Amazon CloudFormation StackSets deploy action reference - Amazon CodePipeline
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Amazon CloudFormation StackSets deploy action reference

CodePipeline offers the ability to perform Amazon CloudFormation StackSets operations as part of your CI/CD process. You use a stack set to create stacks in Amazon accounts across Amazon Regions by using a single Amazon CloudFormation template. All the resources included in each stack are defined by the stack set’s Amazon CloudFormation template. When you create the stack set, you specify the template to use, as well as any parameters and capabilities that the template requires.

For more information about concepts for Amazon CloudFormation StackSets, see StackSets concepts in the Amazon CloudFormation User Guide.

You integrate your pipeline with Amazon CloudFormation StackSets through two distinct action types that you use together:

  • The CloudFormationStackSet action creates or updates a stack set or stack instances from the template stored in the pipeline source location. Each time a stack set is created or updated, it initiates a deployment of those changes to specified instances. In the console, you can choose the CloudFormation Stack Set action provider when you create or edit your pipeline.

  • The CloudFormationStackInstances action deploys changes from the CloudFormationStackSet action to specified instances, creates new stack instances, and defines parameter overrides to specified instances. In the console, you can choose the CloudFormation Stack Instances action provider when you edit an existing pipeline.

These actions are not available in the China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia) Regions. To reference other available actions, see Product and service integrations with CodePipeline.

You can use these actions to deploy to target Amazon accounts or target Amazon Organizations organizational unit IDs.


To deploy to target Amazon Organizations accounts or organizational unit IDs and use the service-managed permissions model, you must enable trusted access between Amazon CloudFormation StackSets and Amazon Organizations. For more information, see Enabling trusted access with Amazon CloudFormation Stacksets.

How Amazon CloudFormation StackSets actions work

A CloudFormationStackSet action creates or updates resources depending on whether the action is running for the first time.

The CloudFormationStackSet action creates or updates the stack set and deploys those changes to specified instances.


If you use this action to make an update that includes adding stack instances, the new instances are deployed first and the update is completed last. The new instances first receive the old version, and then the update is applied to all instances.

  • Create: When no instances are specified and the stack set does not exist, the CloudFormationStackSet action creates the stack set without creating any instances.

  • Update: When the CloudFormationStackSet action is run for a stack set that is already created, the action updates the stack set. If no instances are specified and the stack set already exists, all instances are updated. If this action is used to update specific instances, all remaining instances move to an OUTDATED status.

    You can use the CloudFormationStackSet action to update the stack set in the following ways.

    • Update the template on some or all instances.

    • Update parameters on some or all instances.

    • Update the execution role for the stack set (this must match the execution role specified in the Administrator role).

    • Change the permissions model (only if no instances have been created).

    • Enable/Disable AutoDeployment if the stack set permissions model is Service Managed.

    • Act as a delegated administrator in a member account if the stack set permissions model is Service Managed.

    • Update the Administrator role.

    • Update the description on the stack set.

    • Add deployment targets to the stack set update to create new stack instances.

The CloudFormationStackInstances action creates new stack instances or updates outdated stack instances. An instance becomes outdated when a stack set is updated, but not all instances within it are updated.

  • Create: If the stack already exists, the CloudFormationStackInstances action only updates instances and does not create stack instances.

  • Update: After the CloudFormationStackSet action is performed, if the template or parameters have been updated in only some instances, the rest will be marked OUTDATED. In later pipeline stages, CloudFormationStackInstances updates the rest of the instances in the stack set in waves so that all instances are marked CURRENT. This action can also be used to add additional instances or override parameters on new or existing instances.

As part of an update, the CloudFormationStackSet and CloudFormationStackInstances actions can specify new deployment targets, which creates new stack instances.

As part of an update, the CloudFormationStackSet and CloudFormationStackInstances actions do not delete stack sets, instances, or resources. When the action updates a stack but does not specify all instances to be updated, the instances that were not specified for update are removed from the update and set to a status of OUTDATED.

During a deployment, stack instances can also show a status of OUTDATED if the deployment to instances failed.

How to structure StackSets actions in a pipeline

As a best practice, you should construct your pipeline so that the stack set is created and initially deploys to a subset or a single instance. After you test your deployment and view the generated stack set, then add the CloudFormationStackInstances action so that the remaining instances are created and updated.

Use the console or the CLI to create the recommended pipeline structure as follows:

  1. Create a pipeline with a source action (required) and the CloudFormationStackSet action as the deploy action. Run your pipeline.

  2. When your pipeline first runs, the CloudFormationStackSet action creates your stack set and at least one initial instance. Verify the stack set creation and review the deployment to your initial instance. For example, for initial stack set creation for account Account-A where us-east-1 is the specified Region, the stack instance is created with the stack set:

    Stack instance Region Status
    StackInstanceID-1 us-east-1 CURRENT
  3. Edit your pipeline to add CloudFormationStackInstances as the second deployment action to create/update stack instances for the targets you designate. For example, for stack instance creation for account Account-A where the us-east-2 and eu-central-1 Regions are specified, the remaining stack instances are created and the initial instance remains updated as follows:

    Stack instance Region Status
    StackInstanceID-1 us-east-1 CURRENT
    StackInstanceID-2 us-east-2 CURRENT
    StackInstanceID-3 eu-central-1 CURRENT
  4. Run your pipeline as needed to update your stack set and update or create stack instances.

When you initiate a stack update where you have removed deployment targets from the action configuration, then the stack instances that were not designated for update are removed from the deployment and move into an OUTDATED status. For example, for stack instance update for account Account-A where the us-east-2 Region is removed from the action configuration, the remaining stack instances are created and the removed instance is set to OUTDATED as follows:

Stack instance Region Status
StackInstanceID-1 us-east-1 CURRENT
StackInstanceID-2 us-east-2 OUTDATED
StackInstanceID-3 eu-central-1 CURRENT

For more information about best practices for deploying stack sets, see Best practices for StackSets in the Amazon CloudFormation User Guide.

The CloudFormationStackSet action

This action creates or updates a stack set from the template stored in the pipeline source location.

After you define a stack set, you can create, update, or delete stacks in the target accounts and Regions specified in the configuration parameters. When creating, updating and deleting stacks, you can specify other preferences, such as the order of Regions for operations to be performed, the failure tolerance percentage beyond which stack operations stop, and the number of accounts in which operations are performed on stacks concurrently.

A stack set is a regional resource. If you create a stack set in one Amazon Region, you cannot access it from other Regions.

When this action is used as an update action to the stack set, updates to the stack are not allowed without a deployment to at least one stack instance.

Action type

  • Category: Deploy

  • Owner: AWS

  • Provider: CloudFormationStackSet

  • Version: 1

Configuration parameters


Required: Yes

The name to associate with the stack set. This name must be unique in the Region where it is created.

The name may only contain alphanumeric and hyphen characters. It must begin with an alphabetic character and be 128 characters or fewer.


Required: No

A description of the stack set. You can use this to describe the stack set’s purpose or other relevant information.


Required: Yes

The location of the template that defines the resources in the stack set. This must point to a template with a maximum size of 460,800 bytes.

Enter the path to the source artifact name and template file in the format "InputArtifactName::TemplateFileName", as shown in the following example.


Required: No

A list of template parameters for your stack set that update during a deployment.

You can provide parameters as a literal list or a file path:

  • You can enter parameters in the following shorthand syntax format: ParameterKey=string,ParameterValue=string,UsePreviousValue=boolean,ResolvedValue=string ParameterKey=string,ParameterValue=string,UsePreviousValue=boolean,ResolvedValue=string. For more information about these data types, see Template parameter data types.

    The following example shows a parameter named BucketName with the value amzn-s3-demo-source-bucket.


    The following example shows an entry with multiple parameters:

    ParameterKey=BucketName,ParameterValue=amzn-s3-demo-source-bucket ParameterKey=Asset1,ParameterValue=true ParameterKey=Asset2,ParameterValue=true
  • You can enter the location of the file containing a list of template parameter overrides entered in the format "InputArtifactName::ParametersFileName", as shown in the following example.


    The following example shows the file contents for parameters.txt.

    [ { "ParameterKey": "KeyName", "ParameterValue": "true" }, { "ParameterKey": "KeyName", "ParameterValue": "true" } ]

Required: No

Indicates that the template can create and update resources, depending on the types of resources in the template.

You must use this property if you have IAM resources in your stack template or you create a stack directly from a template containing macros. For the Amazon CloudFormation action to successfully operate in this way, you must use one of the following capabilities:



You can specify more than one capability by using a comma and no spaces between capabilities. The example in Example CloudFormationStackSet action configuration shows an entry with multiple capabilities.


Required: No

Determines how IAM roles are created and managed. If the field is not specified, the default is used. For information, see Permissions models for stack set operations.

Valid values are:

  • SELF_MANAGED (default): You must create administrator and execution roles to deploy to target accounts.

  • SERVICE_MANAGED: Amazon CloudFormation StackSets automatically creates the IAM roles required to deploy to accounts managed by Amazon Organizations. This requires an account to be a member of an Organization.


This parameter can only be changed when no stack instances exist in the stack set.


Because Amazon CloudFormation StackSets performs operations across multiple accounts, you must define the necessary permissions in those accounts before you can create the stack set.

Required: No


This parameter is optional for the SELF_MANAGED permissions model and is not used for the SERVICE_MANAGED permissions model.

The ARN of the IAM role in the administrator account used to perform stack set operations.

The name may contain alphanumeric characters, any of the following characters: _+=,.@-, and no spaces. The name is not case sensitive. This role name must be a minimum length of 20 characters and maximum length of 2048 characters. Role names must be unique within the account. The role name specified here must be an existing role name. If you do not specify the role name, it is set to AWSCloudFormationStackSetAdministrationRole. If you specify ServiceManaged, you must not define a role name.


Because Amazon CloudFormation StackSets performs operations across multiple accounts, you must define the necessary permissions in those accounts before you can create the stack set.

Required: No


This parameter is optional for the SELF_MANAGED permissions model and is not used for the SERVICE_MANAGED permissions model.

The name of the IAM role in the target accounts used to perform stack set operations. The name may contain alphanumeric characters, any of the following characters: _+=,.@-, and no spaces. The name is not case sensitive. This role name must be a minimum length of 1 character and maximum length of 64 characters. Role names must be unique within the account. The role name specified here must be an existing role name. Do not specify this role if you are using customized execution roles. If you do not specify the role name, it is set to AWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRole. If you set Service_Managed to true, you must not define a role name.


Required: No


This parameter is optional for the SERVICE_MANAGED permissions model and is not used for the SELF_MANAGED permissions model.

Describes whether Amazon CloudFormation StackSets automatically deploys to Amazon Organizations accounts that are added to a target organization or organizational unit (OU). If OrganizationsAutoDeployment is specified, do not specify DeploymentTargets and Regions.


If no input is provided for OrganizationsAutoDeployment, then the default value is Disabled.

Valid values are:

  • Enabled. Required: No.

    StackSets automatically deploys additional stack instances to Amazon Organizations accounts that are added to a target organization or organizational unit (OU) in the specified Regions. If an account is removed from a target organization or OU, Amazon CloudFormation StackSets deletes stack instances from the account in the specified Regions.

  • Disabled. Required: No.

    StackSets does not automatically deploy additional stack instances to Amazon Organizations accounts that are added to a target organization or organizational unit (OU) in the specified Regions.

  • EnabledWithStackRetention. Required: No.

    Stack resources are retained when an account is removed from a target organization or OU.


Required: No


For the SERVICE_MANAGED permissions model, you can provide either the organization root ID or organizational Unit IDs for deployment targets. For the SELF_MANAGED permissions model, you can only provide accounts.


When this parameter is selected, you must also select Regions.

A list of Amazon accounts or organizational unit IDs where stack set instances should be created/updated.

  • Accounts:

    You can provide accounts as a literal list or a file path:

    • Literal: Enter parameters in the shorthand syntax format account_ID,account_ID, as shown in the following example.

    • File path: The location of the file containing a list of Amazon accounts where stack set instances should be created/updated, entered in the format InputArtifactName::AccountsFileName. If you use file path to specify either accounts or OrganizationalUnitIds, the file format must be in JSON, as shown in the following example.


      The following example shows the file contents for accounts.txt.

      [ "111111222222" ]

      The following example shows the file contents for accounts.txt when listing more than one account:

      [ "111111222222","333333444444" ]
  • OrganizationalUnitIds:


    This parameter is optional for the SERVICE_MANAGED permissions model and is not used for the SELF_MANAGED permissions model. Do not use this if you select OrganizationsAutoDeployment.

    The Amazon organizational units in which to update associated stack instances.

    You can provide organizational unit IDs as a literal list or a file path:

    • Literal: Enter an array of strings separated by commas, as shown in the following example.

    • File path: The location of the file containing a list of OrganizationalUnitIds in which to create or update stack set instances. If you use file path to specify either accounts or OrganizationalUnitIds, the file format must be in JSON, as shown in the following example.

      Enter a path to the file in the format InputArtifactName::OrganizationalUnitIdsFileName.


      The following example shows the file contents for OU-IDs.txt:

      [ "ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111","ou-examplerootid222-exampleouid222" ]

Required: No


When this parameter is selected, you must also select DeploymentTargets.

A list of Amazon Regions where stack set instances are created or updated. Regions are updated in the order in which they are entered.

Enter a list of valid Amazon Regions in the format Region1,Region2, as shown in the following example.


Required: No

The percentage of accounts per Region for which this stack operation can fail before Amazon CloudFormation stops the operation in that Region. If the operation is stopped in a Region, Amazon CloudFormation doesn't attempt the operation in subsequent Regions. When calculating the number of accounts based on the specified percentage, Amazon CloudFormation rounds down to the next whole number.


Required: No

The maximum percentage of accounts in which to perform this operation at one time. When calculating the number of accounts based on the specified percentage, Amazon CloudFormation rounds down to the next whole number. If rounding down would result in zero, Amazon CloudFormation sets the number as one instead. Although you use this setting to specify the maximum, for large deployments the actual number of accounts acted upon concurrently may be lower due to service throttling.


Required: No

You can specify if the stack set should deploy across Amazon Web Services Regions sequentially or in parallel by configuring the Region concurrency deployment parameter. When the Region concurrency is specified to deploy stacks across multiple Amazon Web Services Regions in parallel, this can result in faster overall deployment times.

  • Parallel: Stack set deployments will be conducted at the same time, as long as a Region's deployment failures don't exceed a specified failure tolerance.

  • Sequential: Stack set deployments will be conducted one at a time, as long as a Region's deployment failures don't exceed a specified failure tolerance. Sequential deployment is the default selection.


Required: No

The concurrency mode allows you to choose how the concurrency level behaves during stack set operations, whether with strict or soft failure tolerance. Strict Failure Tolerance lowers the deployment speed as stack set operation failures occur because concurrency decreases for each failure. Soft Failure Tolerance prioritizes deployment speed while still leveraging Amazon CloudFormation safety capabilities.

  • STRICT_FAILURE_TOLERANCE: This option dynamically lowers the concurrency level to ensure the number of failed accounts never exceeds a particular failure tolerance. This is the default behavior.

  • SOFT_FAILURE_TOLERANCE: This option decouples failure tolerance from the actual concurrency. This allows stack set operations to run at a set concurrency level, regardless of the number of failures.


Required: No


This parameter is optional for the SERVICE_MANAGED permissions model and is not used for the SELF_MANAGED permissions model.

Specifies whether you are acting in the organization's management account or as a delegated administrator in a member account.


If this parameter is set to DELEGATED_ADMIN, make sure that the pipeline IAM role has organizations:ListDelegatedAdministrators permission. Otherwise, the action will fail while running with an error similar to the following: Account used is not a delegated administrator.

  • SELF: Stack set deployment will use service-managed permissions while signed in to the management account.

  • DELEGATED_ADMIN: Stack set deployment will use service-managed permissions while signed in to a delegated administrator account.

Input artifacts

You must include at least one input artifact that contains the template for the stack set in a CloudFormationStackSet action. You can include more input artifacts for lists of deployment targets, accounts, and parameters.

  • Number of artifacts: 1 to 3

  • Description: You can include artifacts to provide:

    • The stack template file. (See the TemplatePath parameter.)

    • The parameters file. (See the Parameters parameter.)

    • The accounts file. (See the DeploymentTargets parameter.)

Output artifacts

  • Number of artifacts: 0

  • Description: Output artifacts do not apply for this action type.

Output variables

If you configure this action, it produces variables that can be referenced by the action configuration of a downstream action in the pipeline. You configure an action with a namespace to make those variables available to the configuration of downstream actions.

  • StackSetId: The ID of the stack set.

  • OperationId: The ID of the stack set operation.

For more information, see Variables reference.

Example CloudFormationStackSet action configuration

The following examples show the action configuration for the CloudFormationStackSet action.

Example for the self-managed permissions model

The following example shows a CloudFormationStackSet action where the deployment target entered is an Amazon account ID.

Name: CreateStackSet ActionTypeId: Category: Deploy Owner: AWS Provider: CloudFormationStackSet Version: '1' RunOrder: 1 Configuration: DeploymentTargets: '111111222222' FailureTolerancePercentage: '20' MaxConcurrentPercentage: '25' PermissionModel: SELF_MANAGED Regions: us-east-1 StackSetName: my-stackset TemplatePath: 'SourceArtifact::template.json' OutputArtifacts: [] InputArtifacts: - Name: SourceArtifact Region: us-west-2 Namespace: DeployVariables
{ "Name": "CreateStackSet", "ActionTypeId": { "Category": "Deploy", "Owner": "AWS", "Provider": "CloudFormationStackSet", "Version": "1" }, "RunOrder": 1, "Configuration": { "DeploymentTargets": "111111222222", "FailureTolerancePercentage": "20", "MaxConcurrentPercentage": "25", "PermissionModel": "SELF_MANAGED", "Regions": "us-east-1", "StackSetName": "my-stackset", "TemplatePath": "SourceArtifact::template.json" }, "OutputArtifacts": [], "InputArtifacts": [ { "Name": "SourceArtifact" } ], "Region": "us-west-2", "Namespace": "DeployVariables" }

Example for the service-managed permissions model

The following example shows a CloudFormationStackSet action for the service-managed permissions model where the option for auto deployment to Amazon Organizations is enabled with stack retention.

Name: Deploy ActionTypeId: Category: Deploy Owner: AWS Provider: CloudFormationStackSet Version: '1' RunOrder: 1 Configuration: Capabilities: 'CAPABILITY_IAM,CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM' OrganizationsAutoDeployment: EnabledWithStackRetention PermissionModel: SERVICE_MANAGED StackSetName: stacks-orgs TemplatePath: 'SourceArtifact::template.json' OutputArtifacts: [] InputArtifacts: - Name: SourceArtifact Region: eu-central-1 Namespace: DeployVariables
{ "Name": "Deploy", "ActionTypeId": { "Category": "Deploy", "Owner": "AWS", "Provider": "CloudFormationStackSet", "Version": "1" }, "RunOrder": 1, "Configuration": { "Capabilities": "CAPABILITY_IAM,CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM", "OrganizationsAutoDeployment": "EnabledWithStackRetention", "PermissionModel": "SERVICE_MANAGED", "StackSetName": "stacks-orgs", "TemplatePath": "SourceArtifact::template.json" }, "OutputArtifacts": [], "InputArtifacts": [ { "Name": "SourceArtifact" } ], "Region": "eu-central-1", "Namespace": "DeployVariables" }

The CloudFormationStackInstances action

This action creates new instances and deploys stack sets to specified instances. A stack instance is a reference to a stack in a target account within a Region. A stack instance can exist without a stack; for example, if the stack creation is not successful, the stack instance shows the reason for stack creation failure. A stack instance is associated with only one stack set.

After the initial creation of a stack set, you can add new stack instances by using CloudFormationStackInstances. Template parameter values can be overridden at the stack instance level during create or update stack set instance operations.

Each stack set has one template and set of template parameters. When you update the template or template parameters, you update them for the entire set. Then all instance statuses are set to OUTDATED until the changes are deployed to that instance.

To override parameter values on specific instances, for example, if the template contains a parameter for stage with a value of prod, you can override the value of that parameter to be beta or gamma.

Action type

  • Category: Deploy

  • Owner: AWS

  • Provider: CloudFormationStackInstances

  • Version: 1

Configuration parameters


Required: Yes

The name to associate with the stack set. This name must be unique in the Region where it is created.

The name may only contain alphanumeric and hyphen characters. It must begin with an alphabetic character and be 128 characters or fewer.


Required: No


For the SERVICE_MANAGED permissions model, you can provide either the organization root ID or organizational Unit IDs for deployment targets. For the SELF_MANAGED permissions model, you can only provide accounts.


When this parameter is selected, you must also select Regions.

A list of Amazon accounts or organizational unit IDs where stack set instances should be created/updated.

  • Accounts:

    You can provide accounts as a literal list or a file path:

    • Literal: Enter parameters in the shorthand syntax format account_ID,account_ID, as shown in the following example.

    • File path: The location of the file containing a list of Amazon accounts where stack set instances should be created/updated, entered in the format InputArtifactName::AccountsFileName. If you use file path to specify either accounts or OrganizationalUnitIds, the file format must be in JSON, as shown in the following example.


      The following example shows the file contents for accounts.txt:

      [ "111111222222" ]

      The following example shows the file contents for accounts.txt when listing more than one account:

      [ "111111222222","333333444444" ]
  • OrganizationalUnitIds:


    This parameter is optional for the SERVICE_MANAGED permissions model and is not used for the SELF_MANAGED permissions model. Do not use this if you select OrganizationsAutoDeployment.

    The Amazon organizational units in which to update associated stack instances.

    You can provide organizational unit IDs as a literal list or a file path.

    • Literal: Enter an array of strings separated by commas, as shown in the following example.

