How Amazon EC2 AMI copy works - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

How Amazon EC2 AMI copy works

Copying a source AMI results in an identical but distinct new AMI that we also refer to as the target AMI. The target AMI has its own unique AMI ID. You can change or deregister the source AMI with no effect on the target AMI. The reverse is also true.

With an EBS-backed AMI, each of its backing snapshots is copied to an identical but distinct target snapshot. If you copy an AMI to a new Region, the snapshots are complete (non-incremental) copies. If you encrypt unencrypted backing snapshots or encrypt them to a new KMS key, the snapshots are complete (non-incremental) copies. Subsequent copy operations of an AMI result in incremental copies of the backing snapshots.

Cross-Region copying

Copying an AMI across geographically diverse Regions provides the following benefits:

  • Consistent global deployment: Copying an AMI from one Region to another enables you to launch consistent instances in different Regions based on the same AMI.

  • Scalability: You can more easily design and build global applications that meet the needs of your users, regardless of their location.

  • Performance: You can increase performance by distributing your application, as well as locating critical components of your application in closer proximity to your users. You can also take advantage of Region-specific features, such as instance types or other Amazon services.

  • High availability: You can design and deploy applications across Amazon Regions, to increase availability.

The following diagram shows the relationship between a source AMI and two copied AMIs in different Regions, as well as the EC2 instances launched from each. When you launch an instance from an AMI, it resides in the same Region where the AMI resides. If you make changes to the source AMI and want those changes to be reflected in the AMIs in the target Regions, you must recopy the source AMI to the target Regions.

AMIs copied in different Regions

When you first copy an instance store-backed AMI to a Region, we create an Amazon S3 bucket for the AMIs copied to that Region. All instance store-backed AMIs that you copy to that Region are stored in this bucket. The bucket names have the following format: amis-for-account-in-region-hash. For example: amis-for-123456789012-in-us-west-2-yhjmxvp6.


Prior to copying an AMI, you must ensure that the contents of the source AMI are updated to support running in a different Region. For example, you should update any database connection strings or similar application configuration data to point to the appropriate resources. Otherwise, instances launched from the new AMI in the destination Region might still use the resources from the source Region, which can impact performance and cost.

  • Destination Regions are limited to 300 concurrent AMI copies.

  • You can't copy a paravirtual (PV) AMI to a Region that does not support PV AMIs. For more information, see Virtualization types.

Cross-account copying

If an AMI from another Amazon Web Services account is shared with your Amazon Web Services account, you can copy the shared AMI. This is known as cross-account copying. The AMI that is shared with you is the source AMI. When you copy the source AMI, you create a new AMI. The new AMI is often referred to as the target AMI.

AMI costs
  • For a shared AMI, the account of the shared AMI is charged for the storage in the Region.

  • If you copy an AMI that is shared with your account, you are the owner of the target AMI in your account.

    • The owner of the source AMI is charged standard Amazon EBS or Amazon S3 transfer fees.

    • You are charged for the storage of the target AMI in the destination Region.

Resource permissions

To copy an AMI that was shared with you from another account, the owner of the source AMI must grant you read permissions for the storage that backs the AMI. The storage is either the associated EBS snapshot (for an Amazon EBS-backed AMI) or an associated S3 bucket (for an instance store-backed AMI). If the shared AMI has encrypted snapshots, the owner must share the key or keys with you. For more information about granting resource permissions, for EBS snapshots, see Share an Amazon EBS snapshot with other Amazon Web Services accounts in the Amazon EBS User Guide, and for S3 buckets, see Identity and access management for Amazon S3 in the Amazon S3 User Guide.


Tags that are attached to the source AMI are not copied across accounts to the target AMI.

Encryption and copying

The following table shows encryption support for various AMI-copying scenarios. While it is possible to copy an unencrypted snapshot to yield an encrypted snapshot, you cannot copy an encrypted snapshot to yield an unencrypted one.

Scenario Description Supported
1 Unencrypted to unencrypted Yes
2 Encrypted to encrypted Yes
3 Unencrypted to encrypted Yes
4 Encrypted to unencrypted No

Encrypting during the CopyImage action applies only to Amazon EBS-backed AMIs. Because an instance store-backed AMI does not use snapshots, you can't use copying to change its encryption status.

When you copy an AMI without specifying encryption parameters, the backing snapshot is copied with its original encryption status by default. Therefore, if the source AMI is backed by an unencrypted snapshot, the resulting target snapshot will also be unencrypted. Similarly, if the source AMI's snapshot is encrypted, the resulting target snapshot will also be encrypted by the same Amazon KMS key. For AMIs backed by multiple snapshots, each target snapshot preserves the encryption state of its corresponding source snapshot.

To change the encryption state of the target backing snapshots during an AMI copy, you can specify encryption parameters. The following example shows a non-default case, where encryption parameters are specified with the CopyImage action to change the target AMI's encryption state.

Copy an unencrypted source AMI to an encrypted target AMI

In this scenario, an AMI backed by an unencrypted root snapshot is copied to an AMI with an encrypted root snapshot. The CopyImage action is invoked with two encryption parameters, including a customer managed key. As a result, the encryption status of the root snapshot changes, so that the target AMI is backed by a root snapshot containing the same data as the source snapshot, but encrypted using the specified key. You incur storage costs for the snapshots in both AMIs, as well as charges for any instances you launch from either AMI.


Enabling encryption by default has the same effect as setting the Encrypted parameter to true for all snapshots in the AMI.

Copy AMI and encrypt snapshot on the fly

Setting the Encrypted parameter encrypts the single snapshot for this instance. If you do not specify the KmsKeyId parameter, the default customer managed key is used to encrypt the snapshot copy.

For more information about copying AMIs with encrypted snapshots, see Use encryption with EBS-backed AMIs.