Requester-managed network interfaces - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
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Requester-managed network interfaces

A requester-managed network interface is a network interface that an Amazon Web Services service creates in your VPC on your behalf. The network interface is associated with a resource for another service, such as a DB instance from Amazon RDS, a NAT gateway, or an interface VPC endpoint from Amazon PrivateLink.

  • You can view the requester-managed network interfaces in your account. You can add or remove tags, but you can't change other properties of a requester-managed network interface.

  • You can't detach a requester-managed network interface.

  • When you delete the resource associated with a requester-managed network interface, the Amazon Web Services service detaches the network interface and deletes it. If the service detached a network interface but didn't delete it, you can delete the detached network interface.

To view requester-managed network interfaces using the console
  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Network & Security, Network Interfaces.

  3. Select the ID of the network interface to open its details page.

  4. The following are the key fields that you can use to determine the purpose of the network interface:

    • Description: A description provided by the Amazon service that created the interface. For example, "VPC Endpoint Interface vpce 089f2123488812123".

    • Requester-managed: Indicates whether the network interface is managed by Amazon.

    • Requester ID: The alias or Amazon account ID of the principal or service that created the network interface. If you created the network interface, this is your Amazon Web Services account ID. Otherwise, another principal or service created it.

Amazon CLI
To view requester-managed network interfaces using the Amazon CLI

Use the describe-network-interfaces command as follows.

aws ec2 describe-network-interfaces --filters Name=requester-managed,Values=true

The following is example output that shows the key fields that you can use to determine the purpose of the network interface: Description and InterfaceType.

{ ... "Description": "VPC Endpoint Interface vpce-089f2123488812123", ... "InterfaceType": "vpc_endpoint", ... "NetworkInterfaceId": "eni-0d11e3ccd2c0e6c57", ... "RequesterId": "727180483921", "RequesterManaged": true, ... }
To view requester-managed network interfaces using the Tools for Windows PowerShell

Use the Get-EC2NetworkInterface cmdlet as follows.

Get-EC2NetworkInterface -Filter @{ Name="requester-managed"; Values="true" }

The following is example output that shows the key fields that you can use to determine the purpose of the network interface: Description and InterfaceType.

Description : VPC Endpoint Interface vpce-089f2123488812123 ... InterfaceType : vpc_endpoint ... NetworkInterfaceId : eni-0d11e3ccd2c0e6c57 ... RequesterId : 727180483921 RequesterManaged : True ...