Understanding organization event data stores - Amazon CloudTrail
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Understanding organization event data stores

If you have created an organization in Amazon Organizations, you can create an organization event data store that logs all events for all Amazon Web Services accounts in that organization. Organization event data stores can apply to all Amazon Web Services Regions, or the current Region. You can't use an organization event data store to collect events from outside of Amazon.

You can create an organization event data store by using either the management account or the delegated administrator account. When a delegated administrator creates an organization event data store, the organization event data store exists in the management account for the organization. This approach is because the management account maintains ownership of all organization resources.

The management account for an organization can update an account-level event data store to apply it to an organization.

When the organization event data store is specified as applying to an organization, it's automatically applied to all member accounts in the organization. Member accounts can't see the organization event data store, nor can they modify or delete it. By default, member accounts don't have access to the organization event data store, nor can they run queries on organization event data stores.

The following table shows the capabilities of the management account and delegated administrator accounts within the Amazon Organizations organization.

Capabilities Management account Delegated administrator account

Register or remove delegated administrator accounts.



Create an organization event data store for Amazon CloudTrail events or Amazon Config configuration items.



Enable Insights on an organization event data store.



Update an organization event data store.



Start and stop event ingestion on an organization event data store.



Enable Lake query federation on an organization event data store.2



Disable Lake query federation on an organization event data store.



Delete an organization event data store.



Copy trail events to an event data store.



Run queries on organization event data stores.



View a managed dashboard for an organization event data store.



Enable the Highlights dashboard for organization event data stores.



Create a widget for a custom dashboard that queries an organization event data store.



1Only the management account can convert an organization event data store to an account-level event data store, or convert an account-level event data store to an organization event data store. These actions are not allowed for the delegated administrator because organization event data stores only exist in the management account. When an organization event data store is converted to an account-level event data store, only the management account has access to the event data store. Likewise, only an account-level event data store in the management account can be converted to an organization event data store.

2Only a single delegated administrator account or the management account can enable federation on an organization event data store. Other delegated administrator accounts can query and share information using the Lake Formation data sharing feature. Any delegated administrator account as well as the organization's management account can disable federation.

Create an organization event data store

The management account or delegated administrator account for an organization can create an organization event data store to collect either CloudTrail events (management events, data events) or Amazon Config configuration items.


Only the organization's management account can copy trail events to an event data store.

CloudTrail console
To create an organization event data store using the console
  1. Follow the steps in the create an event data store for CloudTrail events procedure to create an organization event data store for CloudTrail management or data events.


    Follow the steps in the create an event data store for Amazon Config configuration items procedure to create an organization event data store for Amazon Config configuration items.

  2. On the Choose events page, choose Enable for all accounts in my organization.

Amazon CLI

To create an organization event data store run the create-event-data-store command and include the --organization-enabled option.

The following example Amazon CLI create-event-data-store command creates an organization event data store that collects all management events. Because CloudTrail logs management events by default, you don't need to specify advanced event selectors if your event data store is logging all management events and is not collecting any data events.

aws cloudtrail create-event-data-store --name org-management-eds --organization-enabled

The following is an example response.

{ "EventDataStoreArn": "arn:aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:123456789012:eventdatastore/EXAMPLE6-d493-4914-9182-e52a7934b207", "Name": "org-management-eds", "Status": "CREATED", "AdvancedEventSelectors": [ { "Name": "Default management events", "FieldSelectors": [ { "Field": "eventCategory", "Equals": [ "Management" ] } ] } ], "MultiRegionEnabled": true, "OrganizationEnabled": true, "BillingMode": "EXTENDABLE_RETENTION_PRICING", "RetentionPeriod": 366, "TerminationProtectionEnabled": true, "CreatedTimestamp": "2023-11-16T15:30:50.689000+00:00", "UpdatedTimestamp": "2023-11-16T15:30:50.851000+00:00" }

The next example Amazon CLI create-event-data-store command creates an organization event data store named config-items-org-eds that collects Amazon Config configuration items. To collect configuration items, specify that the eventCategory field equals ConfigurationItem in the advanced event selectors.

aws cloudtrail create-event-data-store --name config-items-org-eds \ --organization-enabled \ --advanced-event-selectors '[ { "Name": "Select Amazon Config configuration items", "FieldSelectors": [ { "Field": "eventCategory", "Equals": ["ConfigurationItem"] } ] } ]'

Apply an account-level event data store to an organization

The organization's management account can convert an account-level event data store to apply it to an organization.

CloudTrail console
To update an account-level event data store using the console
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the CloudTrail console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/cloudtrail/.

  2. In the navigation pane, under Lake, choose Event data stores.

  3. Choose the event data store that you want to update. This action opens the event data store's details page.

  4. In General details, choose Edit.

  5. Choose Enable for all accounts in my organization.

  6. Choose Save changes.

For additional information about updating an event data store, see Update an event data store with the console.

Amazon CLI

To update an account-level event data store to apply it to an organization, run the update-event-data-store command and include the --organization-enabled option.

aws cloudtrail update-event-data-store --region us-east-1 \ --organization-enabled \ --event-data-store arn:aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:123456789012:eventdatastore/EXAMPLE-f852-4e8f-8bd1-bcf6cEXAMPLE

Default resource policy for delegated administrators

CloudTrail automatically generates a resource policy named DelegatedAdminResourcePolicy for organization event data stores that lists the actions that the delegated administrator accounts are allowed to perform on organization event data stores. The permissions in DelegatedAdminResourcePolicy are derived from the delegated administrator permissions in Amazon Organizations.

The purpose of DelegatedAdminResourcePolicy is to ensure that the delegated administrator accounts can manage the organization event data store on the behalf of the organization and are not unintentionally denied access to the organization event data store when a resource-based policy is attached to the organization event data store that allows or denies principals from performing an action on the organization event data store.

CloudTrail evaluates DelegatedAdminResourcePolicy in tandem with any resource-based policy provided for the organization event data store. The delegated administrator accounts would only be denied access if the provided resource-based policy included a statement that explicitly denied the delegated administrator accounts from performing an action on the organization event data store that the delegated administrator accounts would otherwise be able to perform.

This DelegatedAdminResourcePolicy policy is updated automatically when:

  • The management account converts an organization event data store to an account-level event data store, or converts an account-level event data store to an organization event data store.

  • There are organization changes. For example, the management account registers or removes a CloudTrail delegated administrator account.

You can view the up-to-date policy on the Delegated administrator resource policy section on the CloudTrail console, or by running the Amazon CLI get-resource-policy command and passing the ARN of the organization event data store.

The following example runs the get-resource-policy command on an organization event data store.

aws cloudtrail get-resource-policy --resource-arn arn:aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:888888888888:eventdatastore/example6-d493-4914-9182-e52a7934b207

The following example output shows both the provided resource-based policy and the DelegatedAdminResourcePolicy generated for the delegated administrator accounts 333333333333 and 111111111111.

{ "ResourceArn": "arn:aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:888888888888:eventdatastore/example6-d493-4914-9182-e52a7934b207", "ResourcePolicy": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Sid": "EdsPolicyA", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::666666666666:root" }, "Action": [ "cloudtrail:geteventdatastore", "cloudtrail:startquery", "cloudtrail:describequery", "cloudtrail:cancelquery", "cloudtrail:generatequery", "cloudtrail:generatequeryresultssummary" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:888888888888:eventdatastore/example6-d493-4914-9182-e52a7934b207" }] }, "DelegatedAdminResourcePolicy": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Sid": "Organization-EventDataStore-Auto-Generated-Delegated-Admin-Statement", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": ["333333333333", "111111111111"] }, "Action": [ "cloudtrail:AddTags", "cloudtrail:CancelQuery", "cloudtrail:CreateEventDataStore", "cloudtrail:DeleteEventDataStore", "cloudtrail:DescribeQuery", "cloudtrail:DisableFederation", "cloudtrail:EnableFederation", "cloudtrail:GenerateQuery", "cloudtrail:GenerateQueryResultsSummary", "cloudtrail:GetEventConfiguration", "cloudtrail:GetEventDataStore", "cloudtrail:GetInsightSelectors", "cloudtrail:GetQueryResults", "cloudtrail:ListEventDataStores", "cloudtrail:ListQueries", "cloudtrail:ListTags", "cloudtrail:RemoveTags", "cloudtrail:RestoreEventDataStore", "cloudtrail:UpdateEventDataStore", "cloudtrail:StartEventDataStoreIngestion", "cloudtrail:StartQuery", "cloudtrail:StopEventDataStoreIngestion", "cloudtrail:UpdateEventDataStore" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:888888888888:eventdatastore/example6-d493-4914-9182-e52a7934b207" }] } }

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