gd29ybGQh' } }
{ 'InvocationId': '765ahdm', 'Parameters': { 'ParameterOne': 'ValueOne', 'ParameterTwo': 'ValueTwo' }, 'ContentType': 'text/plain', 'ContentVersion': '2', 'Content': 'SGVsbG8gZWFydGgh', 'Application': { 'Id': 'abcd123', 'Name': 'ApplicationName' }, 'Environment': { 'Id': 'ibpnqlq', 'Name': 'EnvironmentName' }, 'ConfigurationProfile': { 'Id': 'ijkl789', 'Name': 'ConfigurationName' }, 'DeploymentNumber': 2, 'Description': 'Deployment description', 'Type': 'PreStartDeployment' }
{ 'InvocationId': 'o2xbtm7', 'Parameters': { 'ParameterOne': 'ValueOne', 'ParameterTwo': 'ValueTwo' }, 'Type': 'OnDeploymentStart', 'Application': { 'Id': 'abcd123' }, 'Environment': { 'Id': 'efgh456' }, 'ConfigurationProfile': { 'Id': 'ijkl789', 'Name': 'ConfigurationName' }, 'DeploymentNumber': 2, 'Description': 'Deployment description', 'ConfigurationVersion': '2' }
以下示例显示了您的 Lambda 函数在响应来自自定义 Amazon AppConfig 扩展程序的请求时返回的内容。
同步事件 - 成功响应
"Content": "SomeBase64EncodedByteArray"
异步事件 - 成功响应
{ "Error": "BadRequestError", "Message": "There was malformed stuff in here", "Details": [{ "Type": "Malformed", "Name": "S3 pointer", "Reason": "S3 bucket did not exist" }] }