DB instance class types - Amazon Aurora
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DB instance class types

Amazon Aurora supports DB instance classes for the following use cases:

For more information about Amazon EC2 instance types, see Instance types in the Amazon EC2 documentation.

Aurora Serverless v2 instance class type

The following Aurora Serverless v2 type is available:

  • db.serverless – A special DB instance class type used by Aurora Serverless v2. Aurora adjusts the compute, memory, and network resources dynamically as the workload changes. For usage details, see Using Aurora Serverless v2.

Memory-optimized instance class type

The memory-optimized X family supports the following instance classes:

  • db.x2g – Instance classes optimized for memory-intensive applications and powered by Amazon Graviton2 processors. These instance classes offer low cost per GiB of memory.

    You can modify a DB instance to use one of the DB instance classes powered by Amazon Graviton2 processors. To do so, complete the same steps as with any other DB instance modification.

The memory-optimized R family supports the following instance class types:

  • db.r7g – Instance classes powered by Amazon Graviton3 processors. These instance classes are ideal for running memory-intensive workloads.

    You can modify a DB instance to use one of the DB instance classes powered by Amazon Graviton3 processors. To do so, complete the same steps as with any other DB instance modification.

  • db.r6g – Instance classes powered by Amazon Graviton2 processors. These instance classes are ideal for running memory-intensive workloads.

    You can modify a DB instance to use one of the DB instance classes powered by Amazon Graviton2 processors. To do so, complete the same steps as with any other DB instance modification.

  • db.r6i – Instance classes powered by 3rd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors. These instance classes are SAP-Certified and are an ideal fit for memory-intensive workloads in open-source databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL.

  • db.r5 – Instance classes optimized for memory-intensive applications. These instance classes offer improved networking and Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) performance. They are powered by the Amazon Nitro System, a combination of dedicated hardware and lightweight hypervisor.

  • db.r4 – These instance classes are supported only for Aurora MySQL 2.x and Aurora PostgreSQL 11 and 12 versions. For all Aurora DB clusters that use db.r4 DB instance classes, we recommend that you upgrade to a higher generation instance class as soon as possible.

    The db.r4 instance classes aren't available for the Aurora I/O-Optimized cluster storage configuration.

Burstable-performance instance class types

The following burstable-performance DB instance class types are available:

  • db.t4g – General-purpose instance classes powered by Arm-based Amazon Graviton2 processors. These instance classes deliver better price performance than previous burstable-performance DB instance classes for a broad set of burstable general-purpose workloads. Amazon RDS db.t4g instances are configured for Unlimited mode. This means that they can burst beyond the baseline over a 24-hour window for an additional charge.

    You can modify a DB instance to use one of the DB instance classes powered by Amazon Graviton2 processors. To do so, complete the same steps as with any other DB instance modification.

  • db.t3 – Instance classes that provide a baseline performance level, with the ability to burst to full CPU usage. The db.t3 instances are configured for Unlimited mode. These instance classes provide more computing capacity than the previous db.t2 instance classes. They are powered by the Amazon Nitro System, a combination of dedicated hardware and lightweight hypervisor. We recommend using these instance classes only for development and test servers, or other non-production servers.

  • db.t2 – Instance classes that provide a baseline performance level, with the ability to burst to full CPU usage. The db.t2 instances are configured for Unlimited mode. We recommend using these instance classes only for development and test servers, or other non-production servers.

    The db.t2 instance classes aren't available for the Aurora I/O-Optimized cluster storage configuration.


We recommend using the T DB instance classes only for development, test, or other nonproduction servers. For more detailed recommendations for the T instance classes, see Using T instance classes for development and testing.

For DB instance class hardware specifications, see Hardware specifications for DB instance classes for Aurora.

Optimized Reads instance class type

The following Optimized Reads instance class types are available:

  • db.r6gd – Instance classes powered by Amazon Graviton2 processors. These instance classes are ideal for running memory-intensive workloads and offer local NVMe-based SSD block-level storage for applications that need high-speed, low latency local storage.

  • db.r6id – Instance classes powered by 3rd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors. These instance classes are SAP-Certified and are an ideal fit for memory-intensive workloads. They offer a maximum memory of 1 TiB and up to 7.6 TB of direct-attached NVMe-based SSD storage.