管理 Amazon DocumentDB 事件通知订阅 - Amazon DocumentDB
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管理 Amazon DocumentDB 事件通知订阅

如果您在 Amazon DocumentDB 控制台的导航窗格中选择“活动订阅”,则可以查看订阅类别和您当前订阅的列表。您也可以修改或删除特定的订阅。

列出当前的 Amazon DocumentDB 事件通知订阅

  1. https://console.amazonaws.cn/docdb 上登录到 Amazon Web Services Management Console。

  2. 在导航窗格中,选择事件订阅事件订阅窗格中会显示您的所有事件通知订阅。

    Event Subscriptions page showing one active subscription named "test" with db-instance source type.
  3. 事件订阅窗格中,选择您要修改的订阅,然后选择编辑

    Event Subscriptions interface showing one active subscription for a db-instance source type.
  4. 目标来源部分中对订阅进行更改。您可以通过选择或者反选择操作,添加或删除源标识符。

    Event subscription settings with Enabled option and Target section for notification configuration.
  5. 选择修改。Amazon DocumentDB 控制台会表明正在修改订阅。

    Event Categories selection with "All event categories" option chosen and "Modify" button highlighted.

删除 Amazon DocumentDB 事件通知订阅


  1. https://console.amazonaws.cn/docdb 上登录到 Amazon Web Services Management Console。

  2. 在导航窗格中,选择事件订阅

    Event Subscriptions page showing one active subscription named "test" for a db-instance.
  3. 事件订阅窗格中,选择您希望删除的订阅。

    Event Subscriptions table with one entry named "test" showing status, source type, and enabled state.
  4. 选择删除

    Event Subscriptions interface showing one active subscription and options to edit, delete, or create new.
  5. 将出现一个弹出窗口,询问您是否要永久删除此通知。选择删除

    Confirmation dialog for deleting a test event subscription with Cancel and Delete options.