Expression - Amazon Billing and Cost Management
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).


Use Expression to filter in the GetFreeTierUsage API operation.

You can use the following patterns:

  • Simple dimension values (Dimensions root operator)

  • Complex expressions with logical operators (AND, NOT, and OR root operators).

For simple dimension values, you can set the dimension name, values, and match type for the filters that you plan to use.

Example for simple dimension values

You can filter to match exactly for REGION==us-east-1 OR REGION==us-west-1.

The corresponding Expression appears like the following: { "Dimensions": { "Key": "REGION", "Values": [ "us-east-1", "us-west-1" ], "MatchOptions": ["EQUALS"] } }

As shown in the previous example, lists of dimension values are combined with OR when you apply the filter.

For complex expressions with logical operators, you can have nested expressions to use the logical operators and specify advanced filtering.

Example for complex expressions with logical operators

You can filter by ((REGION == us-east-1 OR REGION == us-west-1) OR (SERVICE CONTAINS AWSLambda)) AND (USAGE_TYPE !CONTAINS DataTransfer).

The corresponding Expression appears like the following: { "And": [ {"Or": [ {"Dimensions": { "Key": "REGION", "Values": [ "us-east-1", "us-west-1" ], "MatchOptions": ["EQUALS"] }}, {"Dimensions": { "Key": "SERVICE", "Values": ["AWSLambda"], "MatchOptions": ["CONTAINS"] } } ]}, {"Not": {"Dimensions": { "Key": "USAGE_TYPE", "Values": ["DataTransfer"], "MatchOptions": ["CONTAINS"] }}} ] }

In the following Contents, you must specify exactly one of the following root operators.



Return results that match all Expressions that you specified in the array.

Type: Array of Expression objects

Required: No


The specific dimension, values, and match type to filter objects with.

Type: DimensionValues object

Required: No


Return results that don’t match the Expression that you specified.

Type: Expression object

Required: No


Return results that match any of the Expressions that you specified. in the array.

Type: Array of Expression objects

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: