CodeCommit source action reference - Amazon CodePipeline
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CodeCommit source action reference

Starts the pipeline when a new commit is made on the configured CodeCommit repository and branch.

If you use the console to create or edit the pipeline, CodePipeline creates a CodeCommit CloudWatch Events rule that starts your pipeline when a change occurs in the repository.

You must have already created a CodeCommit repository before you connect the pipeline through a CodeCommit action.

After a code change is detected, you have the following options for passing the code to subsequent actions:

  • Default – Configures the CodeCommit source action to output a ZIP file with a shallow copy of your commit.

  • Full clone – Configures the source action to output a Git URL reference to the repository for subsequent actions.

    Currently, the Git URL reference can only be used by downstream CodeBuild actions to clone the repo and associated Git metadata. Attempting to pass a Git URL reference to non-CodeBuild actions results in an error.

Action type

  • Category: Source

  • Owner: AWS

  • Provider: CodeCommit

  • Version: 1

Configuration parameters


Required: Yes

The name of the repository where source changes are to be detected.


Required: Yes

The name of the branch where source changes are to be detected.


Required: No

PollForSourceChanges controls whether CodePipeline polls the CodeCommit repository for source changes. We recommend that you use CloudWatch Events to detect source changes instead. For more information about configuring CloudWatch Events, see Migrate polling pipelines (CodeCommit source) (CLI) or Migrate polling pipelines (CodeCommit source) (Amazon CloudFormation template).


If you intend to configure a CloudWatch Events rule, you must set PollForSourceChanges to false to avoid duplicate pipeline executions.

Valid values for this parameter:

  • true: If set, CodePipeline polls your repository for source changes.


    If you omit PollForSourceChanges, CodePipeline defaults to polling your repository for source changes. This behavior is the same as if PollForSourceChanges is included and set to true.

  • false: If set, CodePipeline does not poll your repository for source changes. Use this setting if you intend to configure a CloudWatch Events rule to detect source changes.


Required: No

The output artifact format. Values can be either CODEBUILD_CLONE_REF or CODE_ZIP. If unspecified, the default is CODE_ZIP.


The CODEBUILD_CLONE_REF option can only be used by CodeBuild downstream actions.

If you choose this option, you need to add the codecommit:GitPull permission to your CodeBuild service role as shown in Add CodeBuild GitClone permissions for CodeCommit source actions. You also need to add the codecommit:GetRepository permission to your CodePipeline service role as shown in Add permissions to the CodePipeline service role. For a tutorial that shows you how to use the Full clone option, see Tutorial: Use full clone with a CodeCommit pipeline source.

Input artifacts

  • Number of artifacts: 0

  • Description: Input artifacts do not apply for this action type.

Output artifacts

  • Number of artifacts: 1

  • Description: The output artifact of this action is a ZIP file that contains the contents of the configured repository and branch at the commit specified as the source revision for the pipeline execution. The artifacts generated from the repository are the output artifacts for the CodeCommit action. The source code commit ID is displayed in CodePipeline as the source revision for the triggered pipeline execution.

Output variables

When configured, this action produces variables that can be referenced by the action configuration of a downstream action in the pipeline. This action produces variables which can be viewed as output variables, even if the action doesn't have a namespace. You configure an action with a namespace to make those variables available to the configuration of downstream actions.

For more information, see Variables reference.


The CodeCommit commit ID that triggered the pipeline execution. Commit IDs are the full SHA of the commit.


The description message, if any, associated with the commit that triggered the pipeline execution.


The name of the CodeCommit repository where the commit that triggered the pipeline was made.


The name of the branch for the CodeCommit repository where the source change was made.


The date when the commit was authored, in timestamp format.


The date when the commit was committed, in timestamp format.

Example action configuration

Example for default output artifact format

name: Source actionTypeId: category: Source owner: AWS provider: CodeCommit version: '1' runOrder: 1 configuration: BranchName: main PollForSourceChanges: 'false' RepositoryName: MyWebsite outputArtifacts: - name: Artifact_MyWebsiteStack inputArtifacts: [] region: us-west-2 namespace: SourceVariables
{ "name": "Source", "actionTypeId": { "category": "Source", "owner": "AWS", "provider": "CodeCommit", "version": "1" }, "runOrder": 1, "configuration": { "BranchName": "main", "PollForSourceChanges": "false", "RepositoryName": "MyWebsite" }, "outputArtifacts": [ { "name": "Artifact_MyWebsiteStack" } ], "inputArtifacts": [], "region": "us-west-2", "namespace": "SourceVariables" }

Example for full clone output artifact format

name: Source actionTypeId: category: Source owner: AWS provider: CodeCommit version: '1' runOrder: 1 configuration: BranchName: main OutputArtifactFormat: CODEBUILD_CLONE_REF PollForSourceChanges: 'false' RepositoryName: MyWebsite outputArtifacts: - name: SourceArtifact inputArtifacts: [] region: us-west-2 namespace: SourceVariables
{ "name": "Source", "actionTypeId": { "category": "Source", "owner": "AWS", "provider": "CodeCommit", "version": "1" }, "runOrder": 1, "configuration": { "BranchName": "main", "OutputArtifactFormat": "CODEBUILD_CLONE_REF", "PollForSourceChanges": "false", "RepositoryName": "MyWebsite" }, "outputArtifacts": [ { "name": "SourceArtifact" } ], "inputArtifacts": [], "region": "us-west-2", "namespace": "SourceVariables" }

The following related resources can help you as you work with this action.