GitHub webhook events - Amazon CodeBuild
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GitHub webhook events

You can use webhook filter groups to specify which GitHub webhook events trigger a build. For example, you can specify that a build is only triggered for changes to specific branches.

You can create one or more webhook filter groups to specify which webhook events trigger a build. A build is triggered if any filter group evaluates to true, which occurs when all the filters in the group evaluate to true. When you create a filter group, you specify:

An event

For GitHub, you can choose one or more of the following events: PUSH, PULL_REQUEST_CREATED, PULL_REQUEST_UPDATED, PULL_REQUEST_REOPENED, PULL_REQUEST_MERGED, PULL_REQUEST_CLOSED, RELEASED, PRERELEASED, and WORKFLOW_JOB_QUEUED. The webhook event type is in the X-GitHub-Event header in the webhook payload. In the X-GitHub-Event header, you might see pull_request or push. For a pull request event, the type is in the action field of the webhook event payload. The following table shows how X-GitHub-Event header values and webhook pull request payload action field values map to the available event types.

X-GitHub-Event Header value Webhook event payload action value Event type
pull_request opened PULL_REQUEST_CREATED
pull_request reopened PULL_REQUEST_REOPENED
pull_request synchronize PULL_REQUEST_UPDATED
pull_request closed, and the merged field is true PULL_REQUEST_MERGED
pull_request closed, and the merged field is false PULL_REQUEST_CLOSED
push n/a PUSH
release released RELEASED
release prereleased PRERELEASED
workflow_job queued WORKFLOW_JOB_QUEUED

The PULL_REQUEST_REOPENED event type can be used with GitHub and GitHub Enterprise Server only. The RELEASED, PRERELEASED, and WORKFLOW_JOB_QUEUED event type can be used with GitHub only. For more information on WORKFLOW_JOB_QUEUED, see Tutorial: Configure a CodeBuild self-hosted GitHub Actions runner.

One or more optional filters

Use a regular expression to specify a filter. For an event to trigger a build, every filter within the group associated with it must evaluate to true.

ACTOR_ACCOUNT_ID (ACTOR_ID in the console)

A webhook event triggers a build when a GitHub or GitHub Enterprise Server account ID matches the regular expression pattern. This value is found in the id property of the sender object in the webhook payload.


A webhook event triggers a build when the head reference matches the regular expression pattern (for example, refs/heads/branch-name or refs/tags/tag-name). For a push event, the reference name is found in the ref property in the webhook payload. For pull requests events, the branch name is found in the ref property of the head object in the webhook payload.


A webhook event triggers a build when the base reference matches the regular expression pattern (for example, refs/heads/branch-name). A BASE_REF filter can be used with pull request events only. The branch name is found in the ref property of the base object in the webhook payload.


A webhook triggers a build when the path of a changed file matches the regular expressions pattern. A FILE_PATH filter can be used with GitHub push and pull request events and GitHub Enterprise Server push events. It cannot be used with GitHub Enterprise Server pull request events.


A webhook triggers a build when the head commit message matches the regular expression pattern. A COMMIT_MESSAGE filter can be used with GitHub push and pull request events and GitHub Enterprise Server push events. It cannot be used with GitHub Enterprise Server pull request events.


A webhook triggers a build when the tag name of the release matches the regular expression pattern. A TAG_NAME filter can be used with GitHub released and prereleased request events.


A webhook triggers a build when the release name matches the regular expression pattern. A RELEASE_NAME filter can be used with GitHub released and prereleased request events.


A webhook triggers a build when the repository name matches the regular expression pattern. A REPOSITORY_NAME filter can only be used with GitHub global or organization webhooks.


A webhook triggers a build when the workflow name matches the regular expression pattern. A WORKFLOW_NAME filter can be used with GitHub Actions workflow job queued request events.


You can find the webhook payload in the webhook settings of your GitHub repository.

Filter GitHub webhook events (console)

In Primary source webhook events, select the following. This section is only available when you chose Repository in my GitHub account for the source repository.

  1. Select Rebuild every time a code change is pushed to this repository when you create your project.

  2. From Event type, choose one or more events.

  3. To filter when an event triggers a build, under Start a build under these conditions, add one or more optional filters.

  4. To filter when an event is not triggered, under Don't start a build under these conditions, add one or more optional filters.

  5. Choose Add filter group to add another filter group, if needed.

For more information, see Create a build project (console) and WebhookFilter in the Amazon CodeBuild API Reference.

In this example, a webhook filter group triggers a build for pull requests only:

A webhook filter group that triggers a build for pull requests only.

Using an example of two webhook filter groups, a build is triggered when one or both evaluate to true:

  • The first filter group specifies pull requests that are created, updated, or reopened on branches with Git reference names that match the regular expression ^refs/heads/main$ and head references that match ^refs/heads/branch1$.

  • The second filter group specifies push requests on branches with Git reference names that match the regular expression ^refs/heads/branch1$.

An example of two filter groups.

In this example, a webhook filter group triggers a build for all requests except tag events.

A webhook filter group that triggers a build for all requests except tag events.

In this example, a webhook filter group triggers a build only when files with names that match the regular expression ^buildspec.* change.

A webhook filter group that triggers a build only when files with names that match the regular expression specified.

In this example, a webhook filter group triggers a build only when files are changed in src or test folders.

A webhook filter group that triggers a build only when files are changed in specified folders.

In this example, a webhook filter group triggers a build only when a change is made by a specified GitHub or GitHub Enterprise Server user with an account ID that matches the regular expression actor-account-id.


For information about how to find your GitHub account ID, see, where user-name is your GitHub user name.

A webhook filter group that triggers a build only when a change is made by a specified GitHub user with an account ID that matches the regular expression.

In this example, a webhook filter group triggers a build for a push event when the head commit message matches the regular expression \[CodeBuild\].

A webhook filter group that triggers a build for a push event when the head commit message matches the regular expression.

In this example, a webhook filter group triggers a build for GitHub Actions workflow job events only.


CodeBuild will only process GitHub Actions workflow jobs if a webhook has filter groups containing the WORKFLOW_JOB_QUEUED event filter.

A webhook filter group triggers a build for GitHub Actions workflow job events only.

In this example, a webhook filter group triggers a build for a workflow name that matches the regular expression CI-CodeBuild.

A webhook filter group triggers a build for a workflow name that matches the regular expression.

Filter GitHub webhook events (SDK)

To use the Amazon CodeBuild SDK to filter webhook events, use the filterGroups field in the request syntax of the CreateWebhook or UpdateWebhook API methods. For more information, see WebhookFilter in the CodeBuild API Reference.

To create a webhook filter that triggers a build for pull requests only, insert the following into the request syntax:


To create a webhook filter that triggers a build for specified branches only, use the pattern parameter to specify a regular expression to filter branch names. Using an example of two filter groups, a build is triggered when one or both evaluate to true:

  • The first filter group specifies pull requests that are created, updated, or reopened on branches with Git reference names that match the regular expression ^refs/heads/main$ and head references that match ^refs/heads/myBranch$.

  • The second filter group specifies push requests on branches with Git reference names that match the regular expression ^refs/heads/myBranch$.

"filterGroups": [ [ { "type": "EVENT", "pattern": "PULL_REQUEST_CREATED, PULL_REQUEST_UPDATED, PULL_REQUEST_REOPENED" }, { "type": "HEAD_REF", "pattern": "^refs/heads/myBranch$" }, { "type": "BASE_REF", "pattern": "^refs/heads/main$" } ], [ { "type": "EVENT", "pattern": "PUSH" }, { "type": "HEAD_REF", "pattern": "^refs/heads/myBranch$" } ] ]

You can use the excludeMatchedPattern parameter to specify which events do not trigger a build. For example, in this example a build is triggered for all requests except tag events.

