Filter GitHub webhook events (Amazon CloudFormation) - Amazon CodeBuild
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Filter GitHub webhook events (Amazon CloudFormation)

To use an Amazon CloudFormation template to filter webhook events, use the Amazon CodeBuild project's FilterGroups property.

For more information about GitHub webhook events, see GitHub webhook events.

The following YAML-formatted portion of an Amazon CloudFormation template creates two filter groups. Together, they trigger a build when one or both evaluate to true:

  • The first filter group specifies pull requests are created or updated on branches with Git reference names that match the regular expression ^refs/heads/main$ by a GitHub user who does not have account ID 12345.

  • The second filter group specifies push requests are created on files with names that match the regular expression READ_ME in branches with Git reference names that match the regular expression ^refs/heads/.*.

  • The third filter group specifies a push request with a head commit message matching the regular expression \[CodeBuild\].

  • The fourth filter group specifies a GitHub Actions workflow job request with a workflow name matching the regular expression \[CI-CodeBuild\].

CodeBuildProject: Type: AWS::CodeBuild::Project Properties: Name: MyProject ServiceRole: service-role Artifacts: Type: NO_ARTIFACTS Environment: Type: LINUX_CONTAINER ComputeType: BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL Image: aws/codebuild/standard:5.0 Source: Type: GITHUB Location: source-location Triggers: Webhook: true FilterGroups: - - Type: EVENT Pattern: PULL_REQUEST_CREATED,PULL_REQUEST_UPDATED - Type: BASE_REF Pattern: ^refs/heads/main$ ExcludeMatchedPattern: false - Type: ACTOR_ACCOUNT_ID Pattern: 12345 ExcludeMatchedPattern: true - - Type: EVENT Pattern: PUSH - Type: HEAD_REF Pattern: ^refs/heads/.* - Type: FILE_PATH Pattern: READ_ME ExcludeMatchedPattern: true - - Type: EVENT Pattern: PUSH - Type: COMMIT_MESSAGE Pattern: \[CodeBuild\] - Type: FILE_PATH Pattern: ^src/.+|^test/.+ - - Type: EVENT Pattern: WORKFLOW_JOB_QUEUED - Type: WORKFLOW_NAME Pattern: \[CI-CodeBuild\]