Viewing a replication group: Redis OSS (Cluster Mode Enabled)
Viewing a Redis OSS (Cluster Mode Enabled) cluster (Console)
To view the details of a Redis OSS (cluster mode enabled) cluster using the ElastiCache console, see Viewing details for a Redis OSS (Cluster Mode Enabled) cluster (Console).
Viewing a Redis OSS (Cluster Mode Enabled) cluster (Amazon CLI)
For an ElastiCache CLI example that displays a Redis OSS (cluster mode enabled) replication group's details, see Viewing a replication group's details (Amazon CLI).
Viewing a Redis OSS (Cluster Mode Enabled) Cluster (ElastiCache API)
For an ElastiCache API example that displays a Redis OSS (cluster mode enabled) replication group's details, see Viewing a replication group's details (ElastiCache API).