使用 Bash 脚本的 DynamoDB 示例 Amazon CLI - Amazon Command Line Interface
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使用 Bash 脚本的 DynamoDB 示例 Amazon CLI

以下代码示例向您展示了如何在 DynamoDB 中使用 with Bash 脚本来执行操作和实现常见场景。 Amazon Command Line Interface



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以下代码示例演示如何使用 BatchGetItem

Amazon CLI 使用 Bash 脚本

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中查找完整实例,了解如何进行设置和运行。

############################################################################# # function dynamodb_batch_get_item # # This function gets a batch of items from a DynamoDB table. # # Parameters: # -i item -- Path to json file containing the keys of the items to get. # # Returns: # The items as json output. # And: # 0 - If successful. # 1 - If it fails. ########################################################################## function dynamodb_batch_get_item() { local item response local option OPTARG # Required to use getopts command in a function. ####################################### # Function usage explanation ####################################### function usage() { echo "function dynamodb_batch_get_item" echo "Get a batch of items from a DynamoDB table." echo " -i item -- Path to json file containing the keys of the items to get." echo "" } while getopts "i:h" option; do case "${option}" in i) item="${OPTARG}" ;; h) usage return 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid parameter" usage return 1 ;; esac done export OPTIND=1 if [[ -z "$item" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide an item with the -i parameter." usage return 1 fi response=$(aws dynamodb batch-get-item \ --request-items file://"$item") local error_code=${?} if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log $error_code errecho "ERROR: AWS reports batch-get-item operation failed.$response" return 1 fi echo "$response" return 0 }


############################################################################### # function errecho # # This function outputs everything sent to it to STDERR (standard error output). ############################################################################### function errecho() { printf "%s\n" "$*" 1>&2 } ############################################################################## # function aws_cli_error_log() # # This function is used to log the error messages from the AWS CLI. # # See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/topic/return-codes.html#cli-aws-help-return-codes. # # The function expects the following argument: # $1 - The error code returned by the AWS CLI. # # Returns: # 0: - Success. # ############################################################################## function aws_cli_error_log() { local err_code=$1 errecho "Error code : $err_code" if [ "$err_code" == 1 ]; then errecho " One or more S3 transfers failed." elif [ "$err_code" == 2 ]; then errecho " Command line failed to parse." elif [ "$err_code" == 130 ]; then errecho " Process received SIGINT." elif [ "$err_code" == 252 ]; then errecho " Command syntax invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 253 ]; then errecho " The system environment or configuration was invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 254 ]; then errecho " The service returned an error." elif [ "$err_code" == 255 ]; then errecho " 255 is a catch-all error." fi return 0 }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅Amazon CLI 命令参考BatchGetItem中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 BatchWriteItem

Amazon CLI 使用 Bash 脚本

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中查找完整实例,了解如何进行设置和运行。

############################################################################## # function dynamodb_batch_write_item # # This function writes a batch of items into a DynamoDB table. # # Parameters: # -i item -- Path to json file containing the items to write. # # Returns: # 0 - If successful. # 1 - If it fails. ############################################################################ function dynamodb_batch_write_item() { local item response local option OPTARG # Required to use getopts command in a function. ####################################### # Function usage explanation ####################################### function usage() { echo "function dynamodb_batch_write_item" echo "Write a batch of items into a DynamoDB table." echo " -i item -- Path to json file containing the items to write." echo "" } while getopts "i:h" option; do case "${option}" in i) item="${OPTARG}" ;; h) usage return 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid parameter" usage return 1 ;; esac done export OPTIND=1 if [[ -z "$item" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide an item with the -i parameter." usage return 1 fi iecho "Parameters:\n" iecho " table_name: $table_name" iecho " item: $item" iecho "" response=$(aws dynamodb batch-write-item \ --request-items file://"$item") local error_code=${?} if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log $error_code errecho "ERROR: AWS reports batch-write-item operation failed.$response" return 1 fi return 0 }


############################################################################### # function iecho # # This function enables the script to display the specified text only if # the global variable $VERBOSE is set to true. ############################################################################### function iecho() { if [[ $VERBOSE == true ]]; then echo "$@" fi } ############################################################################### # function errecho # # This function outputs everything sent to it to STDERR (standard error output). ############################################################################### function errecho() { printf "%s\n" "$*" 1>&2 } ############################################################################## # function aws_cli_error_log() # # This function is used to log the error messages from the AWS CLI. # # See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/topic/return-codes.html#cli-aws-help-return-codes. # # The function expects the following argument: # $1 - The error code returned by the AWS CLI. # # Returns: # 0: - Success. # ############################################################################## function aws_cli_error_log() { local err_code=$1 errecho "Error code : $err_code" if [ "$err_code" == 1 ]; then errecho " One or more S3 transfers failed." elif [ "$err_code" == 2 ]; then errecho " Command line failed to parse." elif [ "$err_code" == 130 ]; then errecho " Process received SIGINT." elif [ "$err_code" == 252 ]; then errecho " Command syntax invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 253 ]; then errecho " The system environment or configuration was invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 254 ]; then errecho " The service returned an error." elif [ "$err_code" == 255 ]; then errecho " 255 is a catch-all error." fi return 0 }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅Amazon CLI 命令参考BatchWriteItem中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 CreateTable

Amazon CLI 使用 Bash 脚本

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中查找完整实例,了解如何进行设置和运行。

############################################################################### # function dynamodb_create_table # # This function creates an Amazon DynamoDB table. # # Parameters: # -n table_name -- The name of the table to create. # -a attribute_definitions -- JSON file path of a list of attributes and their types. # -k key_schema -- JSON file path of a list of attributes and their key types. # -p provisioned_throughput -- Provisioned throughput settings for the table. # # Returns: # 0 - If successful. # 1 - If it fails. ############################################################################### function dynamodb_create_table() { local table_name attribute_definitions key_schema provisioned_throughput response local option OPTARG # Required to use getopts command in a function. ####################################### # Function usage explanation ####################################### function usage() { echo "function dynamodb_create_table" echo "Creates an Amazon DynamoDB table." echo " -n table_name -- The name of the table to create." echo " -a attribute_definitions -- JSON file path of a list of attributes and their types." echo " -k key_schema -- JSON file path of a list of attributes and their key types." echo " -p provisioned_throughput -- Provisioned throughput settings for the table." echo "" } # Retrieve the calling parameters. while getopts "n:a:k:p:h" option; do case "${option}" in n) table_name="${OPTARG}" ;; a) attribute_definitions="${OPTARG}" ;; k) key_schema="${OPTARG}" ;; p) provisioned_throughput="${OPTARG}" ;; h) usage return 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid parameter" usage return 1 ;; esac done export OPTIND=1 if [[ -z "$table_name" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a table name with the -n parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$attribute_definitions" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide an attribute definitions json file path the -a parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$key_schema" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a key schema json file path the -k parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$provisioned_throughput" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a provisioned throughput json file path the -p parameter." usage return 1 fi iecho "Parameters:\n" iecho " table_name: $table_name" iecho " attribute_definitions: $attribute_definitions" iecho " key_schema: $key_schema" iecho " provisioned_throughput: $provisioned_throughput" iecho "" response=$(aws dynamodb create-table \ --table-name "$table_name" \ --attribute-definitions file://"$attribute_definitions" \ --key-schema file://"$key_schema" \ --provisioned-throughput "$provisioned_throughput") local error_code=${?} if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log $error_code errecho "ERROR: AWS reports create-table operation failed.$response" return 1 fi return 0 }


############################################################################### # function iecho # # This function enables the script to display the specified text only if # the global variable $VERBOSE is set to true. ############################################################################### function iecho() { if [[ $VERBOSE == true ]]; then echo "$@" fi } ############################################################################### # function errecho # # This function outputs everything sent to it to STDERR (standard error output). ############################################################################### function errecho() { printf "%s\n" "$*" 1>&2 } ############################################################################## # function aws_cli_error_log() # # This function is used to log the error messages from the AWS CLI. # # See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/topic/return-codes.html#cli-aws-help-return-codes. # # The function expects the following argument: # $1 - The error code returned by the AWS CLI. # # Returns: # 0: - Success. # ############################################################################## function aws_cli_error_log() { local err_code=$1 errecho "Error code : $err_code" if [ "$err_code" == 1 ]; then errecho " One or more S3 transfers failed." elif [ "$err_code" == 2 ]; then errecho " Command line failed to parse." elif [ "$err_code" == 130 ]; then errecho " Process received SIGINT." elif [ "$err_code" == 252 ]; then errecho " Command syntax invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 253 ]; then errecho " The system environment or configuration was invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 254 ]; then errecho " The service returned an error." elif [ "$err_code" == 255 ]; then errecho " 255 is a catch-all error." fi return 0 }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅Amazon CLI 命令参考CreateTable中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DeleteItem

Amazon CLI 使用 Bash 脚本

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中查找完整实例,了解如何进行设置和运行。

############################################################################## # function dynamodb_delete_item # # This function deletes an item from a DynamoDB table. # # Parameters: # -n table_name -- The name of the table. # -k keys -- Path to json file containing the keys that identify the item to delete. # # Returns: # 0 - If successful. # 1 - If it fails. ########################################################################### function dynamodb_delete_item() { local table_name keys response local option OPTARG # Required to use getopts command in a function. # ###################################### # Function usage explanation ####################################### function usage() { echo "function dynamodb_delete_item" echo "Delete an item from a DynamoDB table." echo " -n table_name -- The name of the table." echo " -k keys -- Path to json file containing the keys that identify the item to delete." echo "" } while getopts "n:k:h" option; do case "${option}" in n) table_name="${OPTARG}" ;; k) keys="${OPTARG}" ;; h) usage return 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid parameter" usage return 1 ;; esac done export OPTIND=1 if [[ -z "$table_name" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a table name with the -n parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$keys" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a keys json file path the -k parameter." usage return 1 fi iecho "Parameters:\n" iecho " table_name: $table_name" iecho " keys: $keys" iecho "" response=$(aws dynamodb delete-item \ --table-name "$table_name" \ --key file://"$keys") local error_code=${?} if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log $error_code errecho "ERROR: AWS reports delete-item operation failed.$response" return 1 fi return 0 }


############################################################################### # function iecho # # This function enables the script to display the specified text only if # the global variable $VERBOSE is set to true. ############################################################################### function iecho() { if [[ $VERBOSE == true ]]; then echo "$@" fi } ############################################################################### # function errecho # # This function outputs everything sent to it to STDERR (standard error output). ############################################################################### function errecho() { printf "%s\n" "$*" 1>&2 } ############################################################################## # function aws_cli_error_log() # # This function is used to log the error messages from the AWS CLI. # # See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/topic/return-codes.html#cli-aws-help-return-codes. # # The function expects the following argument: # $1 - The error code returned by the AWS CLI. # # Returns: # 0: - Success. # ############################################################################## function aws_cli_error_log() { local err_code=$1 errecho "Error code : $err_code" if [ "$err_code" == 1 ]; then errecho " One or more S3 transfers failed." elif [ "$err_code" == 2 ]; then errecho " Command line failed to parse." elif [ "$err_code" == 130 ]; then errecho " Process received SIGINT." elif [ "$err_code" == 252 ]; then errecho " Command syntax invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 253 ]; then errecho " The system environment or configuration was invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 254 ]; then errecho " The service returned an error." elif [ "$err_code" == 255 ]; then errecho " 255 is a catch-all error." fi return 0 }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅Amazon CLI 命令参考DeleteItem中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DeleteTable

Amazon CLI 使用 Bash 脚本

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中查找完整实例,了解如何进行设置和运行。

############################################################################### # function dynamodb_delete_table # # This function deletes a DynamoDB table. # # Parameters: # -n table_name -- The name of the table to delete. # # Returns: # 0 - If successful. # 1 - If it fails. ############################################################################### function dynamodb_delete_table() { local table_name response local option OPTARG # Required to use getopts command in a function. # bashsupport disable=BP5008 function usage() { echo "function dynamodb_delete_table" echo "Deletes an Amazon DynamoDB table." echo " -n table_name -- The name of the table to delete." echo "" } # Retrieve the calling parameters. while getopts "n:h" option; do case "${option}" in n) table_name="${OPTARG}" ;; h) usage return 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid parameter" usage return 1 ;; esac done export OPTIND=1 if [[ -z "$table_name" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a table name with the -n parameter." usage return 1 fi iecho "Parameters:\n" iecho " table_name: $table_name" iecho "" response=$(aws dynamodb delete-table \ --table-name "$table_name") local error_code=${?} if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log $error_code errecho "ERROR: AWS reports delete-table operation failed.$response" return 1 fi return 0 }


############################################################################### # function iecho # # This function enables the script to display the specified text only if # the global variable $VERBOSE is set to true. ############################################################################### function iecho() { if [[ $VERBOSE == true ]]; then echo "$@" fi } ############################################################################### # function errecho # # This function outputs everything sent to it to STDERR (standard error output). ############################################################################### function errecho() { printf "%s\n" "$*" 1>&2 } ############################################################################## # function aws_cli_error_log() # # This function is used to log the error messages from the AWS CLI. # # See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/topic/return-codes.html#cli-aws-help-return-codes. # # The function expects the following argument: # $1 - The error code returned by the AWS CLI. # # Returns: # 0: - Success. # ############################################################################## function aws_cli_error_log() { local err_code=$1 errecho "Error code : $err_code" if [ "$err_code" == 1 ]; then errecho " One or more S3 transfers failed." elif [ "$err_code" == 2 ]; then errecho " Command line failed to parse." elif [ "$err_code" == 130 ]; then errecho " Process received SIGINT." elif [ "$err_code" == 252 ]; then errecho " Command syntax invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 253 ]; then errecho " The system environment or configuration was invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 254 ]; then errecho " The service returned an error." elif [ "$err_code" == 255 ]; then errecho " 255 is a catch-all error." fi return 0 }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅Amazon CLI 命令参考DeleteTable中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DescribeTable

Amazon CLI 使用 Bash 脚本

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中查找完整实例,了解如何进行设置和运行。

############################################################################### # function dynamodb_describe_table # # This function returns the status of a DynamoDB table. # # Parameters: # -n table_name -- The name of the table. # # Response: # - TableStatus: # And: # 0 - Table is active. # 1 - If it fails. ############################################################################### function dynamodb_describe_table { local table_name local option OPTARG # Required to use getopts command in a function. ####################################### # Function usage explanation ####################################### function usage() { echo "function dynamodb_describe_table" echo "Describe the status of a DynamoDB table." echo " -n table_name -- The name of the table." echo "" } # Retrieve the calling parameters. while getopts "n:h" option; do case "${option}" in n) table_name="${OPTARG}" ;; h) usage return 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid parameter" usage return 1 ;; esac done export OPTIND=1 if [[ -z "$table_name" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a table name with the -n parameter." usage return 1 fi local table_status table_status=$( aws dynamodb describe-table \ --table-name "$table_name" \ --output text \ --query 'Table.TableStatus' ) local error_code=${?} if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log "$error_code" errecho "ERROR: AWS reports describe-table operation failed.$table_status" return 1 fi echo "$table_status" return 0 }


############################################################################### # function errecho # # This function outputs everything sent to it to STDERR (standard error output). ############################################################################### function errecho() { printf "%s\n" "$*" 1>&2 } ############################################################################## # function aws_cli_error_log() # # This function is used to log the error messages from the AWS CLI. # # See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/topic/return-codes.html#cli-aws-help-return-codes. # # The function expects the following argument: # $1 - The error code returned by the AWS CLI. # # Returns: # 0: - Success. # ############################################################################## function aws_cli_error_log() { local err_code=$1 errecho "Error code : $err_code" if [ "$err_code" == 1 ]; then errecho " One or more S3 transfers failed." elif [ "$err_code" == 2 ]; then errecho " Command line failed to parse." elif [ "$err_code" == 130 ]; then errecho " Process received SIGINT." elif [ "$err_code" == 252 ]; then errecho " Command syntax invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 253 ]; then errecho " The system environment or configuration was invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 254 ]; then errecho " The service returned an error." elif [ "$err_code" == 255 ]; then errecho " 255 is a catch-all error." fi return 0 }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅Amazon CLI 命令参考DescribeTable中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 GetItem

Amazon CLI 使用 Bash 脚本

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中查找完整实例,了解如何进行设置和运行。

############################################################################# # function dynamodb_get_item # # This function gets an item from a DynamoDB table. # # Parameters: # -n table_name -- The name of the table. # -k keys -- Path to json file containing the keys that identify the item to get. # [-q query] -- Optional JMESPath query expression. # # Returns: # The item as text output. # And: # 0 - If successful. # 1 - If it fails. ############################################################################ function dynamodb_get_item() { local table_name keys query response local option OPTARG # Required to use getopts command in a function. # ###################################### # Function usage explanation ####################################### function usage() { echo "function dynamodb_get_item" echo "Get an item from a DynamoDB table." echo " -n table_name -- The name of the table." echo " -k keys -- Path to json file containing the keys that identify the item to get." echo " [-q query] -- Optional JMESPath query expression." echo "" } query="" while getopts "n:k:q:h" option; do case "${option}" in n) table_name="${OPTARG}" ;; k) keys="${OPTARG}" ;; q) query="${OPTARG}" ;; h) usage return 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid parameter" usage return 1 ;; esac done export OPTIND=1 if [[ -z "$table_name" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a table name with the -n parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$keys" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a keys json file path the -k parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -n "$query" ]]; then response=$(aws dynamodb get-item \ --table-name "$table_name" \ --key file://"$keys" \ --output text \ --query "$query") else response=$( aws dynamodb get-item \ --table-name "$table_name" \ --key file://"$keys" \ --output text ) fi local error_code=${?} if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log $error_code errecho "ERROR: AWS reports get-item operation failed.$response" return 1 fi if [[ -n "$query" ]]; then echo "$response" | sed "/^\t/s/\t//1" # Remove initial tab that the JMSEPath query inserts on some strings. else echo "$response" fi return 0 }


############################################################################### # function errecho # # This function outputs everything sent to it to STDERR (standard error output). ############################################################################### function errecho() { printf "%s\n" "$*" 1>&2 } ############################################################################## # function aws_cli_error_log() # # This function is used to log the error messages from the AWS CLI. # # See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/topic/return-codes.html#cli-aws-help-return-codes. # # The function expects the following argument: # $1 - The error code returned by the AWS CLI. # # Returns: # 0: - Success. # ############################################################################## function aws_cli_error_log() { local err_code=$1 errecho "Error code : $err_code" if [ "$err_code" == 1 ]; then errecho " One or more S3 transfers failed." elif [ "$err_code" == 2 ]; then errecho " Command line failed to parse." elif [ "$err_code" == 130 ]; then errecho " Process received SIGINT." elif [ "$err_code" == 252 ]; then errecho " Command syntax invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 253 ]; then errecho " The system environment or configuration was invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 254 ]; then errecho " The service returned an error." elif [ "$err_code" == 255 ]; then errecho " 255 is a catch-all error." fi return 0 }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅Amazon CLI 命令参考GetItem中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 ListTables

Amazon CLI 使用 Bash 脚本

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中查找完整实例,了解如何进行设置和运行。

############################################################################## # function dynamodb_list_tables # # This function lists all the tables in a DynamoDB. # # Returns: # 0 - If successful. # 1 - If it fails. ########################################################################### function dynamodb_list_tables() { response=$(aws dynamodb list-tables \ --output text \ --query "TableNames") local error_code=${?} if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log $error_code errecho "ERROR: AWS reports batch-write-item operation failed.$response" return 1 fi echo "$response" | tr -s "[:space:]" "\n" return 0 }


############################################################################### # function errecho # # This function outputs everything sent to it to STDERR (standard error output). ############################################################################### function errecho() { printf "%s\n" "$*" 1>&2 } ############################################################################## # function aws_cli_error_log() # # This function is used to log the error messages from the AWS CLI. # # See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/topic/return-codes.html#cli-aws-help-return-codes. # # The function expects the following argument: # $1 - The error code returned by the AWS CLI. # # Returns: # 0: - Success. # ############################################################################## function aws_cli_error_log() { local err_code=$1 errecho "Error code : $err_code" if [ "$err_code" == 1 ]; then errecho " One or more S3 transfers failed." elif [ "$err_code" == 2 ]; then errecho " Command line failed to parse." elif [ "$err_code" == 130 ]; then errecho " Process received SIGINT." elif [ "$err_code" == 252 ]; then errecho " Command syntax invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 253 ]; then errecho " The system environment or configuration was invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 254 ]; then errecho " The service returned an error." elif [ "$err_code" == 255 ]; then errecho " 255 is a catch-all error." fi return 0 }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅Amazon CLI 命令参考ListTables中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 PutItem

Amazon CLI 使用 Bash 脚本

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中查找完整实例,了解如何进行设置和运行。

############################################################################## # function dynamodb_put_item # # This function puts an item into a DynamoDB table. # # Parameters: # -n table_name -- The name of the table. # -i item -- Path to json file containing the item values. # # Returns: # 0 - If successful. # 1 - If it fails. ############################################################################## function dynamodb_put_item() { local table_name item response local option OPTARG # Required to use getopts command in a function. ####################################### # Function usage explanation ####################################### function usage() { echo "function dynamodb_put_item" echo "Put an item into a DynamoDB table." echo " -n table_name -- The name of the table." echo " -i item -- Path to json file containing the item values." echo "" } while getopts "n:i:h" option; do case "${option}" in n) table_name="${OPTARG}" ;; i) item="${OPTARG}" ;; h) usage return 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid parameter" usage return 1 ;; esac done export OPTIND=1 if [[ -z "$table_name" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a table name with the -n parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$item" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide an item with the -i parameter." usage return 1 fi iecho "Parameters:\n" iecho " table_name: $table_name" iecho " item: $item" iecho "" iecho "" response=$(aws dynamodb put-item \ --table-name "$table_name" \ --item file://"$item") local error_code=${?} if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log $error_code errecho "ERROR: AWS reports put-item operation failed.$response" return 1 fi return 0 }


############################################################################### # function iecho # # This function enables the script to display the specified text only if # the global variable $VERBOSE is set to true. ############################################################################### function iecho() { if [[ $VERBOSE == true ]]; then echo "$@" fi } ############################################################################### # function errecho # # This function outputs everything sent to it to STDERR (standard error output). ############################################################################### function errecho() { printf "%s\n" "$*" 1>&2 } ############################################################################## # function aws_cli_error_log() # # This function is used to log the error messages from the AWS CLI. # # See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/topic/return-codes.html#cli-aws-help-return-codes. # # The function expects the following argument: # $1 - The error code returned by the AWS CLI. # # Returns: # 0: - Success. # ############################################################################## function aws_cli_error_log() { local err_code=$1 errecho "Error code : $err_code" if [ "$err_code" == 1 ]; then errecho " One or more S3 transfers failed." elif [ "$err_code" == 2 ]; then errecho " Command line failed to parse." elif [ "$err_code" == 130 ]; then errecho " Process received SIGINT." elif [ "$err_code" == 252 ]; then errecho " Command syntax invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 253 ]; then errecho " The system environment or configuration was invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 254 ]; then errecho " The service returned an error." elif [ "$err_code" == 255 ]; then errecho " 255 is a catch-all error." fi return 0 }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅Amazon CLI 命令参考PutItem中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 Query

Amazon CLI 使用 Bash 脚本

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############################################################################# # function dynamodb_query # # This function queries a DynamoDB table. # # Parameters: # -n table_name -- The name of the table. # -k key_condition_expression -- The key condition expression. # -a attribute_names -- Path to JSON file containing the attribute names. # -v attribute_values -- Path to JSON file containing the attribute values. # [-p projection_expression] -- Optional projection expression. # # Returns: # The items as json output. # And: # 0 - If successful. # 1 - If it fails. ########################################################################### function dynamodb_query() { local table_name key_condition_expression attribute_names attribute_values projection_expression response local option OPTARG # Required to use getopts command in a function. # ###################################### # Function usage explanation ####################################### function usage() { echo "function dynamodb_query" echo "Query a DynamoDB table." echo " -n table_name -- The name of the table." echo " -k key_condition_expression -- The key condition expression." echo " -a attribute_names -- Path to JSON file containing the attribute names." echo " -v attribute_values -- Path to JSON file containing the attribute values." echo " [-p projection_expression] -- Optional projection expression." echo "" } while getopts "n:k:a:v:p:h" option; do case "${option}" in n) table_name="${OPTARG}" ;; k) key_condition_expression="${OPTARG}" ;; a) attribute_names="${OPTARG}" ;; v) attribute_values="${OPTARG}" ;; p) projection_expression="${OPTARG}" ;; h) usage return 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid parameter" usage return 1 ;; esac done export OPTIND=1 if [[ -z "$table_name" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a table name with the -n parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$key_condition_expression" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a key condition expression with the -k parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$attribute_names" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a attribute names with the -a parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$attribute_values" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a attribute values with the -v parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$projection_expression" ]]; then response=$(aws dynamodb query \ --table-name "$table_name" \ --key-condition-expression "$key_condition_expression" \ --expression-attribute-names file://"$attribute_names" \ --expression-attribute-values file://"$attribute_values") else response=$(aws dynamodb query \ --table-name "$table_name" \ --key-condition-expression "$key_condition_expression" \ --expression-attribute-names file://"$attribute_names" \ --expression-attribute-values file://"$attribute_values" \ --projection-expression "$projection_expression") fi local error_code=${?} if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log $error_code errecho "ERROR: AWS reports query operation failed.$response" return 1 fi echo "$response" return 0 }


############################################################################### # function errecho # # This function outputs everything sent to it to STDERR (standard error output). ############################################################################### function errecho() { printf "%s\n" "$*" 1>&2 } ############################################################################## # function aws_cli_error_log() # # This function is used to log the error messages from the AWS CLI. # # See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/topic/return-codes.html#cli-aws-help-return-codes. # # The function expects the following argument: # $1 - The error code returned by the AWS CLI. # # Returns: # 0: - Success. # ############################################################################## function aws_cli_error_log() { local err_code=$1 errecho "Error code : $err_code" if [ "$err_code" == 1 ]; then errecho " One or more S3 transfers failed." elif [ "$err_code" == 2 ]; then errecho " Command line failed to parse." elif [ "$err_code" == 130 ]; then errecho " Process received SIGINT." elif [ "$err_code" == 252 ]; then errecho " Command syntax invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 253 ]; then errecho " The system environment or configuration was invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 254 ]; then errecho " The service returned an error." elif [ "$err_code" == 255 ]; then errecho " 255 is a catch-all error." fi return 0 }
  • 有关 API 详细信息,请参阅《Amazon CLI 命令参考》中的 Query

以下代码示例演示如何使用 Scan

Amazon CLI 使用 Bash 脚本

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############################################################################# # function dynamodb_scan # # This function scans a DynamoDB table. # # Parameters: # -n table_name -- The name of the table. # -f filter_expression -- The filter expression. # -a expression_attribute_names -- Path to JSON file containing the expression attribute names. # -v expression_attribute_values -- Path to JSON file containing the expression attribute values. # [-p projection_expression] -- Optional projection expression. # # Returns: # The items as json output. # And: # 0 - If successful. # 1 - If it fails. ########################################################################### function dynamodb_scan() { local table_name filter_expression expression_attribute_names expression_attribute_values projection_expression response local option OPTARG # Required to use getopts command in a function. # ###################################### # Function usage explanation ####################################### function usage() { echo "function dynamodb_scan" echo "Scan a DynamoDB table." echo " -n table_name -- The name of the table." echo " -f filter_expression -- The filter expression." echo " -a expression_attribute_names -- Path to JSON file containing the expression attribute names." echo " -v expression_attribute_values -- Path to JSON file containing the expression attribute values." echo " [-p projection_expression] -- Optional projection expression." echo "" } while getopts "n:f:a:v:p:h" option; do case "${option}" in n) table_name="${OPTARG}" ;; f) filter_expression="${OPTARG}" ;; a) expression_attribute_names="${OPTARG}" ;; v) expression_attribute_values="${OPTARG}" ;; p) projection_expression="${OPTARG}" ;; h) usage return 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid parameter" usage return 1 ;; esac done export OPTIND=1 if [[ -z "$table_name" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a table name with the -n parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$filter_expression" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a filter expression with the -f parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$expression_attribute_names" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide expression attribute names with the -a parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$expression_attribute_values" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide expression attribute values with the -v parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$projection_expression" ]]; then response=$(aws dynamodb scan \ --table-name "$table_name" \ --filter-expression "$filter_expression" \ --expression-attribute-names file://"$expression_attribute_names" \ --expression-attribute-values file://"$expression_attribute_values") else response=$(aws dynamodb scan \ --table-name "$table_name" \ --filter-expression "$filter_expression" \ --expression-attribute-names file://"$expression_attribute_names" \ --expression-attribute-values file://"$expression_attribute_values" \ --projection-expression "$projection_expression") fi local error_code=${?} if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log $error_code errecho "ERROR: AWS reports scan operation failed.$response" return 1 fi echo "$response" return 0 }


############################################################################### # function errecho # # This function outputs everything sent to it to STDERR (standard error output). ############################################################################### function errecho() { printf "%s\n" "$*" 1>&2 } ############################################################################## # function aws_cli_error_log() # # This function is used to log the error messages from the AWS CLI. # # See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/topic/return-codes.html#cli-aws-help-return-codes. # # The function expects the following argument: # $1 - The error code returned by the AWS CLI. # # Returns: # 0: - Success. # ############################################################################## function aws_cli_error_log() { local err_code=$1 errecho "Error code : $err_code" if [ "$err_code" == 1 ]; then errecho " One or more S3 transfers failed." elif [ "$err_code" == 2 ]; then errecho " Command line failed to parse." elif [ "$err_code" == 130 ]; then errecho " Process received SIGINT." elif [ "$err_code" == 252 ]; then errecho " Command syntax invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 253 ]; then errecho " The system environment or configuration was invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 254 ]; then errecho " The service returned an error." elif [ "$err_code" == 255 ]; then errecho " 255 is a catch-all error." fi return 0 }
  • 有关 API 详细信息,请参阅《Amazon CLI 命令参考》中的 Scan

以下代码示例演示如何使用 UpdateItem

Amazon CLI 使用 Bash 脚本

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中查找完整实例,了解如何进行设置和运行。

############################################################################## # function dynamodb_update_item # # This function updates an item in a DynamoDB table. # # # Parameters: # -n table_name -- The name of the table. # -k keys -- Path to json file containing the keys that identify the item to update. # -e update expression -- An expression that defines one or more attributes to be updated. # -v values -- Path to json file containing the update values. # # Returns: # 0 - If successful. # 1 - If it fails. ############################################################################# function dynamodb_update_item() { local table_name keys update_expression values response local option OPTARG # Required to use getopts command in a function. ####################################### # Function usage explanation ####################################### function usage() { echo "function dynamodb_update_item" echo "Update an item in a DynamoDB table." echo " -n table_name -- The name of the table." echo " -k keys -- Path to json file containing the keys that identify the item to update." echo " -e update expression -- An expression that defines one or more attributes to be updated." echo " -v values -- Path to json file containing the update values." echo "" } while getopts "n:k:e:v:h" option; do case "${option}" in n) table_name="${OPTARG}" ;; k) keys="${OPTARG}" ;; e) update_expression="${OPTARG}" ;; v) values="${OPTARG}" ;; h) usage return 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid parameter" usage return 1 ;; esac done export OPTIND=1 if [[ -z "$table_name" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a table name with the -n parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$keys" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a keys json file path the -k parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$update_expression" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide an update expression with the -e parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$values" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a values json file path the -v parameter." usage return 1 fi iecho "Parameters:\n" iecho " table_name: $table_name" iecho " keys: $keys" iecho " update_expression: $update_expression" iecho " values: $values" response=$(aws dynamodb update-item \ --table-name "$table_name" \ --key file://"$keys" \ --update-expression "$update_expression" \ --expression-attribute-values file://"$values") local error_code=${?} if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log $error_code errecho "ERROR: AWS reports update-item operation failed.$response" return 1 fi return 0 }


############################################################################### # function iecho # # This function enables the script to display the specified text only if # the global variable $VERBOSE is set to true. ############################################################################### function iecho() { if [[ $VERBOSE == true ]]; then echo "$@" fi } ############################################################################### # function errecho # # This function outputs everything sent to it to STDERR (standard error output). ############################################################################### function errecho() { printf "%s\n" "$*" 1>&2 } ############################################################################## # function aws_cli_error_log() # # This function is used to log the error messages from the AWS CLI. # # See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/topic/return-codes.html#cli-aws-help-return-codes. # # The function expects the following argument: # $1 - The error code returned by the AWS CLI. # # Returns: # 0: - Success. # ############################################################################## function aws_cli_error_log() { local err_code=$1 errecho "Error code : $err_code" if [ "$err_code" == 1 ]; then errecho " One or more S3 transfers failed." elif [ "$err_code" == 2 ]; then errecho " Command line failed to parse." elif [ "$err_code" == 130 ]; then errecho " Process received SIGINT." elif [ "$err_code" == 252 ]; then errecho " Command syntax invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 253 ]; then errecho " The system environment or configuration was invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 254 ]; then errecho " The service returned an error." elif [ "$err_code" == 255 ]; then errecho " 255 is a catch-all error." fi return 0 }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅Amazon CLI 命令参考UpdateItem中的。



  • 创建可保存电影数据的表。

  • 在表中加入单一电影,获取并更新此电影。

  • 向 JSON 示例文件的表中写入电影数据。

  • 查询在给定年份发行的电影。

  • 扫描在年份范围内发行的电影。

  • 删除表中的电影后再删除表。

Amazon CLI 使用 Bash 脚本

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中查找完整实例,了解如何进行设置和运行。

DynamoDB 入门场景。

############################################################################### # function dynamodb_getting_started_movies # # Scenario to create an Amazon DynamoDB table and perform a series of operations on the table. # # Returns: # 0 - If successful. # 1 - If an error occurred. ############################################################################### function dynamodb_getting_started_movies() { source ./dynamodb_operations.sh key_schema_json_file="dynamodb_key_schema.json" attribute_definitions_json_file="dynamodb_attr_def.json" item_json_file="movie_item.json" key_json_file="movie_key.json" batch_json_file="batch.json" attribute_names_json_file="attribute_names.json" attributes_values_json_file="attribute_values.json" echo_repeat "*" 88 echo echo "Welcome to the Amazon DynamoDB getting started demo." echo echo_repeat "*" 88 echo local table_name echo -n "Enter a name for a new DynamoDB table: " get_input table_name=$get_input_result local provisioned_throughput="ReadCapacityUnits=5,WriteCapacityUnits=5" echo '[ {"AttributeName": "year", "KeyType": "HASH"}, {"AttributeName": "title", "KeyType": "RANGE"} ]' >"$key_schema_json_file" echo '[ {"AttributeName": "year", "AttributeType": "N"}, {"AttributeName": "title", "AttributeType": "S"} ]' >"$attribute_definitions_json_file" if dynamodb_create_table -n "$table_name" -a "$attribute_definitions_json_file" \ -k "$key_schema_json_file" -p "$provisioned_throughput" 1>/dev/null; then echo "Created a DynamoDB table named $table_name" else errecho "The table failed to create. This demo will exit." clean_up return 1 fi echo "Waiting for the table to become active...." if dynamodb_wait_table_active -n "$table_name"; then echo "The table is now active." else errecho "The table failed to become active. This demo will exit." cleanup "$table_name" return 1 fi echo echo_repeat "*" 88 echo echo -n "Enter the title of a movie you want to add to the table: " get_input local added_title added_title=$get_input_result local added_year get_int_input "What year was it released? " added_year=$get_input_result local rating get_float_input "On a scale of 1 - 10, how do you rate it? " "1" "10" rating=$get_input_result local plot echo -n "Summarize the plot for me: " get_input plot=$get_input_result echo '{ "year": {"N" :"'"$added_year"'"}, "title": {"S" : "'"$added_title"'"}, "info": {"M" : {"plot": {"S" : "'"$plot"'"}, "rating": {"N" :"'"$rating"'"} } } }' >"$item_json_file" if dynamodb_put_item -n "$table_name" -i "$item_json_file"; then echo "The movie '$added_title' was successfully added to the table '$table_name'." else errecho "Put item failed. This demo will exit." clean_up "$table_name" return 1 fi echo echo_repeat "*" 88 echo echo "Let's update your movie '$added_title'." get_float_input "You rated it $rating, what new rating would you give it? " "1" "10" rating=$get_input_result echo -n "You summarized the plot as '$plot'." echo "What would you say now? " get_input plot=$get_input_result echo '{ "year": {"N" :"'"$added_year"'"}, "title": {"S" : "'"$added_title"'"} }' >"$key_json_file" echo '{ ":r": {"N" :"'"$rating"'"}, ":p": {"S" : "'"$plot"'"} }' >"$item_json_file" local update_expression="SET info.rating = :r, info.plot = :p" if dynamodb_update_item -n "$table_name" -k "$key_json_file" -e "$update_expression" -v "$item_json_file"; then echo "Updated '$added_title' with new attributes." else errecho "Update item failed. This demo will exit." clean_up "$table_name" return 1 fi echo echo_repeat "*" 88 echo echo "We will now use batch write to upload 150 movie entries into the table." local batch_json for batch_json in movie_files/movies_*.json; do echo "{ \"$table_name\" : $(<"$batch_json") }" >"$batch_json_file" if dynamodb_batch_write_item -i "$batch_json_file" 1>/dev/null; then echo "Entries in $batch_json added to table." else errecho "Batch write failed. This demo will exit." clean_up "$table_name" return 1 fi done local title="The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" local year="2001" if get_yes_no_input "Let's move on...do you want to get info about '$title'? (y/n) "; then echo '{ "year": {"N" :"'"$year"'"}, "title": {"S" : "'"$title"'"} }' >"$key_json_file" local info info=$(dynamodb_get_item -n "$table_name" -k "$key_json_file") # shellcheck disable=SC2181 if [[ ${?} -ne 0 ]]; then errecho "Get item failed. This demo will exit." clean_up "$table_name" return 1 fi echo "Here is what I found:" echo "$info" fi local ask_for_year=true while [[ "$ask_for_year" == true ]]; do echo "Let's get a list of movies released in a given year." get_int_input "Enter a year between 1972 and 2018: " "1972" "2018" year=$get_input_result echo '{ "#n": "year" }' >"$attribute_names_json_file" echo '{ ":v": {"N" :"'"$year"'"} }' >"$attributes_values_json_file" response=$(dynamodb_query -n "$table_name" -k "#n=:v" -a "$attribute_names_json_file" -v "$attributes_values_json_file") # shellcheck disable=SC2181 if [[ ${?} -ne 0 ]]; then errecho "Query table failed. This demo will exit." clean_up "$table_name" return 1 fi echo "Here is what I found:" echo "$response" if ! get_yes_no_input "Try another year? (y/n) "; then ask_for_year=false fi done echo "Now let's scan for movies released in a range of years. Enter a year: " get_int_input "Enter a year between 1972 and 2018: " "1972" "2018" local start=$get_input_result get_int_input "Enter another year: " "1972" "2018" local end=$get_input_result echo '{ "#n": "year" }' >"$attribute_names_json_file" echo '{ ":v1": {"N" : "'"$start"'"}, ":v2": {"N" : "'"$end"'"} }' >"$attributes_values_json_file" response=$(dynamodb_scan -n "$table_name" -f "#n BETWEEN :v1 AND :v2" -a "$attribute_names_json_file" -v "$attributes_values_json_file") # shellcheck disable=SC2181 if [[ ${?} -ne 0 ]]; then errecho "Scan table failed. This demo will exit." clean_up "$table_name" return 1 fi echo "Here is what I found:" echo "$response" echo echo_repeat "*" 88 echo echo "Let's remove your movie '$added_title' from the table." if get_yes_no_input "Do you want to remove '$added_title'? (y/n) "; then echo '{ "year": {"N" :"'"$added_year"'"}, "title": {"S" : "'"$added_title"'"} }' >"$key_json_file" if ! dynamodb_delete_item -n "$table_name" -k "$key_json_file"; then errecho "Delete item failed. This demo will exit." clean_up "$table_name" return 1 fi fi if get_yes_no_input "Do you want to delete the table '$table_name'? (y/n) "; then if ! clean_up "$table_name"; then return 1 fi else if ! clean_up; then return 1 fi fi return 0 }

此场景中使用的 DynamoDB 函数。

############################################################################### # function dynamodb_create_table # # This function creates an Amazon DynamoDB table. # # Parameters: # -n table_name -- The name of the table to create. # -a attribute_definitions -- JSON file path of a list of attributes and their types. # -k key_schema -- JSON file path of a list of attributes and their key types. # -p provisioned_throughput -- Provisioned throughput settings for the table. # # Returns: # 0 - If successful. # 1 - If it fails. ############################################################################### function dynamodb_create_table() { local table_name attribute_definitions key_schema provisioned_throughput response local option OPTARG # Required to use getopts command in a function. ####################################### # Function usage explanation ####################################### function usage() { echo "function dynamodb_create_table" echo "Creates an Amazon DynamoDB table." echo " -n table_name -- The name of the table to create." echo " -a attribute_definitions -- JSON file path of a list of attributes and their types." echo " -k key_schema -- JSON file path of a list of attributes and their key types." echo " -p provisioned_throughput -- Provisioned throughput settings for the table." echo "" } # Retrieve the calling parameters. while getopts "n:a:k:p:h" option; do case "${option}" in n) table_name="${OPTARG}" ;; a) attribute_definitions="${OPTARG}" ;; k) key_schema="${OPTARG}" ;; p) provisioned_throughput="${OPTARG}" ;; h) usage return 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid parameter" usage return 1 ;; esac done export OPTIND=1 if [[ -z "$table_name" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a table name with the -n parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$attribute_definitions" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide an attribute definitions json file path the -a parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$key_schema" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a key schema json file path the -k parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$provisioned_throughput" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a provisioned throughput json file path the -p parameter." usage return 1 fi iecho "Parameters:\n" iecho " table_name: $table_name" iecho " attribute_definitions: $attribute_definitions" iecho " key_schema: $key_schema" iecho " provisioned_throughput: $provisioned_throughput" iecho "" response=$(aws dynamodb create-table \ --table-name "$table_name" \ --attribute-definitions file://"$attribute_definitions" \ --key-schema file://"$key_schema" \ --provisioned-throughput "$provisioned_throughput") local error_code=${?} if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log $error_code errecho "ERROR: AWS reports create-table operation failed.$response" return 1 fi return 0 } ############################################################################### # function dynamodb_describe_table # # This function returns the status of a DynamoDB table. # # Parameters: # -n table_name -- The name of the table. # # Response: # - TableStatus: # And: # 0 - Table is active. # 1 - If it fails. ############################################################################### function dynamodb_describe_table { local table_name local option OPTARG # Required to use getopts command in a function. ####################################### # Function usage explanation ####################################### function usage() { echo "function dynamodb_describe_table" echo "Describe the status of a DynamoDB table." echo " -n table_name -- The name of the table." echo "" } # Retrieve the calling parameters. while getopts "n:h" option; do case "${option}" in n) table_name="${OPTARG}" ;; h) usage return 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid parameter" usage return 1 ;; esac done export OPTIND=1 if [[ -z "$table_name" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a table name with the -n parameter." usage return 1 fi local table_status table_status=$( aws dynamodb describe-table \ --table-name "$table_name" \ --output text \ --query 'Table.TableStatus' ) local error_code=${?} if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log "$error_code" errecho "ERROR: AWS reports describe-table operation failed.$table_status" return 1 fi echo "$table_status" return 0 } ############################################################################## # function dynamodb_put_item # # This function puts an item into a DynamoDB table. # # Parameters: # -n table_name -- The name of the table. # -i item -- Path to json file containing the item values. # # Returns: # 0 - If successful. # 1 - If it fails. ############################################################################## function dynamodb_put_item() { local table_name item response local option OPTARG # Required to use getopts command in a function. ####################################### # Function usage explanation ####################################### function usage() { echo "function dynamodb_put_item" echo "Put an item into a DynamoDB table." echo " -n table_name -- The name of the table." echo " -i item -- Path to json file containing the item values." echo "" } while getopts "n:i:h" option; do case "${option}" in n) table_name="${OPTARG}" ;; i) item="${OPTARG}" ;; h) usage return 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid parameter" usage return 1 ;; esac done export OPTIND=1 if [[ -z "$table_name" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a table name with the -n parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$item" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide an item with the -i parameter." usage return 1 fi iecho "Parameters:\n" iecho " table_name: $table_name" iecho " item: $item" iecho "" iecho "" response=$(aws dynamodb put-item \ --table-name "$table_name" \ --item file://"$item") local error_code=${?} if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log $error_code errecho "ERROR: AWS reports put-item operation failed.$response" return 1 fi return 0 } ############################################################################## # function dynamodb_update_item # # This function updates an item in a DynamoDB table. # # # Parameters: # -n table_name -- The name of the table. # -k keys -- Path to json file containing the keys that identify the item to update. # -e update expression -- An expression that defines one or more attributes to be updated. # -v values -- Path to json file containing the update values. # # Returns: # 0 - If successful. # 1 - If it fails. ############################################################################# function dynamodb_update_item() { local table_name keys update_expression values response local option OPTARG # Required to use getopts command in a function. ####################################### # Function usage explanation ####################################### function usage() { echo "function dynamodb_update_item" echo "Update an item in a DynamoDB table." echo " -n table_name -- The name of the table." echo " -k keys -- Path to json file containing the keys that identify the item to update." echo " -e update expression -- An expression that defines one or more attributes to be updated." echo " -v values -- Path to json file containing the update values." echo "" } while getopts "n:k:e:v:h" option; do case "${option}" in n) table_name="${OPTARG}" ;; k) keys="${OPTARG}" ;; e) update_expression="${OPTARG}" ;; v) values="${OPTARG}" ;; h) usage return 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid parameter" usage return 1 ;; esac done export OPTIND=1 if [[ -z "$table_name" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a table name with the -n parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$keys" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a keys json file path the -k parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$update_expression" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide an update expression with the -e parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$values" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a values json file path the -v parameter." usage return 1 fi iecho "Parameters:\n" iecho " table_name: $table_name" iecho " keys: $keys" iecho " update_expression: $update_expression" iecho " values: $values" response=$(aws dynamodb update-item \ --table-name "$table_name" \ --key file://"$keys" \ --update-expression "$update_expression" \ --expression-attribute-values file://"$values") local error_code=${?} if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log $error_code errecho "ERROR: AWS reports update-item operation failed.$response" return 1 fi return 0 } ############################################################################## # function dynamodb_batch_write_item # # This function writes a batch of items into a DynamoDB table. # # Parameters: # -i item -- Path to json file containing the items to write. # # Returns: # 0 - If successful. # 1 - If it fails. ############################################################################ function dynamodb_batch_write_item() { local item response local option OPTARG # Required to use getopts command in a function. ####################################### # Function usage explanation ####################################### function usage() { echo "function dynamodb_batch_write_item" echo "Write a batch of items into a DynamoDB table." echo " -i item -- Path to json file containing the items to write." echo "" } while getopts "i:h" option; do case "${option}" in i) item="${OPTARG}" ;; h) usage return 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid parameter" usage return 1 ;; esac done export OPTIND=1 if [[ -z "$item" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide an item with the -i parameter." usage return 1 fi iecho "Parameters:\n" iecho " table_name: $table_name" iecho " item: $item" iecho "" response=$(aws dynamodb batch-write-item \ --request-items file://"$item") local error_code=${?} if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log $error_code errecho "ERROR: AWS reports batch-write-item operation failed.$response" return 1 fi return 0 } ############################################################################# # function dynamodb_get_item # # This function gets an item from a DynamoDB table. # # Parameters: # -n table_name -- The name of the table. # -k keys -- Path to json file containing the keys that identify the item to get. # [-q query] -- Optional JMESPath query expression. # # Returns: # The item as text output. # And: # 0 - If successful. # 1 - If it fails. ############################################################################ function dynamodb_get_item() { local table_name keys query response local option OPTARG # Required to use getopts command in a function. # ###################################### # Function usage explanation ####################################### function usage() { echo "function dynamodb_get_item" echo "Get an item from a DynamoDB table." echo " -n table_name -- The name of the table." echo " -k keys -- Path to json file containing the keys that identify the item to get." echo " [-q query] -- Optional JMESPath query expression." echo "" } query="" while getopts "n:k:q:h" option; do case "${option}" in n) table_name="${OPTARG}" ;; k) keys="${OPTARG}" ;; q) query="${OPTARG}" ;; h) usage return 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid parameter" usage return 1 ;; esac done export OPTIND=1 if [[ -z "$table_name" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a table name with the -n parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$keys" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a keys json file path the -k parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -n "$query" ]]; then response=$(aws dynamodb get-item \ --table-name "$table_name" \ --key file://"$keys" \ --output text \ --query "$query") else response=$( aws dynamodb get-item \ --table-name "$table_name" \ --key file://"$keys" \ --output text ) fi local error_code=${?} if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log $error_code errecho "ERROR: AWS reports get-item operation failed.$response" return 1 fi if [[ -n "$query" ]]; then echo "$response" | sed "/^\t/s/\t//1" # Remove initial tab that the JMSEPath query inserts on some strings. else echo "$response" fi return 0 } ############################################################################# # function dynamodb_query # # This function queries a DynamoDB table. # # Parameters: # -n table_name -- The name of the table. # -k key_condition_expression -- The key condition expression. # -a attribute_names -- Path to JSON file containing the attribute names. # -v attribute_values -- Path to JSON file containing the attribute values. # [-p projection_expression] -- Optional projection expression. # # Returns: # The items as json output. # And: # 0 - If successful. # 1 - If it fails. ########################################################################### function dynamodb_query() { local table_name key_condition_expression attribute_names attribute_values projection_expression response local option OPTARG # Required to use getopts command in a function. # ###################################### # Function usage explanation ####################################### function usage() { echo "function dynamodb_query" echo "Query a DynamoDB table." echo " -n table_name -- The name of the table." echo " -k key_condition_expression -- The key condition expression." echo " -a attribute_names -- Path to JSON file containing the attribute names." echo " -v attribute_values -- Path to JSON file containing the attribute values." echo " [-p projection_expression] -- Optional projection expression." echo "" } while getopts "n:k:a:v:p:h" option; do case "${option}" in n) table_name="${OPTARG}" ;; k) key_condition_expression="${OPTARG}" ;; a) attribute_names="${OPTARG}" ;; v) attribute_values="${OPTARG}" ;; p) projection_expression="${OPTARG}" ;; h) usage return 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid parameter" usage return 1 ;; esac done export OPTIND=1 if [[ -z "$table_name" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a table name with the -n parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$key_condition_expression" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a key condition expression with the -k parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$attribute_names" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a attribute names with the -a parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$attribute_values" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a attribute values with the -v parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$projection_expression" ]]; then response=$(aws dynamodb query \ --table-name "$table_name" \ --key-condition-expression "$key_condition_expression" \ --expression-attribute-names file://"$attribute_names" \ --expression-attribute-values file://"$attribute_values") else response=$(aws dynamodb query \ --table-name "$table_name" \ --key-condition-expression "$key_condition_expression" \ --expression-attribute-names file://"$attribute_names" \ --expression-attribute-values file://"$attribute_values" \ --projection-expression "$projection_expression") fi local error_code=${?} if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log $error_code errecho "ERROR: AWS reports query operation failed.$response" return 1 fi echo "$response" return 0 } ############################################################################# # function dynamodb_scan # # This function scans a DynamoDB table. # # Parameters: # -n table_name -- The name of the table. # -f filter_expression -- The filter expression. # -a expression_attribute_names -- Path to JSON file containing the expression attribute names. # -v expression_attribute_values -- Path to JSON file containing the expression attribute values. # [-p projection_expression] -- Optional projection expression. # # Returns: # The items as json output. # And: # 0 - If successful. # 1 - If it fails. ########################################################################### function dynamodb_scan() { local table_name filter_expression expression_attribute_names expression_attribute_values projection_expression response local option OPTARG # Required to use getopts command in a function. # ###################################### # Function usage explanation ####################################### function usage() { echo "function dynamodb_scan" echo "Scan a DynamoDB table." echo " -n table_name -- The name of the table." echo " -f filter_expression -- The filter expression." echo " -a expression_attribute_names -- Path to JSON file containing the expression attribute names." echo " -v expression_attribute_values -- Path to JSON file containing the expression attribute values." echo " [-p projection_expression] -- Optional projection expression." echo "" } while getopts "n:f:a:v:p:h" option; do case "${option}" in n) table_name="${OPTARG}" ;; f) filter_expression="${OPTARG}" ;; a) expression_attribute_names="${OPTARG}" ;; v) expression_attribute_values="${OPTARG}" ;; p) projection_expression="${OPTARG}" ;; h) usage return 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid parameter" usage return 1 ;; esac done export OPTIND=1 if [[ -z "$table_name" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a table name with the -n parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$filter_expression" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a filter expression with the -f parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$expression_attribute_names" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide expression attribute names with the -a parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$expression_attribute_values" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide expression attribute values with the -v parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$projection_expression" ]]; then response=$(aws dynamodb scan \ --table-name "$table_name" \ --filter-expression "$filter_expression" \ --expression-attribute-names file://"$expression_attribute_names" \ --expression-attribute-values file://"$expression_attribute_values") else response=$(aws dynamodb scan \ --table-name "$table_name" \ --filter-expression "$filter_expression" \ --expression-attribute-names file://"$expression_attribute_names" \ --expression-attribute-values file://"$expression_attribute_values" \ --projection-expression "$projection_expression") fi local error_code=${?} if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log $error_code errecho "ERROR: AWS reports scan operation failed.$response" return 1 fi echo "$response" return 0 } ############################################################################## # function dynamodb_delete_item # # This function deletes an item from a DynamoDB table. # # Parameters: # -n table_name -- The name of the table. # -k keys -- Path to json file containing the keys that identify the item to delete. # # Returns: # 0 - If successful. # 1 - If it fails. ########################################################################### function dynamodb_delete_item() { local table_name keys response local option OPTARG # Required to use getopts command in a function. # ###################################### # Function usage explanation ####################################### function usage() { echo "function dynamodb_delete_item" echo "Delete an item from a DynamoDB table." echo " -n table_name -- The name of the table." echo " -k keys -- Path to json file containing the keys that identify the item to delete." echo "" } while getopts "n:k:h" option; do case "${option}" in n) table_name="${OPTARG}" ;; k) keys="${OPTARG}" ;; h) usage return 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid parameter" usage return 1 ;; esac done export OPTIND=1 if [[ -z "$table_name" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a table name with the -n parameter." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$keys" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a keys json file path the -k parameter." usage return 1 fi iecho "Parameters:\n" iecho " table_name: $table_name" iecho " keys: $keys" iecho "" response=$(aws dynamodb delete-item \ --table-name "$table_name" \ --key file://"$keys") local error_code=${?} if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log $error_code errecho "ERROR: AWS reports delete-item operation failed.$response" return 1 fi return 0 } ############################################################################### # function dynamodb_delete_table # # This function deletes a DynamoDB table. # # Parameters: # -n table_name -- The name of the table to delete. # # Returns: # 0 - If successful. # 1 - If it fails. ############################################################################### function dynamodb_delete_table() { local table_name response local option OPTARG # Required to use getopts command in a function. # bashsupport disable=BP5008 function usage() { echo "function dynamodb_delete_table" echo "Deletes an Amazon DynamoDB table." echo " -n table_name -- The name of the table to delete." echo "" } # Retrieve the calling parameters. while getopts "n:h" option; do case "${option}" in n) table_name="${OPTARG}" ;; h) usage return 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid parameter" usage return 1 ;; esac done export OPTIND=1 if [[ -z "$table_name" ]]; then errecho "ERROR: You must provide a table name with the -n parameter." usage return 1 fi iecho "Parameters:\n" iecho " table_name: $table_name" iecho "" response=$(aws dynamodb delete-table \ --table-name "$table_name") local error_code=${?} if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log $error_code errecho "ERROR: AWS reports delete-table operation failed.$response" return 1 fi return 0 }


############################################################################### # function iecho # # This function enables the script to display the specified text only if # the global variable $VERBOSE is set to true. ############################################################################### function iecho() { if [[ $VERBOSE == true ]]; then echo "$@" fi } ############################################################################### # function errecho # # This function outputs everything sent to it to STDERR (standard error output). ############################################################################### function errecho() { printf "%s\n" "$*" 1>&2 } ############################################################################## # function aws_cli_error_log() # # This function is used to log the error messages from the AWS CLI. # # See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/topic/return-codes.html#cli-aws-help-return-codes. # # The function expects the following argument: # $1 - The error code returned by the AWS CLI. # # Returns: # 0: - Success. # ############################################################################## function aws_cli_error_log() { local err_code=$1 errecho "Error code : $err_code" if [ "$err_code" == 1 ]; then errecho " One or more S3 transfers failed." elif [ "$err_code" == 2 ]; then errecho " Command line failed to parse." elif [ "$err_code" == 130 ]; then errecho " Process received SIGINT." elif [ "$err_code" == 252 ]; then errecho " Command syntax invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 253 ]; then errecho " The system environment or configuration was invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 254 ]; then errecho " The service returned an error." elif [ "$err_code" == 255 ]; then errecho " 255 is a catch-all error." fi return 0 }