Enable CloudWatch Application Signals - Amazon CloudWatch
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Enable CloudWatch Application Signals

Use CloudWatch Application Signals to automatically instrument your applications on Amazon so that you can track application performance against your business objectives. Application Signals provides you a unified, application-centric view of your Java applications, their dependencies, and their edges. For more information, see Application Signals.

CloudWatch Application Signals leverages the CloudWatch agent to receive metrics and traces from your auto-instrumented applications, optionally apply rules to reduce high cardinality, and then publish the processed telemetry to CloudWatch. You can provide custom configuration to the CloudWatch agent specifically for Application Signals using the agent configuration file. To start with, the presence of an application_signals section under the metrics_collected section within the logs section of the agent configuration file specifies that the CloudWatch agent will receive metrics from your auto-instrumented applications. Similarly, the presence of an application_signals section under the traces_collected section within the traces section of the agent configuration file specifies that the CloudWatch agent is enabled to receive traces from your auto-instrumented applications. In addition, you can optionally pass in custom configuration rules to reduce publishing high-cardinality telemetry as outlined in this section.

  • For Amazon EKS clusters, when you install the Amazon CloudWatch Observability EKS add-on, the CloudWatch agent is by default enabled to receive both metrics and traces from your auto-instrumented applications. If you would like to optionally pass in custom configuration rules, you can do so by passing in a custom agent configuration to the Amazon EKS add-on when you create or update it by using additional configuration, as outlined in (Optional) Additional configuration.

  • For other supported platforms including Amazon EC2, you must start the CloudWatch agent with an agent configuration that enables Application Signals by specifying the application_signals sections and optionally any custom configuration rules as outlined later in this section.

The following is an overview of the fields in the CloudWatch agent configuration file that are related to CloudWatch Application Signals.

  • logs

    • metrics_collected – This field can contain sections to specify that the agent is to collect logs to enable use cases such as CloudWatch Application Signals and Container Insights with enhanced observability for Amazon EKS.


      Previously this section was also used to specify that the agent is to collect logs that are in embedded metric format. Those settings are no longer needed.

      • application_signals (Optional) Specifies that you want to enable CloudWatch Application Signals to receive metrics from your auto-instrumented applications to facilitate CloudWatch Application Signals.

        • rules (Optional) An array of rules to conditionally select metrics and traces and apply actions to handle high-cardinality scenarios. Each rule can contain the following fields:

          • rule_name (Optional) The name of the rule.

          • selectors (Optional) An array of metrics and traces dimension matchers. Each selector must provide the following fields:

            • dimension Required if selectors is not empty. This specfiies the dimension of metrics and traces to use as a filter.

            • match Required if selectors is not empty. A wildcard pattern used for matching values of the specified dimension.

          • action (Optional) The action to be applied to metrics and traces that match the specified selectors. The value of action must be one of the following keywords:

            • keep Specifies to send only the metrics and traces to CloudWatch if matched by the selectors.

            • drop Specifies to drop the metric and traces that match the selectors.

            • replace Specifies to replace the dimensions of the metrics and traces that match selectors. They are replaced according to the replacements section.

          • replacements Required if action is replace. An array of dimension and value pairs that will be applied to metrics and traces that match the specified selectors when the action is replace. Each replacement must provide the following fields:

            • target_dimension Required if replacements is not empty. Specifies the dimension that needs to be replace.

            • value Required if replacements is not empty. The value to replace the original value of target_dimension with.

        • limiter (Optional) Use this section to limit how many metrics and dimensions Application Signals sends to CloudWatch, to optimize your costs.

          • disabled (Optional) If true, the metric limiting feature is disabled. The default is false

          • drop_threshold (Optional) The maximum number of distinct metrics per service in one rotation interval that can be exported by one CloudWatch agent. The default is 500.

          • rotation_interval (Optional) The interval at which the limiter resets the metric records for distinction counting. This is expressed as a string with a sequence of numbers and a unit suffix. Fractions are supported. The supported unit suffixes are s, m, h, ms, us, and ns

            The default is 1h for one hour.

          • log_dropped_metrics (Optional) Specifies whether the agent should write logs to the CloudWatch agent logs when Application Signals metrics are dropped. The default is false.


            To activate this logging, the debug parameter in the agent section must also be set to true.

  • traces

    • traces_collected

      • application_signals Optional. Specify this to enable the CloudWatch agent to receive traces from your auto-instrumented applications for facilitating CloudWatch Application Signals.


Even though the custom application_signals rules are specified under the metrics_collected section that is contained in the logs section, they also implicitly apply to the traces_collected section as well. The same set of rules will apply to both metrics and traces.

When there are multiple rules with different actions, they apply in the following sequence: keep, then drop, then replace.

The following is an example of a full CloudWatch agent configuration file that applies custom rules.

{ "logs": { "metrics_collected": { "application_signals": { "rules": [ { "rule_name": "keep01", "selectors": [ { "dimension": "Service", "match": "pet-clinic-frontend" }, { "dimension": "RemoteService", "match": "customers-service" } ], "action": "keep" }, { "rule_name": "drop01", "selectors": [ { "dimension": "Operation", "match": "GET /api/customer/owners/*" } ], "action": "drop" }, { "rule_name": "replace01", "selectors": [ { "dimension": "Operation", "match": "PUT /api/customer/owners/*/pets/*" }, { "dimension": "RemoteOperation", "match": "PUT /owners" } ], "replacements": [ { "target_dimension": "Operation", "value": "PUT /api/customer/owners/{ownerId}/pets{petId}" } ], "action": "replace" } ] } } }, "traces": { "traces_collected": { "application_signals": {} } } }

For the previous example configuration file, the rules are processed as follows:

  1. Rule keep01 ensures that any metrics and traces with the dimension Service as pet-clinic-frontend and the dimension RemoteService as customers-service are kept.

  2. For the processed metrics and traces after applying keep01, the drop01 rule ensures that metrics and traces with the dimension Operation as GET /api/customer/owners/* are dropped.

  3. For the processed metrics and traces after applying drop01, the replace01 rule updates metrics and traces that have the dimension Operation as PUT /api/customer/owners/*/pets/* and the dimension RemoteOperation as PUT /owners such that their Operation dimension is now replaced to be PUT /api/customer/owners/{ownerId}/pets{petId}.

The following is a complete example of a CloudWatch configuration file that manages cardinality in Application Signals by changing the metric limit to 100, enabling the logging of dropped metrics, and setting the rotation interval to two hours.

{ "logs": { "metrics_collected": { "application_signals": { "limiter": { "disabled": false, "drop_threshold": 100, "rotation_interval": "2h", "log_dropped_metrics": true } } }, "traces": { "traces_collected": { "application_signals": {} } } } }