Tutorial: Configuring Lambda to access ElastiCache in a VPC - Amazon ElastiCache
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Tutorial: Configuring Lambda to access ElastiCache in a VPC

In this tutorial you can learn how to create an ElastiCache serverless cache, create a Lambda function, then test the Lambda function, and optionally clean up after.

Step 1: Creating an ElastiCache serverless cache.

To create a serverless cache, follow these steps.

Step 1.1: Create a serverless cache

In this step, you create a serverless cache in the default Amazon VPC in the us-east-1 region in your account using the Amazon Command Line Interface (CLI). For information on creating serverless cache using the ElastiCache console or API, see Create a Valkey serverless cache.

aws elasticache create-serverless-cache \ --serverless-cache-name cache-01 \ --description "ElastiCache IAM auth application" \ --engine valkey

Note that the value of the Status field is set to CREATING. It can take a minute for ElastiCache to finish creating your cache.

Step 1.2: Copy serverless cache endpoint

Verify that ElastiCache (Redis OSS) has finished creating the cache with the describe-serverless-caches command.

aws elasticache describe-serverless-caches \ --serverless-cache-name cache-01

Copy the Endpoint Address shown in the output. You'll need this address when you create the deployment package for your Lambda function.

Step 1.3: Create IAM Role

  1. Create an IAM trust policy document, as shown below, for your role that allows your account to assume the new role. Save the policy to a file named trust-policy.json.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "lambda.amazonaws.com" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" }] }
  2. Create an IAM policy document, as shown below. Save the policy to a file named policy.json.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect" : "Allow", "Action" : [ "elasticache:Connect" ], "Resource" : [ "arn:aws:elasticache:us-east-1:123456789012:serverlesscache:cache-01", "arn:aws:elasticache:us-east-1:123456789012:user:iam-user-01" ] } ] }
  3. Create an IAM role.

    aws iam create-role \ --role-name "elasticache-iam-auth-app" \ --assume-role-policy-document file://trust-policy.json
  4. Create the IAM policy.

    aws iam create-policy \ --policy-name "elasticache-allow-all" \ --policy-document file://policy.json
  5. Attach the IAM policy to the role.

    aws iam attach-role-policy \ --role-name "elasticache-iam-auth-app" \ --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/elasticache-allow-all"

Step 1.4: Create a serverless cache

  1. Create a new default user.

    aws elasticache create-user \ --user-name default \ --user-id default-user-disabled \ --engine redis \ --authentication-mode Type=no-password-required \ --access-string "off +get ~keys*"
  2. Create a new IAM-enabled user.

    aws elasticache create-user \ --user-name iam-user-01 \ --user-id iam-user-01 \ --authentication-mode Type=iam \ --engine redis \ --access-string "on ~* +@all"
  3. Create a user group and attach the user.

    aws elasticache create-user-group \ --user-group-id iam-user-group-01 \ --engine redis \ --user-ids default-user-disabled iam-user-01 aws elasticache modify-serverless-cache \ --serverless-cache-name cache-01 \ --user-group-id iam-user-group-01

Step 2: Create a Lambda function for ElastiCache

To create a Lambda function to access the ElastiCache cache, take these steps.

Step 2.1: Create a Lambda function

In this tutorial, we provide example code in Python for your Lambda function.


The following example Python code reads and writes an item to your ElastiCache cache. Copy the code and save it into a file named app.py. Be sure to replace the elasticache_endpoint value in the code with the endpoint address you copied in the previous step.

from typing import Tuple, Union from urllib.parse import ParseResult, urlencode, urlunparse import botocore.session import redis from botocore.model import ServiceId from botocore.signers import RequestSigner from cachetools import TTLCache, cached import uuid class ElastiCacheIAMProvider(redis.CredentialProvider): def __init__(self, user, cache_name, is_serverless=False, region="us-east-1"): self.user = user self.cache_name = cache_name self.is_serverless = is_serverless self.region = region session = botocore.session.get_session() self.request_signer = RequestSigner( ServiceId("elasticache"), self.region, "elasticache", "v4", session.get_credentials(), session.get_component("event_emitter"), ) # Generated IAM tokens are valid for 15 minutes @cached(cache=TTLCache(maxsize=128, ttl=900)) def get_credentials(self) -> Union[Tuple[str], Tuple[str, str]]: query_params = {"Action": "connect", "User": self.user} if self.is_serverless: query_params["ResourceType"] = "ServerlessCache" url = urlunparse( ParseResult( scheme="https", netloc=self.cache_name, path="/", query=urlencode(query_params), params="", fragment="", ) ) signed_url = self.request_signer.generate_presigned_url( {"method": "GET", "url": url, "body": {}, "headers": {}, "context": {}}, operation_name="connect", expires_in=900, region_name=self.region, ) # RequestSigner only seems to work if the URL has a protocol, but # Elasticache only accepts the URL without a protocol # So strip it off the signed URL before returning return (self.user, signed_url.removeprefix("https://")) def lambda_handler(event, context): username = "iam-user-01" # replace with your user id cache_name = "cache-01" # replace with your cache name elasticache_endpoint = "cache-01-xxxxx.serverless.use1.cache.amazonaws.com" # replace with your cache endpoint creds_provider = ElastiCacheIAMProvider(user=username, cache_name=cache_name, is_serverless=True) redis_client = redis.Redis(host=elasticache_endpoint, port=6379, credential_provider=creds_provider, ssl=True, ssl_cert_reqs="none") key='uuid' # create a random UUID - this will be the sample element we add to the cache uuid_in = uuid.uuid4().hex redis_client.set(key, uuid_in) result = redis_client.get(key) decoded_result = result.decode("utf-8") # check the retrieved item matches the item added to the cache and print # the results if decoded_result == uuid_in: print(f"Success: Inserted {uuid_in}. Fetched {decoded_result} from Valkey.") else: raise Exception(f"Bad value retrieved. Expected {uuid_in}, got {decoded_result}") return "Fetched value from Valkey"

This code uses the Python redis-py library to put items into your cache and retrieve them. This code uses cachetools to cache generated IAM Auth tokens for 15 mins. To create a deployment package containing redis-py and cachetools, carry out the following steps.

In your project directory containing the app.py source code file, create a folder package to install the redis-py and cachetools libraries into.

mkdir package

Install redis-py, cachetools using pip.

pip install --target ./package redis pip install --target ./package cachetools

Create a .zip file containing the redis-py and cachetools libraries. In Linux and macOS, run the following command. In Windows, use your preferred zip utility to create a .zip file with the redis-py and cachetools libraries at the root.

cd package zip -r ../my_deployment_package.zip .

Add your function code to the .zip file. In Linux and macOS, run the following command. In Windows, use your preferred zip utility to add app.py to the root of your .zip file.

cd .. zip my_deployment_package.zip app.py

Step 2.2: Create the IAM role (execution role)

Attach the Amazon managed policy named AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole to the role.

aws iam attach-role-policy \ --role-name "elasticache-iam-auth-app" \ --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole"

Step 2.3: Upload the deployment package (create the Lambda function)

In this step, you create the Lambda function (AccessValkey) using the create-function Amazon CLI command.

From the project directory that contains your deployment package .zip file, run the following Lambda CLI create-function command.

For the role option, use the ARN of the execution role you created in the previous step. For the vpc-config enter comma separated lists of your default VPC's subnets and your default VPC's security group ID. You can find these values in the Amazon VPC console. To find your default VPC's subnets, choose Your VPCs, then choose your Amazon account's default VPC. To find the security group for this VPC, go to Security and choose Security groups. Ensure that you have the us-east-1 region selected.

aws lambda create-function \ --function-name AccessValkey \ --region us-east-1 \ --zip-file fileb://my_deployment_package.zip \ --role arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/elasticache-iam-auth-app \ --handler app.lambda_handler \ --runtime python3.12 \ --timeout 30 \ --vpc-config SubnetIds=comma-separated-vpc-subnet-ids,SecurityGroupIds=default-security-group-id

Step 3: Test the Lambda function with ElastiCache

In this step, you invoke the Lambda function manually using the invoke command. When the Lambda function executes, it generates a UUID and writes it to the ElastiCache cache that you specified in your Lambda code. The Lambda function then retrieves the item from the cache.

  1. Invoke the Lambda function (AccessValkey) using the Amazon Lambda invoke command.

    aws lambda invoke \ --function-name AccessValkey \ --region us-east-1 \ output.txt
  2. Verify that the Lambda function executed successfully as follows:

    • Review the output.txt file.

    • Verify the results in CloudWatch Logs by opening the CloudWatch console and choosing the log group for your function (/aws/lambda/AccessValkey). The log stream should contain output similar to the following:

      Success: Inserted 826e70c5f4d2478c8c18027125a3e01e. Fetched 826e70c5f4d2478c8c18027125a3e01e from Valkey.
    • Review the results in the Amazon Lambda console.

Step 4: Clean up (Optional)

To clean up, take these steps.

Step 4.1: Delete Lambda function

aws lambda delete-function \ --function-name AccessValkey

Step 4.2: Delete Serverless cache

Delete the cache.

aws elasticache delete-serverless-cache \ --serverless-cache-name cache-01

Remove users and user group.

aws elasticache delete-user \ --user-id default-user-disabled aws elasticache delete-user \ --user-id iam-user-01 aws elasticache delete-user-group \ --user-group-id iam-user-group-01

Step 4.3: Remove IAM Role and policies

aws iam detach-role-policy \ --role-name "elasticache-iam-auth-app" \ --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/elasticache-allow-all" aws iam detach-role-policy \ --role-name "elasticache-iam-auth-app" \ --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole" aws iam delete-role \ --role-name "elasticache-iam-auth-app" aws iam delete-policy \ --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/elasticache-allow-all"