Prevent updates to stack resources - Amazon CloudFormation
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Prevent updates to stack resources

When you create a stack, all update actions are allowed on all resources. By default, anyone with stack update permissions can update all of the resources in the stack. During an update, some resources might require an interruption or be completely replaced, resulting in new physical IDs or completely new storage. You can prevent stack resources from being unintentionally updated or deleted during a stack update by using a stack policy. A stack policy is a JSON document that defines the update actions that can be performed on designated resources.

After you set a stack policy, all of the resources in the stack are protected by default. To allow updates on specific resources, you specify an explicit Allow statement for those resources in your stack policy. You can define only one stack policy per stack, but, you can protect multiple resources within a single policy. A stack policy applies to all CloudFormation users who attempt to update the stack. You can't associate different stack policies with different users.

A stack policy applies only during stack updates. It doesn't provide access controls like an Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy. Use a stack policy only as a fail-safe mechanism to prevent accidental updates to specific stack resources. To control access to Amazon resources or actions, use IAM.

Example stack policy

The following example stack policy prevents updates to the ProductionDatabase resource:

{ "Statement" : [ { "Effect" : "Allow", "Action" : "Update:*", "Principal": "*", "Resource" : "*" }, { "Effect" : "Deny", "Action" : "Update:*", "Principal": "*", "Resource" : "LogicalResourceId/ProductionDatabase" } ] }

When you set a stack policy, all resources are protected by default. To allow updates on all resources, we add an Allow statement that allows all actions on all resources. Although the Allow statement specifies all resources, the explicit Deny statement overrides it for the resource with the ProductionDatabase logical ID. This Deny statement prevents all update actions, such as replacement or deletion, on the ProductionDatabase resource.

The Principal element is required, but supports only the wild card (*), which means that the statement applies to all principals.


During a stack update, CloudFormation automatically updates resources that depend on other updated resources. For example, CloudFormation updates a resource that references an updated resource. CloudFormation makes no physical changes, such as the resource's ID, to automatically updated resources, but if a stack policy is associated with those resources, you must have permission to update them.

Defining a stack policy

When you create a stack, no stack policy is set, so all update actions are allowed on all resources. To protect stack resources from update actions, define a stack policy and then set it on your stack. A stack policy is a JSON document that defines the CloudFormation stack update actions that CloudFormation users can perform and the resources that the actions apply to. You set the stack policy when you create a stack, by specifying a text file that contains your stack policy or typing it out. When you set a stack policy on your stack, any update not explicitly allowed is denied by default.

You define a stack policy with five elements: Effect, Action, Principal, Resource, and Condition. The following pseudo code shows stack policy syntax.

{ "Statement" : [ { "Effect" : "Deny_or_Allow", "Action" : "update_actions", "Principal" : "*", "Resource" : "LogicalResourceId/resource_logical_ID", "Condition" : { "StringEquals_or_StringLike" : { "ResourceType" : [resource_type, ...] } } } ] }

Determines whether the actions that you specify are denied or allowed on the resource(s) that you specify. You can specify only Deny or Allow, such as:

"Effect" : "Deny"

If a stack policy includes overlapping statements (both allowing and denying updates on a resource), a Deny statement always overrides an Allow statement. To ensure that a resource is protected, use a Deny statement for that resource.


Specifies the update actions that are denied or allowed:


Specifies update actions during which resources might experience no interruptions or some interruptions while changes are being applied. All resources maintain their physical IDs.


Specifies update actions during which resources are recreated. CloudFormation creates a new resource with the specified updates and then deletes the old resource. Because the resource is recreated, the physical ID of the new resource might be different.


Specifies update actions during which resources are removed. Updates that completely remove resources from a stack template require this action.


Specifies all update actions. The asterisk is a wild card that represents all update actions.

The following example shows how to specify just the replace and delete actions:

"Action" : ["Update:Replace", "Update:Delete"]

To allow all update actions except for one, use NotAction. For example, to allow all update actions except for Update:Delete, use NotAction, as shown in this example:

{ "Statement" : [ { "Effect" : "Allow", "NotAction" : "Update:Delete", "Principal": "*", "Resource" : "*" } ] }

The Principal element specifies the entity that the policy applies to. This element is required but supports only the wild card (*), which means that the policy applies to all principals.


Specifies the logical IDs of the resources that the policy applies to. To specify types of resources, use the Condition element.

To specify a single resource, use its logical ID. For example:

"Resource" : ["LogicalResourceId/myEC2instance"]

You can use a wild card with logical IDs. For example, if you use a common logical ID prefix for all related resources, you can specify all of them with a wild card:

"Resource" : ["LogicalResourceId/CriticalResource*"]

You can also use a Not element with resources. For example, to allow updates to all resources except for one, use a NotResource element to protect that resource:

{ "Statement" : [ { "Effect" : "Allow", "Action" : "Update:*", "Principal": "*", "NotResource" : "LogicalResourceId/ProductionDatabase" } ] }

When you set a stack policy, any update not explicitly allowed is denied. By allowing updates to all resources except for the ProductionDatabase resource, you deny updates to the ProductionDatabase resource.


Specifies the resource type that the policy applies to. To specify the logical IDs of specific resources, use the Resource element.

You can specify a resource type, such as all EC2 and RDS DB instances, as shown in the following example:

{ "Statement" : [ { "Effect" : "Deny", "Principal" : "*", "Action" : "Update:*", "Resource" : "*", "Condition" : { "StringEquals" : { "ResourceType" : ["AWS::EC2::Instance", "AWS::RDS::DBInstance"] } } }, { "Effect" : "Allow", "Principal" : "*", "Action" : "Update:*", "Resource" : "*" } ] }

The Allow statement grants update permissions to all resources and the Deny statement denies updates to EC2 and RDS DB instances. The Deny statement always overrides allow actions.

You can use a wild card with resource types. For example, you can deny update permissions to all Amazon EC2 resources—such as instances, security groups, and subnets—by using a wild card, as shown in the following example:

"Condition" : { "StringLike" : { "ResourceType" : ["AWS::EC2::*"] } }

You must use the StringLike condition when you use wild cards.

Setting a stack policy

You can use the console or Amazon CLI to apply a stack policy when you create a stack. You can also use the Amazon CLI to apply a stack policy to an existing stack. After you apply a stack policy, you can't remove it from the stack, but you can use the Amazon CLI to modify it.

Stack policies apply to all CloudFormation users who attempt to update the stack. You can't associate different stack policies with different users.

For information about writing stack policies, see Defining a stack policy.

To set a stack policy when you create a stack (console)
  1. Open the Amazon CloudFormation console at

  2. On the navigation bar at the top of the screen, choose the Amazon Web Services Region to create the stack in.

  3. On the CloudFormation Stacks page, choose Create stack.

  4. In the Create Stack wizard, on the Configure stack options page, expand the Advanced section and then choose Stack policy.

  5. Specify the stack policy:

    • To write a policy directly in the console, choose Enter stack policy and then type the stack policy directly in the text field.

    • To use a policy defined in a separate file, choose Upload a file, then Choose file to select the file containing the stack policy.

To set a stack policy when you create a stack (Amazon CLI)
  • Use the create-stack command with the --stack-policy-body option to type in a modified policy or the --stack-policy-url option to specify a file containing the policy.

To set a stack policy on an existing stack (Amazon CLI only)
  • Use the set-stack-policy command with the --stack-policy-body option to type in a modified policy or the --stack-policy-url option to specify a file containing the policy.


    To add a policy to an existing stack, you must have permission to the CloudFormation SetStackPolicy action.

Updating protected resources

To update protected resources, create a temporary policy that overrides the stack policy and allows updates on those resources. Specify the override policy when you update the stack. The override policy doesn't permanently change the stack policy.

To update protected resources, you must have permission to use the CloudFormation SetStackPolicy action. For information about setting CloudFormation permissions, see Control CloudFormation access with Amazon Identity and Access Management.


During a stack update, CloudFormation automatically updates resources that depend on other updated resources. For example, CloudFormation updates a resource that references an updated resource. CloudFormation makes no physical changes, such as the resources' ID, to automatically updated resources, but if a stack policy is associated with those resources, you must have permission to update them.

To update a protected resource (console)
  1. Open the Amazon CloudFormation console at

  2. Select the stack that you want to update, choose Stack actions, and then choose Update stack.

  3. If you haven't modified the stack template, select Use current template, and then click Next. If you have modified the template, select Replace current template and specify the location of the updated template in the Specify template section:

    • For a template stored locally on your computer, select Upload a template file. Choose Choose File to navigate to the file and select it, and then click Next.

    • For a template stored in an Amazon S3 bucket, select Amazon S3 URL. Enter or paste the URL for the template, and then click Next.

      If you have a template in a versioning-enabled bucket, you can specify a specific version of the template template by appending ?versionId=version-id to the URL. For more information, see Working with objects in a versioning-enabled bucket in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

  4. If your template contains parameters, on the Specify stack details page, enter or modify the parameter values, and then choose Next.

    CloudFormation populates each parameter with the value that is currently set in the stack except for parameters declared with the NoEcho attribute. You can use current values for those parameters by choosing Use existing value.

    For more information about using NoEcho to mask sensitive information, as well as using dynamic parameters to manage secrets, see the Do not embed credentials in your templates best practice.

  5. Specify an override stack policy.

    1. On the Configure stack options page, in the Advanced options section, select Stack policy.

    2. Select Upload a file.

    3. Click Choose file and navigate to the file that contains the overriding stack policy or type a policy.

    4. Choose Next.

    The override policy must specify an Allow statement for the protected resources that you want to update. For example, to update all protected resources, specify a temporary override policy that allows all updates:

    { "Statement" : [ { "Effect" : "Allow", "Action" : "Update:*", "Principal": "*", "Resource" : "*" } ] }

    CloudFormation applies the override policy only during this update. The override policy doesn't permanently change the stack policy. To modify a stack policy, see Modifying a stack policy .

  6. Review the stack information and the changes that you submitted.

    Check that you submitted the correct information, such as the correct parameter values or template URL. If your template contains IAM resources, choose I acknowledge that this template may create IAM resources to specify that you want to use IAM resources in the template. For more information, see Acknowledging IAM resources in CloudFormation templates.

    In the Preview your changes section, check that CloudFormation will make all the changes that you expect. For example, check that CloudFormation adds, removes, and modifies the resources that you intended to add, remove, or modify. CloudFormation generates this preview by creating a change set for the stack. For more information, see Update CloudFormation stacks using change sets.

  7. When you are satisfied with your changes, click Update.


    At this point, you also have the option to view the change set to review your proposed updates more thoroughly. To do so, click View change set instead of Update. CloudFormation displays the change set generated based on your updates. When you are ready to perform the stack update, click Execute.

    CloudFormation displays the Stack details page for your stack. Your stack now has a status of UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS. After CloudFormation has successfully finished updating the stack, it sets the stack status to UPDATE_COMPLETE.

    If the stack update fails, CloudFormation; automatically rolls back changes, and sets the stack status to UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE.

To update a protected resource (Amazon CLI)
  • Use the update-stack command with the --stack-policy-during-update-body option to type in a modified policy or the --stack-policy-during-update-url option to specify a file containing the policy.


    CloudFormation applies the override policy only during this update. The override policy doesn't permanently change the stack policy. To modify a stack policy, see Modifying a stack policy .

Modifying a stack policy

To protect additional resources or to remove protection from resources, modify the stack policy. For example, when you add a database that you want to protect to your stack, add a Deny statement for that database to the stack policy. To modify the policy, you must have permission to use the SetStackPolicy action.

