Use client-side evaluation - powered by Amazon AppConfig - Amazon CloudWatch
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Use client-side evaluation - powered by Amazon AppConfig

You can use client-side evaluation - powered by Amazon AppConfig (client-side evaluation) in a project, which lets your application assign variations to user sessions locally instead of assigning variations by calling the EvaluateFeature operation. This mitigates the latency and availability risks that come with an API call.

To use client-side evaluation, attach the Amazon AppConfig Lambda extension as a layer to your Lambda functions and configure the environment variables. The client-side evaluation runs as a side process on the local host. Then, you can call the EvaluationFeature and PutProjectEvent operations against localhost. The client-side evaluation process handles the variation assignment, caching, and data synchronization. For more information about Amazon AppConfig, see How Amazon AppConfig works.

When you integrate with Amazon AppConfig, you specify an Amazon AppConfig application ID and an Amazon AppConfig environment ID to Evidently. You can use the same application ID and environment ID across Evidently projects.

When you create a project with client-side evaluation enabled, Evidently creates an Amazon AppConfig configuration profile for that project. The configuration profile for each project will be different.

Client-side evaluation access control

Evidently client-side evaluation uses a different access control mechanism than the rest of Evidently does. We strongly recommend that you understand this so that you can implement the proper security measures.

With Evidently, you can create IAM policies that limit the actions a user can perform on individual resources. For example, you can create a user role that disallows a user from having the EvaluateFeature action. For more information about the Evidently actions that can be controlled with IAM policies, see Actions defined by Amazon CloudWatch Evidently.

The client-side evaluation model allows local evaluations of Evidently features that use project metadata. A user of a project with client-side evaluation enabled can call the EvaluateFeature API against a local host endpoint, and this API call does not reach Evidently and is not authenticated by the Evidently service's IAM policies. This call is successful even if the user doesn't have the IAM permission to use the EvaluateFeature action. However, a user still needs the PutProjectEvents permission for the agent to buffer the evaluation events or custom events and to offload data to Evidently asynchronously.

Additionally, a user must have the evidently:ExportProjectAsConfiguration permission to be able to create a project that uses client-side evaluation. This helps you control access to EvaluateFeature actions that are called during client-side evaluation.

If you aren't careful, the client-side evaluation security model can subvert the policies that you have set on the rest of Evidently. A user who has the evidently:ExportProjectAsConfiguration permission can create a project with client-side evaluation enabled, and then use the EvaluateFeature action for client-side evaluation with that project even if they are expressly denied the EvaluateFeature action in an IAM policy.

Get started with Lambda

Evidently currently supports client-side evaluation by using an Amazon Lambda environment. To get started, first decide which Amazon AppConfig application and environment to use. Choose an existing application and environment, or create new ones.

The following sample Amazon AppConfig Amazon CLI commands create an application and environment.

aws appconfig create-application --name YOUR_APP_NAME
aws appconfig create-environment --application-id YOUR_APP_ID --name YOUR_ENVIRONMENT_NAME

Next, create an Evidently project by using these Amazon AppConfig resources. For more information, see Create a new project.

Client-side evaluation is supported in Lambda by using a Lambda layer. This is a public layer that is part of AWS-AppConfig-Extension, a public Amazon AppConfig extension created by the Amazon AppConfig service. For more information about Lambda layers, see Layer.

To use client-side evaluation, you must add this layer to your Lambda function and configure permissions and environment variables.

To add the Evidently client-side evaluation Lambda layer to your Lambda function and configure it
  1. Create a Lambda function if you haven't already.

  2. Add the client-side evaluation layer to your function. You can either specify its ARN or select it from the list of Amazon layers if you haven't already. For more information, see Configuring functions to use layers and Available versions of the Amazon AppConfig Lambda extension.

  3. Create an IAM policy named EvidentlyAppConfigCachingAgentPolicy with the following contents, and attach it to the function's execution role. For more information, see Lambda execution role.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "appconfig:GetLatestConfiguration", "appconfig:StartConfigurationSession", "evidently:PutProjectEvents" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }
  4. Add the required environment variable AWS_APPCONFIG_EXTENSION_EVIDENTLY_CONFIGURATIONS to your Lambda function. This environment variable specifies the mapping between the Evidently project and the Amazon AppConfig resources.

    If you are using this function for one Evidently project, set the value of the environment variable to: applications/APP_ID/environments/ENVIRONMENT_ID/configurations/PROJECT_NAME

    If you are using this function for multiple Evidently projects, use a comma to separate the values, as in the following example: applications/APP_ID_1/environments/ENVIRONMENT_ID_1/configurations/PROJECT_NAME_1, applications/APP_ID_2/environments/ENVIRONMENT_ID_2/configurations/PROJECT_NAME_2

  5. (Optional) Set other environment variables. For more information, see Configuring the Amazon AppConfig Lambda extension.

  6. In your application, get Evidently evaluations locally by sending EvaluateFeature to localhost.

    Python example:

    import boto3 from botocore.config import Config def lambda_handler(event, context): local_client = boto3.client( 'evidently', endpoint_url="http://localhost:2772", config=Config(inject_host_prefix=False) ) response = local_client.evaluate_feature( project=event['project'], feature=event['feature'], entityId=event['entityId'] ) print(response)

    Node.js example:

    const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const evidently = new AWS.Evidently({ region: "us-west-2", endpoint: "http://localhost:2772", hostPrefixEnabled: false }); exports.handler = async (event) => { const evaluation = await evidently.evaluateFeature({ project: 'John_ETCProject_Aug2022', feature: 'Feature_IceCreamFlavors', entityId: 'John' }).promise() console.log(evaluation) const response = { statusCode: 200, body: evaluation, }; return response; };

    Kotlin example:

    String localhostEndpoint = "http://localhost:2772/" public AmazonCloudWatchEvidentlyClient getEvidentlyLocalClient() { return AmazonCloudWatchEvidentlyClientBuilder.standard() .withEndpointConfiguration(AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration(localhostEndpoint, region)) .withClientConfiguration(ClientConfiguration().withDisableHostPrefixInjection(true)) .withCredentials(credentialsProvider) .build(); } AmazonCloudWatchEvidentlyClient evidently = getEvidentlyLocalClient(); // EvaluateFeature via local client. EvaluateFeatureRequest evaluateFeatureRequest = new EvaluateFeatureRequest().builder() .withProject(${YOUR_PROJECT}) //Required. .withFeature(${YOUR_FEATURE}) //Required. .withEntityId(${YOUR_ENTITY_ID}) //Required. .withEvaluationContext(${YOUR_EVAL_CONTEXT}) //Optional: a JSON object of attributes that you can optionally pass in as part of the evaluation event sent to Evidently. .build(); EvaluateFeatureResponse evaluateFeatureResponse = evidently.evaluateFeature(evaluateFeatureRequest); // PutProjectEvents via local client. PutProjectEventsRequest putProjectEventsRequest = new PutProjectEventsRequest().builder() .withData(${YOUR_DATA}) .withTimeStamp(${YOUR_TIMESTAMP}) .withType(${YOUR_TYPE}) .build(); PutProjectEvents putProjectEventsResponse = evidently.putProjectEvents(putProjectEventsRequest);

Configure how often the client sends data to Evidently

To specify how often client-side evaluation sends data to Evidently, you can optionally configure two environment variables.

  • AWS_APPCONFIG_EXTENSION_EVIDENTLY_EVENT_BATCH_SIZE specifies the number of events per project to batch before sending them to Evidently. Valid values are integers between 1 and 50, and the default is 40.

  • AWS_APPCONFIG_EXTENSION_EVIDENTLY_BATCH_COLLECTION_DURATION specifies the duration in seconds to wait for events before sending them to Evidently. The default is 30.


Use the following information to help troubleshoot problems with using CloudWatch Evidently with client-side evaluation - powered by Amazon AppConfig.

An error occurred (BadRequestException) when calling the EvaluateFeature operation: HTTP method not supported for provided path

Your environment variables might be configured incorrectly. For example, you might have used EVIDENTLY_CONFIGURATIONS as the environment variable name instead of AWS_APPCONFIG_EXTENSION_EVIDENTLY_CONFIGURATIONS.

ResourceNotFoundException: Deployment not found

Your update to the project metadata has not been deployed to Amazon AppConfig. Check for an active deployment in the Amazon AppConfig environment that you used for client-side evaluation.

ValidationException: No Evidently configuration for project

Your AWS_APPCONFIG_EXTENSION_EVIDENTLY_CONFIGURATIONS environment variable might be configured with the incorrect project name.