Post-upgrade cleanup for Aurora MySQL version 3 - Amazon Aurora
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Post-upgrade cleanup for Aurora MySQL version 3

After you finish upgrading any Aurora MySQL version 2 clusters to Aurora MySQL version 3, you can perform these other cleanup actions:

  • Create new MySQL 8.0–compatible versions of any custom parameter groups. Apply any necessary custom parameter values to the new parameter groups.

  • Update any CloudWatch alarms, setup scripts, and so on to use the new names for any metrics whose names were affected by inclusive language changes. For a list of such metrics, see Inclusive language changes for Aurora MySQL version 3.

  • Update any Amazon CloudFormation templates to use the new names for any configuration parameters whose names were affected by inclusive language changes. For a list of such parameters, see Inclusive language changes for Aurora MySQL version 3.

Spatial indexes

After upgrading to Aurora MySQL version 3, check if you need to drop or recreate objects and indexes related to spatial indexes. Before MySQL 8.0, Aurora could optimize spatial queries using indexes that didn't contain a spatial resource identifier (SRID). Aurora MySQL version 3 only uses spatial indexes containing SRIDs. During an upgrade, Aurora automatically drops any spatial indexes without SRIDs and prints warning messages in the database log. If you observe such warning messages, create new spatial indexes with SRIDs after the upgrade. For more information about changes to spatial functions and data types in MySQL 8.0, see Changes in MySQL 8.0 in the MySQL Reference Manual.