Connect to your Linux instance using PuTTY - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
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Connect to your Linux instance using PuTTY

You can connect to your Linux instance using PuTTY, a free SSH client for Windows.

If you're running Windows Server 2019 or later, we recommend that you use OpenSSH, an open source connectivity tool for remote login using the SSH protocol.


If you receive an error while attempting to connect to your instance, make sure that your instance meets all of the SSH connection prerequisites. If it meets all of the prerequisites, and you're still not able to connect to your Linux instance, see Troubleshoot issues connecting to your Amazon EC2 Linux instance.


Before you connect to your Linux instance using PuTTY, complete the following tasks.

Complete the general prerequisites.
Allow inbound SSH traffic from your IP address.

Ensure that the security group associated with your instance allows incoming SSH traffic from your IP address. For more information, see Rules to connect to instances from your computer.

Install PuTTY on your local computer (if needed).

Download and install PuTTY from the PuTTY download page. If you already have an earlier version of PuTTY installed, we recommend that you download the latest version. Be sure to install the entire suite.

Convert your private key to PPK format using PuTTYgen.

You must specify the private key for the key pair that you specified when you launched the instance. If you created the private key in .pem format, you must convert it to a PPK file for use with PuTTY. Locate the private key (.pem file), and then follow the steps in Convert your private key using PuTTYgen.

(Optional) Convert your private key using PuTTYgen

PuTTY does not natively support the PEM format for SSH keys. PuTTY provides a tool named PuTTYgen, which converts PEM keys to the required PPK format for PuTTY. If you created the key using PEM format instead of PPK format, you must convert your private key (.pem file) into this format (.ppk file) for use with PuTTY.

To convert your private key from PEM to PPK format
  1. From the Start menu, choose All Programs, PuTTY, PuTTYgen.

  2. Under Type of key to generate, choose RSA. If your version of PuTTYgen does not include this option, choose SSH-2 RSA.

    RSA key in PuTTYgen.
  3. Choose Load. By default, PuTTYgen displays only files with the extension .ppk. To locate your .pem file, choose the option to display files of all types.

    Select all file types.
  4. Select your .pem file for the key pair that you specified when you launched your instance and choose Open. PuTTYgen displays a notice that the .pem file was successfully imported. Choose OK.

  5. To save the key in the format that PuTTY can use, choose Save private key. PuTTYgen displays a warning about saving the key without a passphrase. Choose Yes.


    A passphrase on a private key is an extra layer of protection. Even if your private key is discovered, it can't be used without the passphrase. The downside to using a passphrase is that it makes automation harder because human intervention is needed to log on to an instance, or to copy files to an instance.

  6. Specify the same name for the key that you used for the key pair (for example, key-pair-name) and choose Save. PuTTY automatically adds the .ppk file extension.

Your private key is now in the correct format for use with PuTTY. You can now connect to your instance using PuTTY's SSH client.

Connect to your Linux instance

Use the following procedure to connect to your Linux instance using PuTTY. You need the .ppk file that you created for your private key. For more information, see (Optional) Convert your private key using PuTTYgen in the preceding section. If you receive an error while attempting to connect to your instance, see Troubleshoot issues connecting to your Amazon EC2 Linux instance.

Last tested version – PuTTY .78

To connect to your instance using PuTTY
  1. Start PuTTY (from the Start menu, search for PuTTY and then choose Open).

  2. In the Category pane, choose Session and complete the following fields:

    1. In the Host Name box, do one of the following:

      • (Public DNS) To connect using your instance's public DNS name, enter instance-user-name@instance-public-dns-name.

      • (IPv6) Alternatively, if your instance has an IPv6 address, to connect using your instance's IPv6 address, enter instance-user-name@instance-IPv6-address.

      For information about how to get the username for your instance, and the public DNS name or IPv6 address of your instance, see Get the required instance details.

    2. Ensure that the Port value is 22.

    3. Under Connection type, select SSH.

    PuTTY configuration - Session.
  3. (Optional) You can configure PuTTY to automatically send 'keepalive' data at regular intervals to keep the session active. This is useful to avoid disconnecting from your instance due to session inactivity. In the Category pane, choose Connection, and then enter the required interval in Seconds between keepalives. For example, if your session disconnects after 10 minutes of inactivity, enter 180 to configure PuTTY to send keepalive data every 3 minutes.

  4. In the Category pane, expand Connection, SSH, and Auth. Choose Credentials.

  5. Next to Private key file for authentication, choose Browse. In the Select private key file dialog box, select the .ppk file that you generated for your key pair. You can either double-click the file or choose Open in the Select private key file dialog box.

  6. (Optional) If you plan to connect to this instance again after this session, you can save the session information for future use. In the Category pane, choose Session. Enter a name for the session in Saved Sessions, and then choose Save.

  7. To connect to the instance, choose Open.

  8. If this is the first time you have connected to this instance, PuTTY displays a security alert dialog box that asks whether you trust the host to which you are connecting.

    1. (Optional) Verify that the fingerprint in the security alert dialog box matches the fingerprint that you previously obtained in (Optional) Get the instance fingerprint. If these fingerprints don't match, someone might be attempting a "man-in-the-middle" attack. If they match, continue to the next step.

    2. Choose Accept. A window opens and you are connected to your instance.


      If you specified a passphrase when you converted your private key to the PuTTY format, you must provide that passphrase when you log in to the instance.

If you receive an error while attempting to connect to your instance, see Troubleshoot issues connecting to your Amazon EC2 Linux instance.