Querying Amazon WAF logs - Amazon Athena
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Querying Amazon WAF logs

Amazon WAF is a web application firewall that lets you monitor and control the HTTP and HTTPS requests that your protected web applications receive from clients. You define how to handle the web requests by configuring rules inside an Amazon WAF web access control list (ACL). You then protect a web application by associating a web ACL to it. Examples of web application resources that you can protect with Amazon WAF include Amazon CloudFront distributions, Amazon API Gateway REST APIs, and Application Load Balancers. For more information about Amazon WAF, see Amazon WAF in the Amazon WAF developer guide.

Amazon WAF logs include information about the traffic that is analyzed by your web ACL, such as the time that Amazon WAF received the request from your Amazon resource, detailed information about the request, and the action for the rule that each request matched.

You can configure an Amazon WAF web ACL to publish logs to one of several destinations, where you can query and view them. For more information about configuring web ACL logging and the contents of the Amazon WAF logs, see Logging Amazon WAF web ACL traffic in the Amazon WAF developer guide.

For an example of how to aggregate Amazon WAF logs into a central data lake repository and query them with Athena, see the Amazon Big Data Blog post Analyzing Amazon WAF logs with OpenSearch Service, Amazon Athena, and Amazon QuickSight.

This topic provides two example CREATE TABLE statements: one that uses partitioning and one that does not.


The CREATE TABLE statements in this topic can be used for both v1 and v2 Amazon WAF logs. In v1, the webaclid field contains an ID. In v2, the webaclid field contains a full ARN. The CREATE TABLE statements here treat this content agnostically by using the string data type.

Creating a table for Amazon WAF S3 logs in Athena using partition projection

Because Amazon WAF logs have a known structure whose partition scheme you can specify in advance, you can reduce query runtime and automate partition management by using the Athena partition projection feature. Partition projection automatically adds new partitions as new data is added. This removes the need for you to manually add partitions by using ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION.

The following example CREATE TABLE statement automatically uses partition projection on Amazon WAF logs from a specified date until the present for four different Amazon regions. The PARTITION BY clause in this example partitions by region and by date, but you can modify this according to your requirements. Modify the fields as necessary to match your log output. In the LOCATION and storage.location.template clauses, replace the bucket and accountID placeholders with values that identify the Amazon S3 bucket location of your Amazon WAF logs. For projection.day.range, replace 2021/01/01 with the starting date that you want to use. After you run the query successfully, you can query the table. You do not have to run ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION to load the partitions.

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `waf_logs`( `timestamp` bigint, `formatversion` int, `webaclid` string, `terminatingruleid` string, `terminatingruletype` string, `action` string, `terminatingrulematchdetails` array < struct < conditiontype: string, sensitivitylevel: string, location: string, matcheddata: array < string > > >, `httpsourcename` string, `httpsourceid` string, `rulegrouplist` array < struct < rulegroupid: string, terminatingrule: struct < ruleid: string, action: string, rulematchdetails: array < struct < conditiontype: string, sensitivitylevel: string, location: string, matcheddata: array < string > > > >, nonterminatingmatchingrules: array < struct < ruleid: string, action: string, overriddenaction: string, rulematchdetails: array < struct < conditiontype: string, sensitivitylevel: string, location: string, matcheddata: array < string > > >, challengeresponse: struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string >, captcharesponse: struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string > > >, excludedrules: string > >, `ratebasedrulelist` array < struct < ratebasedruleid: string, limitkey: string, maxrateallowed: int > >, `nonterminatingmatchingrules` array < struct < ruleid: string, action: string, rulematchdetails: array < struct < conditiontype: string, sensitivitylevel: string, location: string, matcheddata: array < string > > >, challengeresponse: struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string >, captcharesponse: struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string > > >, `requestheadersinserted` array < struct < name: string, value: string > >, `responsecodesent` string, `httprequest` struct < clientip: string, country: string, headers: array < struct < name: string, value: string > >, uri: string, args: string, httpversion: string, httpmethod: string, requestid: string >, `labels` array < struct < name: string > >, `captcharesponse` struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string, failureReason: string >, `challengeresponse` struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string, failureReason: string >, `ja3Fingerprint` string, `oversizefields` string, `requestbodysize` int, `requestbodysizeinspectedbywaf` int ) PARTITIONED BY ( `region` string, `date` string) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat' OUTPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat' LOCATION 's3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/AWSLogs/accountID/WAFLogs/region/DOC-EXAMPLE-WEBACL/' TBLPROPERTIES( 'projection.enabled' = 'true', 'projection.region.type' = 'enum', 'projection.region.values' = 'us-east-1,us-west-2,eu-central-1,eu-west-1', 'projection.date.type' = 'date', 'projection.date.range' = '2021/01/01,NOW', 'projection.date.format' = 'yyyy/MM/dd', 'projection.date.interval' = '1', 'projection.date.interval.unit' = 'DAYS', 'storage.location.template' = 's3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/AWSLogs/accountID/WAFLogs/${region}/DOC-EXAMPLE-WEBACL/${date}/')

The format of the path in the LOCATION clause in the example is standard but can vary based on the Amazon WAF configuration that you have implemented. For example, the following example Amazon WAF logs path is for a CloudFront distribution:


If you experience issues while creating or querying your Amazon WAF logs table, confirm the location of your log data or contact Amazon Web Services Support.

For more information about partition projection, see Partition projection with Amazon Athena.

Creating a table for Amazon WAF logs without partitioning

This section describes how to create a table for Amazon WAF logs without partitioning or partition projection.


For performance and cost reasons, we do not recommend using non-partitioned schema for queries. For more information, see Top 10 Performance Tuning Tips for Amazon Athena in the Amazon Big Data Blog.

To create the Amazon WAF table

  1. Copy and paste the following DDL statement into the Athena console. Modify the fields as necessary to match your log output. Modify the LOCATION for the Amazon S3 bucket to correspond to the one that stores your logs.

    This query uses the OpenX JSON SerDe.


    The SerDe expects each JSON document to be on a single line of text with no line termination characters separating the fields in the record. If the JSON text is in pretty print format, you may receive an error message like HIVE_CURSOR_ERROR: Row is not a valid JSON Object or HIVE_CURSOR_ERROR: JsonParseException: Unexpected end-of-input: expected close marker for OBJECT when you attempt to query the table after you create it. For more information, see JSON Data Files in the OpenX SerDe documentation on GitHub.

    CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `waf_logs`( `timestamp` bigint, `formatversion` int, `webaclid` string, `terminatingruleid` string, `terminatingruletype` string, `action` string, `terminatingrulematchdetails` array < struct < conditiontype: string, sensitivitylevel: string, location: string, matcheddata: array < string > > >, `httpsourcename` string, `httpsourceid` string, `rulegrouplist` array < struct < rulegroupid: string, terminatingrule: struct < ruleid: string, action: string, rulematchdetails: array < struct < conditiontype: string, sensitivitylevel: string, location: string, matcheddata: array < string > > > >, nonterminatingmatchingrules: array < struct < ruleid: string, action: string, overriddenaction: string, rulematchdetails: array < struct < conditiontype: string, sensitivitylevel: string, location: string, matcheddata: array < string > > >, challengeresponse: struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string >, captcharesponse: struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string > > >, excludedrules: string > >, `ratebasedrulelist` array < struct < ratebasedruleid: string, limitkey: string, maxrateallowed: int > >, `nonterminatingmatchingrules` array < struct < ruleid: string, action: string, rulematchdetails: array < struct < conditiontype: string, sensitivitylevel: string, location: string, matcheddata: array < string > > >, challengeresponse: struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string >, captcharesponse: struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string > > >, `requestheadersinserted` array < struct < name: string, value: string > >, `responsecodesent` string, `httprequest` struct < clientip: string, country: string, headers: array < struct < name: string, value: string > >, uri: string, args: string, httpversion: string, httpmethod: string, requestid: string >, `labels` array < struct < name: string > >, `captcharesponse` struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string, failureReason: string >, `challengeresponse` struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string, failureReason: string >, `ja3Fingerprint` string, `oversizefields` string, `requestbodysize` int, `requestbodysizeinspectedbywaf` int ) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat' OUTPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat' LOCATION 's3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/prefix/'
  2. Run the CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE statement in the Athena console query editor. This registers the waf_logs table and makes the data in it available for queries from Athena.

