Interface CfnDomain.LogPublishingOptionProperty

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@Stability(Stable) public static interface CfnDomain.LogPublishingOptionProperty extends

The AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain resource is being replaced by the AWS::OpenSearchService::Domain resource. While the legacy Elasticsearch resource and options are still supported, we recommend modifying your existing Cloudformation templates to use the new OpenSearch Service resource, which supports both OpenSearch and Elasticsearch. For more information about the service rename, see New resource types in the Amazon OpenSearch Service Developer Guide .

Specifies whether the OpenSearch Service domain publishes the Elasticsearch application, search slow logs, or index slow logs to Amazon CloudWatch. Each option must be an object of name SEARCH_SLOW_LOGS , ES_APPLICATION_LOGS , INDEX_SLOW_LOGS , or AUDIT_LOGS depending on the type of logs you want to publish.

If you enable a slow log, you still have to enable the collection of slow logs using the Configuration API. To learn more, see Enabling log publishing ( AWS CLI) .


 // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
 // The values are placeholders you should change.
 LogPublishingOptionProperty logPublishingOptionProperty = LogPublishingOptionProperty.builder()