BatchPutTaxRegistration - Amazon Billing and Cost Management
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).


Adds or updates tax registration for multiple accounts in batch. This can be used to add or update tax registrations for up to five accounts in one batch. You can't set a TRN if there's a pending TRN. You'll need to delete the pending TRN first.

To call this API operation for specific countries, see the following country-specific requirements.


  • You must specify the tax registration certificate document in the taxRegistrationDocuments field of the VerificationDetails object.


  • You must complete the tax registration process in the Payment preferences page in the Amazon Billing and Cost Management console. After your TRN and billing address are verified, you can call this API operation.

  • For Amazon Web Services accounts created through Amazon Organizations, you can call this API operation when you don't have a billing address.


  • The valid personType values are Physical Person and Business.


  • You must specify the personType in the kenyaAdditionalInfo field of the additionalTaxInformation object.

  • If the personType is Physical Person, you must specify the tax registration certificate document in the taxRegistrationDocuments field of the VerificationDetails object.


PutTaxRegistration and BatchPutTaxRegistration API access is currently disabled due to tax requirement changes. You can manage the Malaysia tax registration infromation by using the Amazon Tax Settings console page.


  • The sector valid values are Business and Individual.

Saudi Arabia

  • For address, you must specify addressLine3.

South Korea

  • You must specify the certifiedEmailId and legalName in the TaxRegistrationEntry object. Use Korean characters for legalName.

  • You must specify the businessRepresentativeName, itemOfBusiness, and lineOfBusiness in the southKoreaAdditionalInfo field of the additionalTaxInformation object. Use Korean characters for these fields.

  • You must specify the tax registration certificate document in the taxRegistrationDocuments field of the VerificationDetails object.

  • For the address object, use Korean characters for addressLine1, addressLine2 city, postalCode, and stateOrRegion.


  • You must specify the registrationType in the spainAdditionalInfo field of the additionalTaxInformation object.

  • If the registrationType is Local, you must specify the tax registration certificate document in the taxRegistrationDocuments field of the VerificationDetails object.


  • You must specify the sector in the taxRegistrationEntry object.

  • If your sector is Business, Individual, or Government:

    • Specify the taxOffice. If your sector is Individual, don't enter this value.

    • (Optional) Specify the kepEmailId. If your sector is Individual, don't enter this value.

    • Note: In the Tax Settings page of the Amazon Billing console, Government appears as Public institutions

  • If your sector is Business and you're subject to KDV tax, you must specify your industry in the industries field.

  • For address, you must specify districtOrCounty.


  • The sector valid values are Business and Individual.

Request Syntax

POST /BatchPutTaxRegistration HTTP/1.1 Content-type: application/json { "accountIds": [ "string" ], "taxRegistrationEntry": { "additionalTaxInformation": { "canadaAdditionalInfo": { "canadaQuebecSalesTaxNumber": "string", "canadaRetailSalesTaxNumber": "string", "isResellerAccount": boolean, "provincialSalesTaxId": "string" }, "estoniaAdditionalInfo": { "registryCommercialCode": "string" }, "georgiaAdditionalInfo": { "personType": "string" }, "israelAdditionalInfo": { "customerType": "string", "dealerType": "string" }, "italyAdditionalInfo": { "cigNumber": "string", "cupNumber": "string", "sdiAccountId": "string", "taxCode": "string" }, "kenyaAdditionalInfo": { "personType": "string" }, "malaysiaAdditionalInfo": { "serviceTaxCodes": [ "string" ] }, "polandAdditionalInfo": { "individualRegistrationNumber": "string", "isGroupVatEnabled": boolean }, "romaniaAdditionalInfo": { "taxRegistrationNumberType": "string" }, "saudiArabiaAdditionalInfo": { "taxRegistrationNumberType": "string" }, "southKoreaAdditionalInfo": { "businessRepresentativeName": "string", "itemOfBusiness": "string", "lineOfBusiness": "string" }, "spainAdditionalInfo": { "registrationType": "string" }, "turkeyAdditionalInfo": { "industries": "string", "kepEmailId": "string", "secondaryTaxId": "string", "taxOffice": "string" }, "ukraineAdditionalInfo": { "ukraineTrnType": "string" } }, "certifiedEmailId": "string", "legalAddress": { "addressLine1": "string", "addressLine2": "string", "addressLine3": "string", "city": "string", "countryCode": "string", "districtOrCounty": "string", "postalCode": "string", "stateOrRegion": "string" }, "legalName": "string", "registrationId": "string", "registrationType": "string", "sector": "string", "verificationDetails": { "dateOfBirth": "string", "taxRegistrationDocuments": [ { "s3Location": { "bucket": "string", "key": "string" } } ] } } }

URI Request Parameters

The request does not use any URI parameters.

Request Body

The request accepts the following data in JSON format.


List of unique account identifiers.

Type: Array of strings

Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 5 items.

Length Constraints: Fixed length of 12.

Pattern: ^\d+$

Required: Yes


Your TRN information that will be stored to the accounts mentioned in putEntries.

Type: TaxRegistrationEntry object

Required: Yes

Response Syntax

HTTP/1.1 200 Content-type: application/json { "errors": [ { "accountId": "string", "code": "string", "message": "string" } ], "status": "string" }

Response Elements

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.


List of errors for the accounts the TRN information could not be added or updated to.

Type: Array of BatchPutTaxRegistrationError objects


The status of your TRN stored in the system after processing. Based on the validation occurring on the TRN, the status can be Verified, Pending or Rejected.

Type: String

Valid Values: Verified | Pending | Deleted | Rejected


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.


The exception when the input is creating conflict with the given state.

HTTP Status Code: 409


The exception thrown when an unexpected error occurs when processing a request.

HTTP Status Code: 500


The exception when the input doesn't pass validation for at least one of the input parameters.

HTTP Status Code: 400

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: