Tracking job status and completion reports
With S3 Batch Operations, you can view and update job status, add notifications and logging, track job failures, and generate completion reports.
Job statuses
After you create and run a job, it progresses through a series of statuses. The following table describes the statuses and the possible transitions between them.
Status | Description | Transitions |
New |
A job begins in the New state when you create it. |
A job automatically moves to the Preparing state when Amazon S3 begins
processing the manifest object. |
Preparing |
Amazon S3 is processing the manifest object and other job parameters to set up and run the job. | A job automatically moves to the Ready state after Amazon S3 finishes
processing the manifest and other parameters. The job is then ready to begin running
the specified operation on the objects listed in the manifest.If the job
requires confirmation before running, such as when you create a job using the Amazon S3
console, then the job transitions from |
Suspended |
The job requires confirmation, but you haven't yet confirmed that you want to run
it. Only jobs that you create using the Amazon S3 console require confirmation. A job
that's created using the console enters the Suspended state immediately
after Preparing . After you confirm that you want to run the job and the
job becomes Ready , it never returns to the Suspended
state. |
After you confirm that you want to run the job, its status changes to
Ready . |
Ready |
Amazon S3 is ready to begin running the requested object operations. | A job automatically moves to Active when Amazon S3 begins to run it. The
amount of time that a job remains in the Ready state depends on whether
you have higher-priority jobs running already and how long those jobs take to
complete. |
Active |
Amazon S3 is performing the requested operation on the objects listed in the manifest.
While a job is Active , you can monitor its progress using the Amazon S3
console or the DescribeJob operation through the REST API, Amazon CLI, or
Amazon SDKs. |
A job moves out of the Active state when the job is no longer
running operations on objects. This behavior can happen automatically, such as when a
job completes successfully or fails. Or this behavior can occur as a result of user
actions, such as canceling a job. The state that the job moves to depends on the
reason for the transition. |
Pausing |
The job is transitioning to Paused from another state. |
A job automatically moves to Paused when the Pausing
stage is finished. |
Paused |
A job can become Paused if you submit another job with a higher
priority while the current job is running. |
A Paused job automatically returns to Active after any
higher-priority jobs that are blocking the job's' execution complete, fail, or are
suspended. |
Complete |
The job has finished performing the requested operation on all objects in the
manifest. The operation might have succeeded or failed for every object. If you
configured the job to generate a completion report, the report is available as soon as
the job is Complete . |
Complete is a terminal state. Once a job reaches
Complete , it doesn't transition to any other state. |
Cancelling |
The job is transitioning to the Cancelled state. |
A job automatically moves to Cancelled when the
Cancelling stage is finished. |
Cancelled |
You requested that the job be canceled, and S3 Batch Operations has successfully canceled the job. The job won't submit any new requests to Amazon S3. | Cancelled is a terminal state. After a job reaches
Cancelled , the job won't transition to any other state. |
Failing |
The job is transitioning to the Failed state. |
A job automatically moves to Failed once the Failing
stage is finished. |
Failed |
The job has failed and is no longer running. For more information about job failures, see Tracking job failures. | Failed is a terminal state. After a job reaches Failed ,
it won't transition to any other state. |
Updating job status
The following Amazon CLI and Amazon SDK for Java examples update the status of a Batch Operations job. For more information about using the Amazon S3 console to manage Batch Operations jobs, see Using the Amazon S3 console to manage your S3 Batch Operations jobs.
To use the following example commands, replace the
with your own information. user input
If you didn't specify the
parameter in yourcreate-job
command, the job remains in a suspended state until you confirm the job by setting its status toReady
. Amazon S3 then makes the job eligible for s3control update-job-status \ --region
\ --account-id123456789012
\ --job-id00e123a4-c0d8-41f4-a0eb-b46f9ba5b07c
\ --requested-job-status 'Ready' -
Cancel the job by setting the job status to
.aws s3control update-job-status \ --region
\ --account-id123456789012
\ --job-id00e123a4-c0d8-41f4-a0eb-b46f9ba5b07c
\ --status-update-reason "No longer needed
" \ --requested-job-status Cancelled
The following example updates the status of an S3 Batch Operations job by using the Amazon SDK for Java.
For more information about job status, see Tracking job status and completion reports.
package aws.example.s3control; import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException; import com.amazonaws.SdkClientException; import com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider; import; import; import; import static com.amazonaws.regions.Regions.US_WEST_2; public class UpdateJobStatus { public static void main(String[] args) { String accountId = "Account ID"; String jobId = "00e123a4-c0d8-41f4-a0eb-b46f9ba5b07c"; try { AWSS3Control s3ControlClient = AWSS3ControlClient.builder() .withCredentials(new ProfileCredentialsProvider()) .withRegion(US_WEST_2) .build(); s3ControlClient.updateJobStatus(new UpdateJobStatusRequest() .withAccountId(accountId) .withJobId(jobId) .withRequestedJobStatus("Ready")); } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { // The call was transmitted successfully, but Amazon S3 couldn't process // it and returned an error response. e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SdkClientException e) { // Amazon S3 couldn't be contacted for a response, or the client // couldn't parse the response from Amazon S3. e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Notifications and logging
In addition to requesting completion reports, you can also capture, review, and audit Batch Operations activity by using Amazon CloudTrail. Because Batch Operations uses existing Amazon S3 API operations to perform tasks, those tasks also emit the same events that they would if you called them directly. Therefore, you can track and record the progress of your job and all of its tasks by using the same notification, logging, and auditing tools and processes that you already use with Amazon S3. For more information, see the examples in the following sections.
Batch Operations generates both management and data events in CloudTrail during job execution. The
volume of these events scale with the number of keys in each job's manifest. For more
information, see the CloudTrail pricing
For more information about Amazon S3 events, see Amazon S3 Event Notifications.
Tracking job failures
If an S3 Batch Operations job encounters a problem that prevents it from running successfully, such as not being able to read the specified manifest, the job fails. When a job fails, it generates one or more failure codes or failure reasons. S3 Batch Operations stores the failure codes and reasons with the job so that you can view them by requesting the job's details. If you requested a completion report for the job, the failure codes and reasons also appear there.
To prevent jobs from running a large number of unsuccessful operations, Amazon S3 imposes a task-failure threshold on every Batch Operations job. When a job has run at least 1,000 tasks, Amazon S3 monitors the task-failure rate. At any point, if the failure rate (the number of tasks that have failed as a proportion of the total number of tasks that have run) exceeds 50 percent, the job fails. If your job fails because it exceeded the task-failure threshold, you can identify the cause of the failures. For example, you might have accidentally included some objects in the manifest that don't exist in the specified bucket. After fixing the errors, you can resubmit the job.
S3 Batch Operations operates asynchronously and the tasks don't necessarily run in the order that the objects are listed in the manifest. Therefore, you can't use the manifest ordering to determine which objects' tasks succeeded and which ones failed. Instead, you can examine the job's completion report (if you requested one) or view your Amazon CloudTrail event logs to help determine the source of the failures.
Completion reports
When you create a job, you can request a completion report. As long as S3 Batch Operations successfully invokes at least one task, Amazon S3 generates a completion report after the job finishes running tasks, fails, or is canceled. You can configure the completion report to include all tasks or only failed tasks.
The completion report includes the job configuration, status, and information for each task, including the object key and version, status, error codes, and descriptions of any errors. Completion reports provide an easy way to view the results of your tasks in a consolidated format with no additional setup required. Completion reports are encrypted by using server-side encryption with Amazon S3 managed keys (SSE-S3). For an example of a completion report, see Examples: S3 Batch Operations completion reports.
If you don't configure a completion report, you can still monitor and audit your job and its tasks by using CloudTrail and Amazon CloudWatch. For more information, see the following topics: