Retrieves a list of resources of the specified type that have been analyzed by the specified analyzer.
Request Syntax
POST /analyzed-resource HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json
"analyzerArn": "string
"maxResults": number
"nextToken": "string
"resourceType": "string
URI Request Parameters
The request does not use any URI parameters.
Request Body
The request accepts the following data in JSON format.
- analyzerArn
The ARN of the analyzer to retrieve a list of analyzed resources from.
Type: String
Required: Yes
- maxResults
The maximum number of results to return in the response.
Type: Integer
Required: No
- nextToken
A token used for pagination of results returned.
Type: String
Required: No
- resourceType
The type of resource.
Type: String
Valid Values:
AWS::S3::Bucket | AWS::IAM::Role | AWS::SQS::Queue | AWS::Lambda::Function | AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion | AWS::KMS::Key | AWS::SecretsManager::Secret | AWS::EFS::FileSystem | AWS::EC2::Snapshot | AWS::ECR::Repository | AWS::RDS::DBSnapshot | AWS::RDS::DBClusterSnapshot | AWS::SNS::Topic | AWS::S3Express::DirectoryBucket | AWS::DynamoDB::Table | AWS::DynamoDB::Stream | AWS::IAM::User
Required: No
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-type: application/json
"analyzedResources": [
"resourceArn": "string",
"resourceOwnerAccount": "string",
"resourceType": "string"
"nextToken": "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.
- analyzedResources
A list of resources that were analyzed.
Type: Array of AnalyzedResourceSummary objects
- nextToken
A token used for pagination of results returned.
Type: String
For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.
- AccessDeniedException
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
HTTP Status Code: 403
- InternalServerException
Internal server error.
HTTP Status Code: 500
- ResourceNotFoundException
The specified resource could not be found.
HTTP Status Code: 404
- ThrottlingException
Throttling limit exceeded error.
HTTP Status Code: 429
- ValidationException
Validation exception error.
HTTP Status Code: 400
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: