Find Amazon EBS-optimized Amazon EC2 instance types - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Find Amazon EBS-optimized Amazon EC2 instance types

You can use the Amazon CLI to view the instances types in the current Region that support EBS optimization.

To find instance types that are Amazon EBS-optimized by default

Use the following describe-instance-types command. If running this command at a Windows Command Prompt, replace the \ line continuation characters with the ^ character.

aws ec2 describe-instance-types \ --query 'InstanceTypes[].{InstanceType:InstanceType,"MaxBandwidth(Mb/s)":EbsInfo.EbsOptimizedInfo.MaximumBandwidthInMbps,MaxIOPS:EbsInfo.EbsOptimizedInfo.MaximumIops,"MaxThroughput(MB/s)":EbsInfo.EbsOptimizedInfo.MaximumThroughputInMBps}' \ --filters Name=ebs-info.ebs-optimized-support,Values=default --output=table

Example output for eu-west-1:

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | DescribeInstanceTypes | +-------------------+---------------------+-----------+-----------------------+ | InstanceType | MaxBandwidth(Mb/s) | MaxIOPS | MaxThroughput(MB/s) | +-------------------+---------------------+-----------+-----------------------+ | m5dn.8xlarge | 6800 | 30000 | 850.0 | | m6gd.xlarge | 4750 | 20000 | 593.75 | | c4.4xlarge | 2000 | 16000 | 250.0 | | r4.16xlarge | 14000 | 75000 | 1750.0 | | m5ad.large | 2880 | 16000 | 360.0 | ...
To find instance types that optionally support Amazon EBS optimization

Use the following describe-instance-types command.

aws ec2 describe-instance-types \ --query 'InstanceTypes[].{InstanceType:InstanceType,"MaxBandwidth(Mb/s)":EbsInfo.EbsOptimizedInfo.MaximumBandwidthInMbps,MaxIOPS:EbsInfo.EbsOptimizedInfo.MaximumIops,"MaxThroughput(MB/s)":EbsInfo.EbsOptimizedInfo.MaximumThroughputInMBps}' \ --filters Name=ebs-info.ebs-optimized-support,Values=supported --output=table

Example output for eu-west-1:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | DescribeInstanceTypes | +--------------+----------------------+----------+-----------------------+ | InstanceType | MaxBandwidth(Mb/s) | MaxIOPS | MaxThroughput(MB/s) | +--------------+----------------------+----------+-----------------------+ | i2.2xlarge | 1000 | 8000 | 125.0 | | m2.4xlarge | 1000 | 8000 | 125.0 | | m2.2xlarge | 500 | 4000 | 62.5 | | c1.xlarge | 1000 | 8000 | 125.0 | | i2.xlarge | 500 | 4000 | 62.5 | | m3.xlarge | 500 | 4000 | 62.5 | | m1.xlarge | 1000 | 8000 | 125.0 | | r3.4xlarge | 2000 | 16000 | 250.0 | | r3.2xlarge | 1000 | 8000 | 125.0 | | c3.xlarge | 500 | 4000 | 62.5 | | m3.2xlarge | 1000 | 8000 | 125.0 | | r3.xlarge | 500 | 4000 | 62.5 | | i2.4xlarge | 2000 | 16000 | 250.0 | | c3.4xlarge | 2000 | 16000 | 250.0 | | c3.2xlarge | 1000 | 8000 | 125.0 | | m1.large | 500 | 4000 | 62.5 | +--------------+----------------------+----------+-----------------------+