Viewing ElastiCache events - Amazon ElastiCache (Redis OSS)
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Viewing ElastiCache events

ElastiCache logs events that relate to your cluster instances, security groups, and parameter groups. This information includes the date and time of the event, the source name and source type of the event, and a description of the event. You can easily retrieve events from the log using the ElastiCache console, the Amazon CLI describe-events command, or the ElastiCache API action DescribeEvents.

The following procedures show you how to view all ElastiCache events for the past 24 hours (1440 minutes).

Viewing ElastiCache events (Console)

The following procedure displays events using the ElastiCache console.

To view events using the ElastiCache console
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the ElastiCache console at

  2. To see a list of all available events, in the navigation pane, choose Events.

    On the Events screen each row of the list represents one event and displays the event source, the event type (cache-cluster, cache-parameter-group, cache-security-group, or cache-subnet-group), the GMT time of the event, and a description of the event.

    Using the Filter you can specify whether you want to see all events, or just events of a specific type in the event list.

Viewing ElastiCache events (Amazon CLI)

To generate a list of ElastiCache events using the Amazon CLI, use the command describe-events. You can use optional parameters to control the type of events listed, the time frame of the events listed, the maximum number of events to list, and more.

The following code lists up to 40 cache cluster events.

aws elasticache describe-events --source-type cache-cluster --max-items 40

The following code lists all events for the past 24 hours (1440 minutes).

aws elasticache describe-events --source-type cache-cluster --duration 1440

The output from the describe-events command looks something like this.

aws elasticache describe-events --source-type cache-cluster --max-items 40 { "Events": [ { "SourceIdentifier": "my-mem-cluster", "SourceType": "cache-cluster", "Message": "Finished modifying number of nodes from 1 to 3", "Date": "2020-06-09T02:01:21.772Z" }, { "SourceIdentifier": "my-mem-cluster", "SourceType": "cache-cluster", "Message": "Added cache node 0002 in availability zone us-west-2a", "Date": "2020-06-09T02:01:21.716Z" }, { "SourceIdentifier": "my-mem-cluster", "SourceType": "cache-cluster", "Message": "Added cache node 0003 in availability zone us-west-2a", "Date": "2020-06-09T02:01:21.706Z" }, { "SourceIdentifier": "my-mem-cluster", "SourceType": "cache-cluster", "Message": "Increasing number of requested nodes", "Date": "2020-06-09T01:58:34.178Z" }, { "SourceIdentifier": "mycluster-0003-004", "SourceType": "cache-cluster", "Message": "Added cache node 0001 in availability zone us-west-2c", "Date": "2020-06-09T01:51:14.120Z" }, { "SourceIdentifier": "mycluster-0003-004", "SourceType": "cache-cluster", "Message": "This cache cluster does not support persistence (ex: 'appendonly'). Please use a different instance type to enable persistence.", "Date": "2020-06-09T01:51:14.095Z" }, { "SourceIdentifier": "mycluster-0003-004", "SourceType": "cache-cluster", "Message": "Cache cluster created", "Date": "2020-06-09T01:51:14.094Z" }, { "SourceIdentifier": "mycluster-0001-005", "SourceType": "cache-cluster", "Message": "Added cache node 0001 in availability zone us-west-2b", "Date": "2020-06-09T01:42:55.603Z" }, { "SourceIdentifier": "mycluster-0001-005", "SourceType": "cache-cluster", "Message": "This cache cluster does not support persistence (ex: 'appendonly'). Please use a different instance type to enable persistence.", "Date": "2020-06-09T01:42:55.576Z" }, { "SourceIdentifier": "mycluster-0001-005", "SourceType": "cache-cluster", "Message": "Cache cluster created", "Date": "2020-06-09T01:42:55.574Z" }, { "SourceIdentifier": "mycluster-0001-004", "SourceType": "cache-cluster", "Message": "Added cache node 0001 in availability zone us-west-2b", "Date": "2020-06-09T01:28:40.798Z" }, { "SourceIdentifier": "mycluster-0001-004", "SourceType": "cache-cluster", "Message": "This cache cluster does not support persistence (ex: 'appendonly'). Please use a different instance type to enable persistence.", "Date": "2020-06-09T01:28:40.775Z" }, { "SourceIdentifier": "mycluster-0001-004", "SourceType": "cache-cluster", "Message": "Cache cluster created", "Date": "2020-06-09T01:28:40.773Z" } ] }

For more information, such as available parameters and permitted parameter values, see describe-events.

Viewing ElastiCache events (ElastiCache API)

To generate a list of ElastiCache events using the ElastiCache API, use the DescribeEvents action. You can use optional parameters to control the type of events listed, the time frame of the events listed, the maximum number of events to list, and more.

The following code lists the 40 most recent cache-cluster events. ?Action=DescribeEvents &MaxRecords=40 &SignatureVersion=4 &SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256 &SourceType=cache-cluster &Timestamp=20150202T192317Z &Version=2015-02-02 &X-Amz-Credential=<credential>

The following code lists the cache-cluster events for the past 24 hours (1440 minutes). ?Action=DescribeEvents &Duration=1440 &SignatureVersion=4 &SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256 &SourceType=cache-cluster &Timestamp=20150202T192317Z &Version=2015-02-02 &X-Amz-Credential=<credential>

The above actions should produce output similar to the following.

<DescribeEventsResponse xmlns=""> <DescribeEventsResult> <Events> <Event> <Message>Cache cluster created</Message> <SourceType>cache-cluster</SourceType> <Date>2015-02-02T18:22:18.202Z</Date> <SourceIdentifier>mem01</SourceIdentifier> </Event> (...output omitted...) </Events> </DescribeEventsResult> <ResponseMetadata> <RequestId>e21c81b4-b9cd-11e3-8a16-7978bb24ffdf</RequestId> </ResponseMetadata> </DescribeEventsResponse>

For more information, such as available parameters and permitted parameter values, see DescribeEvents.