Interface CfnEC2Fleet.CapacityReservationOptionsRequestProperty

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@Stability(Stable) public static interface CfnEC2Fleet.CapacityReservationOptionsRequestProperty extends
Describes the strategy for using unused Capacity Reservations for fulfilling On-Demand capacity.

This strategy can only be used if the EC2 Fleet is of type instant .

For more information about Capacity Reservations, see On-Demand Capacity Reservations in the Amazon EC2 User Guide . For examples of using Capacity Reservations in an EC2 Fleet, see EC2 Fleet example configurations in the Amazon EC2 User Guide .


 // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
 // The values are placeholders you should change.
 CapacityReservationOptionsRequestProperty capacityReservationOptionsRequestProperty = CapacityReservationOptionsRequestProperty.builder()
  • Method Details

    • getUsageStrategy

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default String getUsageStrategy()
      Indicates whether to use unused Capacity Reservations for fulfilling On-Demand capacity.

      If you specify use-capacity-reservations-first , the fleet uses unused Capacity Reservations to fulfill On-Demand capacity up to the target On-Demand capacity. If multiple instance pools have unused Capacity Reservations, the On-Demand allocation strategy ( lowest-price or prioritized ) is applied. If the number of unused Capacity Reservations is less than the On-Demand target capacity, the remaining On-Demand target capacity is launched according to the On-Demand allocation strategy ( lowest-price or prioritized ).

      If you do not specify a value, the fleet fulfils the On-Demand capacity according to the chosen On-Demand allocation strategy.

    • builder

      a CfnEC2Fleet.CapacityReservationOptionsRequestProperty.Builder of CfnEC2Fleet.CapacityReservationOptionsRequestProperty