Example queries for Amazon WAF logs

Many of the following example queries use the partition projection table created previously in this document. Modify the table name, column values, and other variables in the examples according to your requirements. To improve the performance of your queries and reduce cost, add the partition column in the filter condition.




– Count the number of referrers that contain a specified term

The following query counts the number of referrers that contain the term "amazon" for the specified date range.

WITH test_dataset AS (SELECT header FROM waf_logs CROSS JOIN UNNEST(httprequest.headers) AS t(header) WHERE "date" >= '2021/03/01' AND "date" < '2021/03/31') SELECT COUNT(*) referer_count FROM test_dataset WHERE LOWER(header.name)='referer' AND header.value LIKE '%amazon%'
– Count all matched IP addresses in the last 10 days that have matched excluded rules

The following query counts the number of times in the last 10 days that the IP address matched the excluded rule in the rule group.

WITH test_dataset AS (SELECT * FROM waf_logs CROSS JOIN UNNEST(rulegrouplist) AS t(allrulegroups)) SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, "httprequest"."clientip", "allrulegroups"."excludedrules", "allrulegroups"."ruleGroupId" FROM test_dataset WHERE allrulegroups.excludedrules IS NOT NULL AND from_unixtime(timestamp/1000) > now() - interval '10' day GROUP BY "httprequest"."clientip", "allrulegroups"."ruleGroupId", "allrulegroups"."excludedrules" ORDER BY count DESC
– Group all counted managed rules by the number of times matched

If you set rule group rule actions to Count in your web ACL configuration before October 27, 2022, Amazon WAF saved your overrides in the web ACL JSON as excludedRules. Now, the JSON setting for overriding a rule to Count is in the ruleActionOverrides settings. For more information, see Action overrides in rule groups in the Amazon WAF Developer Guide. To extract managed rules in Count mode from the new log structure, query the nonTerminatingMatchingRules in the ruleGroupList section instead of the excludedRules field, as in the following example.

SELECT count(*) AS count, httpsourceid, httprequest.clientip, t.rulegroupid, t.nonTerminatingMatchingRules FROM "waf_logs" CROSS JOIN UNNEST(rulegrouplist) AS t(t) WHERE action <> 'BLOCK' AND cardinality(t.nonTerminatingMatchingRules) > 0 GROUP BY t.nonTerminatingMatchingRules, action, httpsourceid, httprequest.clientip, t.rulegroupid ORDER BY "count" DESC Limit 50
– Group all counted custom rules by number of times matched

The following query groups all counted custom rules by the number of times matched.

SELECT count(*) AS count, httpsourceid, httprequest.clientip, t.ruleid, t.action FROM "waf_logs" CROSS JOIN UNNEST(nonterminatingmatchingrules) AS t(t) WHERE action <> 'BLOCK' AND cardinality(nonTerminatingMatchingRules) > 0 GROUP BY t.ruleid, t.action, httpsourceid, httprequest.clientip ORDER BY "count" DESC Limit 50

For information about the log locations for custom rules and managed rule groups, see Monitoring and tuning in the Amazon WAF Developer Guide.

Working with date and time

– Return the timestamp field in human-readable ISO 8601 format

The following query uses the from_unixtime and to_iso8601 functions to return the timestamp field in human-readable ISO 8601 format (for example, 2019-12-13T23:40:12.000Z instead of 1576280412771). The query also returns the HTTP source name, source ID, and request.

SELECT to_iso8601(from_unixtime(timestamp / 1000)) as time_ISO_8601, httpsourcename, httpsourceid, httprequest FROM waf_logs LIMIT 10;
– Return records from the last 24 hours

The following query uses a filter in the WHERE clause to return the HTTP source name, HTTP source ID, and HTTP request fields for records from the last 24 hours.

SELECT to_iso8601(from_unixtime(timestamp/1000)) AS time_ISO_8601, httpsourcename, httpsourceid, httprequest FROM waf_logs WHERE from_unixtime(timestamp/1000) > now() - interval '1' day LIMIT 10;
– Return records for a specified date range and IP address

The following query lists the records in a specified date range for a specified client IP address.

SELECT * FROM waf_logs WHERE httprequest.clientip='' AND "date" >= '2021/03/01' AND "date" < '2021/03/31'
– For a specified date range, count the number of IP addresses in five minute intervals

The following query counts, for a particular date range, the number of IP addresses in five minute intervals.

WITH test_dataset AS (SELECT format_datetime(from_unixtime((timestamp/1000) - ((minute(from_unixtime(timestamp / 1000))%5) * 60)),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm') AS five_minutes_ts, "httprequest"."clientip" FROM waf_logs WHERE "date" >= '2021/03/01' AND "date" < '2021/03/31') SELECT five_minutes_ts,"clientip",count(*) ip_count FROM test_dataset GROUP BY five_minutes_ts,"clientip"
– Count the number of X-Forwarded-For IP in the last 10 days

The following query filters the request headers and counts the number of X-Forwarded-For IP in the last 10 days.

WITH test_dataset AS (SELECT header FROM waf_logs CROSS JOIN UNNEST (httprequest.headers) AS t(header) WHERE from_unixtime("timestamp"/1000) > now() - interval '10' DAY) SELECT header.value AS ip, count(*) AS COUNT FROM test_dataset WHERE header.name='X-Forwarded-For' GROUP BY header.value ORDER BY COUNT DESC

For more information about date and time functions, see Date and time functions and operators in the Trino documentation.

Working with blocked requests and addresses

– Extract the top 100 IP addresses blocked by a specified rule type

The following query extracts and counts the top 100 IP addresses that have been blocked by the RATE_BASED terminating rule during the specified date range.

SELECT COUNT(httpRequest.clientIp) as count, httpRequest.clientIp FROM waf_logs WHERE terminatingruletype='RATE_BASED' AND action='BLOCK' and "date" >= '2021/03/01' AND "date" < '2021/03/31' GROUP BY httpRequest.clientIp ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 100
– Count the number of times a request from a specified country has been blocked

The following query counts the number of times the request has arrived from an IP address that belongs to Ireland (IE) and has been blocked by the RATE_BASED terminating rule.

SELECT COUNT(httpRequest.country) as count, httpRequest.country FROM waf_logs WHERE terminatingruletype='RATE_BASED' AND httpRequest.country='IE' GROUP BY httpRequest.country ORDER BY count LIMIT 100;
– Count the number of times a request has been blocked, grouping by specific attributes

The following query counts the number of times the request has been blocked, with results grouped by WebACL, RuleId, ClientIP, and HTTP Request URI.

SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, webaclid, terminatingruleid, httprequest.clientip, httprequest.uri FROM waf_logs WHERE action='BLOCK' GROUP BY webaclid, terminatingruleid, httprequest.clientip, httprequest.uri ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 100;
– Count the number of times a specific terminating rule ID has been matched

The following query counts the number of times a specific terminating rule ID has been matched (WHERE terminatingruleid='e9dd190d-7a43-4c06-bcea-409613d9506e'). The query then groups the results by WebACL, Action, ClientIP, and HTTP Request URI.

SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, webaclid, action, httprequest.clientip, httprequest.uri FROM waf_logs WHERE terminatingruleid='e9dd190d-7a43-4c06-bcea-409613d9506e' GROUP BY webaclid, action, httprequest.clientip, httprequest.uri ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 100;
– Retrieve the top 100 IP addresses blocked during a specified date range

The following query extracts the top 100 IP addresses that have been blocked for a specified date range. The query also lists the number of times the IP addresses have been blocked.

SELECT "httprequest"."clientip", "count"(*) "ipcount", "httprequest"."country" FROM waf_logs WHERE "action" = 'BLOCK' and "date" >= '2021/03/01' AND "date" < '2021/03/31' GROUP BY "httprequest"."clientip", "httprequest"."country" ORDER BY "ipcount" DESC limit 100