"filterGroups": [ [ { "type": "EVENT", "pattern": "PUSH, PULL_REQUEST_CREATED, PULL_REQUEST_UPDATED, PULL_REQUEST_REOPENED, PULL_REQUEST_MERGED, PULL_REQUEST_CLOSED" }, { "type": "HEAD_REF", "pattern": "^refs/tags/.*", "excludeMatchedPattern": true } ] ]

You can create a filter that triggers a build only when files with names that match the regular expression in the pattern argument change. In this example, the filter group specifies that a build is triggered only when files with a name that matches the regular expression ^buildspec.* change.

"filterGroups": [ [ { "type": "EVENT", "pattern": "PUSH" }, { "type": "FILE_PATH", "pattern": "^buildspec.*" } ] ]

In this example, the filter group specifies that a build is triggered only when files are changed in src or test folders.

"filterGroups": [ [ { "type": "EVENT", "pattern": "PUSH" }, { "type": "FILE_PATH", "pattern": "^src/.+|^test/.+" } ] ]

You can create a filter that triggers a build only when a change is made by a specified GitHub or GitHub Enterprise Server user with account ID actor-account-id.


For information about how to find your GitHub account ID, see, where user-name is your GitHub user name.

"filterGroups": [ [ { "type": "EVENT", "pattern": "PUSH, PULL_REQUEST_CREATED, PULL_REQUEST_UPDATED, PULL_REQUEST_REOPENED, PULL_REQUEST_MERGED, PULL_REQUEST_CLOSED" }, { "type": "ACTOR_ACCOUNT_ID", "pattern": "actor-account-id" } ] ]

You can create a filter that triggers a build only when the head commit message matches the regular expression in the pattern argument. In this example, the filter group specifies that a build is triggered only when the head commit message of the push event matches the regular expression \[CodeBuild\].

"filterGroups": [ [ { "type": "EVENT", "pattern": "PUSH" }, { "type": "COMMIT_MESSAGE", "pattern": "\[CodeBuild\]" } ] ]

To create a webhook filter that triggers a build for GitHub Actions workflow jobs only, insert the following into the request syntax:

"filterGroups": [ [ { "type": "EVENT", "pattern": "WORKFLOW_JOB_QUEUED" } ] ]

Filter GitHub webhook events (Amazon CloudFormation)

To use an Amazon CloudFormation template to filter webhook events, use the Amazon CodeBuild project's FilterGroups property. The following YAML-formatted portion of an Amazon CloudFormation template creates two filter groups. Together, they trigger a build when one or both evaluate to true:

  • The first filter group specifies pull requests are created or updated on branches with Git reference names that match the regular expression ^refs/heads/main$ by a GitHub user who does not have account ID 12345.

  • The second filter group specifies push requests are created on files with names that match the regular expression READ_ME in branches with Git reference names that match the regular expression ^refs/heads/.*.

  • The third filter group specifies a push request with a head commit message matching the regular expression \[CodeBuild\].

  • The fourth filter group specifies a GitHub Actions workflow job request with a workflow name matching the regular expression \[CI-CodeBuild\].

CodeBuildProject: Type: AWS::CodeBuild::Project Properties: Name: MyProject ServiceRole: service-role Artifacts: Type: NO_ARTIFACTS Environment: Type: LINUX_CONTAINER ComputeType: BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL Image: aws/codebuild/standard:5.0 Source: Type: GITHUB Location: source-location Triggers: Webhook: true FilterGroups: - - Type: EVENT Pattern: PULL_REQUEST_CREATED,PULL_REQUEST_UPDATED - Type: BASE_REF Pattern: ^refs/heads/main$ ExcludeMatchedPattern: false - Type: ACTOR_ACCOUNT_ID Pattern: 12345 ExcludeMatchedPattern: true - - Type: EVENT Pattern: PUSH - Type: HEAD_REF Pattern: ^refs/heads/.* - Type: FILE_PATH Pattern: READ_ME ExcludeMatchedPattern: true - - Type: EVENT Pattern: PUSH - Type: COMMIT_MESSAGE Pattern: \[CodeBuild\] - Type: FILE_PATH Pattern: ^src/.+|^test/.+ - - Type: EVENT Pattern: WORKFLOW_JOB_QUEUED - Type: WORKFLOW_NAME Pattern: \[CI-CodeBuild\]