Use the Amazon CLI to modify stack policies.

To modify a stack policy (Amazon CLI)
  • Use the set-stack-policy command with the --stack-policy-body option to type in a modified policy or the --stack-policy-url option to specify a file containing the policy.

You can't delete a stack policy. To remove all protection from all resources, you modify the policy to explicitly allow all actions on all resources. The following policy allows all updates on all resources:

{ "Statement" : [ { "Effect" : "Allow", "Action" : "Update:*", "Principal": "*", "Resource" : "*" } ] }

More example stack policies

The following example policies show how to prevent updates to all stack resources and to specific resources, and prevent specific types of updates.

Prevent updates to all stack resources

To prevent updates to all stack resources, the following policy specifies a Deny statement for all update actions on all resources.

{ "Statement" : [ { "Effect" : "Deny", "Action" : "Update:*", "Principal": "*", "Resource" : "*" } ] }

Prevent updates to a single resource

The following policy denies all update actions on the database with the MyDatabase logical ID. It allows all update actions on all other stack resources with an Allow statement. The Allow statement doesn't apply to the MyDatabase resource because the Deny statement always overrides allow actions.

{ "Statement" : [ { "Effect" : "Deny", "Action" : "Update:*", "Principal": "*", "Resource" : "LogicalResourceId/MyDatabase" }, { "Effect" : "Allow", "Action" : "Update:*", "Principal": "*", "Resource" : "*" } ] }

You can achieve the same result as the previous example by using a default denial. When you set a stack policy, CloudFormation denies any update that is not explicitly allowed. The following policy allows updates to all resources except for the ProductionDatabase resource, which is denied by default.

{ "Statement" : [ { "Effect" : "Allow", "Action" : "Update:*", "Principal": "*", "NotResource" : "LogicalResourceId/ProductionDatabase" } ] }

There is risk in using a default denial. If you have an Allow statement elsewhere in the policy (such as an Allow statement that uses a wildcard), you might unknowingly grant update permission to resources that you don't intend to. Because an explicit denial overrides any allow actions, you can ensure that a resource is protected by using a Deny statement.

Prevent updates to all instances of a resource type

The following policy denies all update actions on the RDS DB instance resource type. It allows all update actions on all other stack resources with an Allow statement. The Allow statement doesn't apply to the RDS DB instance resources because a Deny statement always overrides allow actions.

{ "Statement" : [ { "Effect" : "Deny", "Action" : "Update:*", "Principal": "*", "Resource" : "*", "Condition" : { "StringEquals" : { "ResourceType" : ["AWS::RDS::DBInstance"] } } }, { "Effect" : "Allow", "Action" : "Update:*", "Principal": "*", "Resource" : "*" } ] }

Prevent replacement updates for an instance

The following policy denies updates that would cause a replacement of the instance with the MyInstance logical ID. It allows all update actions on all other stack resources with an Allow statement. The Allow statement doesn't apply to the MyInstance resource because the Deny statement always overrides allow actions.

{ "Statement" : [ { "Effect" : "Deny", "Action" : "Update:Replace", "Principal": "*", "Resource" : "LogicalResourceId/MyInstance" }, { "Effect" : "Allow", "Action" : "Update:*", "Principal": "*", "Resource" : "*" } ] }

Prevent updates to nested stacks

The following policy denies all update actions on the CloudFormation stack resource type (nested stacks). It allows all update actions on all other stack resources with an Allow statement. The Allow statement doesn't apply to the CloudFormation stack resources because the Deny statement always overrides allow actions.

{ "Statement" : [ { "Effect" : "Deny", "Action" : "Update:*", "Principal": "*", "Resource" : "*", "Condition" : { "StringEquals" : { "ResourceType" : ["AWS::CloudFormation::Stack"] } } }, { "Effect" : "Allow", "Action" : "Update:*", "Principal": "*", "Resource" : "*" } ] }