Migrating from IBM MQ queue manager to Amazon MQ - Amazon MQ
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Migrating from IBM MQ queue manager to Amazon MQ

You can migrate you IBM MQ system to Amazon MQ while keeping the same configuration.


The following table is a list of common IBM MQ concepts, and how they relate to Amazon MQ.

IBM MQ Amazon MQ
Component Description Component Description
Standard Queue Manager Standard Queue Manager is similar to a broker but one server can have multiple IBM MQ Queue Managers Broker Broker in Amazon MQ is equivalent to IBM MQ Queue Manager.
Gateway Queue Manager A gateway Queue Manager is used to balance the workload. by routing traffic across multiple IBM MQ Queue Managers. Network of Brokers Amazon MQ provides Network of Brokers to route traffic to multiple brokers.
Local Queues A local queue is a definition of both a queue and the set of messages that are associated with a queue. The hosting IBM MQ Queue Manager receives messages in its local queues. Local queues support several IBM MQ specific properties like put, get, inhibits, etc. Queues This is equivalent to queues in Amazon MQ.
Remote Queues Remote queues are used to refer to a queue which physically exists on a different IBM MQ Queue Manager, but connectivity is established using channels (Sender Channel and Receiver Channel) Network of Brokers This is achieved using a Network of Brokers. Networks of Brokers connect to one another on a Network Connector. With a Netowork of Brokers, you can create connections across different Regions and Availability Zones.
Alias Queues Alias queues are used to give a different name to a different physical queue. It allows setting different security settings to the same physical queue. Composite and Virtual Destinations Composite Destinations and Virtual destinations provide the same functionality in the Amazon MQ world. You can achieve this by making a minor change in a broker configuration file.
Model Queues Acts as a template for a queue definition. Destination Policy This can be achieved using Destination Policies in the broker configuration file
Transmission Queues Used for remote queue connectivity Network of Brokers A network of Brokers provides equivalent configuration using Network Connector
Topics Pub-Sub destination Topics Topics in Amazon MQ
Server connection channel Basic construct through which direct connectivity from a remote application client to an MQ server is established. Admins can create multiple connection channels to enforce different policies. A default server connection channel is created for each IBM MQ Queue Manager. Allows for monitoring of connections from remote clients. Transport Connector Provides the details for the connection point for producers and consumers to connect to a broker.
Client Connection Channel Client connection channel in IBM MQ allows a connection mode where a config file (client connection definition table, or CCDT) is kept on the client application side which specifies options around connecting to an IBM MQ Queue Manager. Usually, legacy applications prior to JMS were written using this mechanism. Transport Connector Transport Connector provides the details for the connection point for producers and consumers to connect to a broker.
Channel level Firewall Channel level Firewall is used to blacklist/whitelist IP address, protocols Security Group With Amazon MQ, use the Security Group at the broker level and use NACL at the subnet level to create a firewall.
Error Logs Each IBM MQ Queue Manager has a configuration around transaction logs. It's similar to database logs. It has a size and policy (circular/linear). Any time there is a shared JMS transaction, the state is written in a log file for rollback or commit. Amazon CloudWatch CloudWatch logs are fully integrated with Amazon MQ. For more information, see Monitoring Amazon MQ Brokers Using Amazon CloudWatch.
Listener A listener is an IBM MQ process that listens for connections to the IBM MQ Queue Manager. Broker Instance Amazon MQ is a managed broker and acts as a listener by itself.
LDAP Authentication IBM MQ provides out of box connectivity to LDAP and group-based access to QM, queues, topics, etc. It also supports fine-grained access control at queue and topic levels. IAM and LDAP Authentication Simple authentication is available with Amazon MQ. Fine-grained access is only available at the broker user level. Fine-Grained Access Control at queue and topic level with access options to Get, Put. To learn more, see Messaging Authentication and Authorization.
Message channel agent (MCA) MCA is used to enforce an alternate level of security. The default configuration is at the server connection channel level. Not Applicable Not Applicable
Channel exit programs Channel exit programs are programs that are called at defined places in the processing sequence of a Message channel agent (MCA). Users and vendors can write their own channel exit programs. Some are supplied by IBM. Plugins Limited plugins supported. To learn more, see Supported plugins for Amazon MQ
Queue Manager Group Queue Manager Group is used to support a cluster of IBM MQ Queue Managers. It is based on providing a high availability but providing a set of IBM MQ Queue Manager for connectivity. Network of Brokers Using Network of Brokers and each broker with Active-Standby configuration
Sender / Receiver Channels A message channel, a unidirectional communications link between two IBM MQ Queue Managers. WebSphere MQ uses message channels to transfer messages between the IBM MQ Queue Managers. To send messages in both directions, you must define a channel for each direction. Network Connector A duplex communication channel between 2 brokers.