    • File path: The location of the file containing a list of OrganizationalUnitIds in which to create or update stack set instances. If you use file path to specify either accounts or OrganizationalUnitIds, the file format must be in JSON, as shown in the following example.

      Enter a path to the file in the format InputArtifactName::OrganizationalUnitIdsFileName.


      The following example shows the file contents for OU-IDs.txt:

      [ "ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111","ou-examplerootid222-exampleouid222" ]

Required: Yes


When this parameter is selected, you must also select DeploymentTargets.

A list of Amazon Regions where stack set instances are created or updated. Regions are updated in the order in which they are entered.

Enter a list of valid Amazon Regions in the format: Region1,Region2, as shown in the following example.


Required: No

A list of stack set parameters that you want to override in the selected stack instances. Overridden parameter values are applied to all stack instances in the specified accounts and Regions.

You can provide parameters as a literal list or a file path:

  • You can enter parameters in the following shorthand syntax format: ParameterKey=string,ParameterValue=string,UsePreviousValue=boolean,ResolvedValue=string ParameterKey=string,ParameterValue=string,UsePreviousValue=boolean,ResolvedValue=string. For more information about these data types, see Template parameter data types.

    The following example shows a parameter named BucketName with the value amzn-s3-demo-source-bucket.


    The following example shows an entry with multiple parameters.

    ParameterKey=BucketName,ParameterValue=amzn-s3-demo-source-bucket ParameterKey=Asset1,ParameterValue=true ParameterKey=Asset2,ParameterValue=true
  • You can enter the location of the file containing a list of template parameter overrides entered in the format InputArtifactName::ParameterOverridessFileName, as shown in the following example.


    The following example shows the file contents for parameter-overrides.txt.

    [ { "ParameterKey": "KeyName", "ParameterValue": "true" }, { "ParameterKey": "KeyName", "ParameterValue": "true" } ]

Required: No

The percentage of accounts per Region for which this stack operation can fail before Amazon CloudFormation stops the operation in that Region. If the operation is stopped in a Region, Amazon CloudFormation doesn't attempt the operation in subsequent Regions. When calculating the number of accounts based on the specified percentage, Amazon CloudFormation rounds down to the next whole number.


Required: No

The maximum percentage of accounts on which to perform this operation at one time. When calculating the number of accounts based on the specified percentage, Amazon CloudFormation rounds down to the next whole number. If rounding down would result in zero, Amazon CloudFormation sets the number as one instead. Although you specify the maximum, for large deployments the actual number of accounts acted upon concurrently may be lower due to service throttling.


Required: No

You can specify if the stack set should deploy across Amazon Web Services Regions sequentially or in parallel by configuring the region concurrency deployment parameter. When the Region concurrency is specified to deploy stacks across multiple Amazon Web Services Regions in parallel, this can result in faster overall deployment times.

  • Parallel: Stack set deployments will be conducted at the same time, as long as a Region's deployment failures don't exceed a specified failure tolerance.

  • Sequential: Stack set deployments will be conducted one at a time, as long as a Region's deployment failures don't exceed a specified failure tolerance. Sequential deployment is the default selection.


Required: No

The concurrency mode allows you to choose how the concurrency level behaves during stack set operations, whether with strict or soft failure tolerance. Strict Failure Tolerance lowers the deployment speed as stack set operation failures occur because concurrency decreases for each failure. Soft Failure Tolerance prioritizes deployment speed while still leveraging Amazon CloudFormation safety capabilities.

  • STRICT_FAILURE_TOLERANCE: This option dynamically lowers the concurrency level to ensure the number of failed accounts never exceeds a particular failure tolerance. This is the default behavior.

  • SOFT_FAILURE_TOLERANCE: This option decouples failure tolerance from the actual concurrency. This allows stack set operations to run at a set concurrency level, regardless of the number of failures.


Required: No


This parameter is optional for the SERVICE_MANAGED permissions model and is not used for the SELF_MANAGED permissions model.

Specifies whether you are acting in the organization's management account or as a delegated administrator in a member account.


If this parameter is set to DELEGATED_ADMIN, make sure that the pipeline IAM role has organizations:ListDelegatedAdministrators permission. Otherwise, the action will fail while running with an error similar to the following: Account used is not a delegated administrator.

  • SELF: Stack set deployment will use service-managed permissions while signed in to the management account.

  • DELEGATED_ADMIN: Stack set deployment will use service-managed permissions while signed in to a delegated administrator account.

Input artifacts

CloudFormationStackInstances can contain artifacts that list deployment targets and parameters.

  • Number of artifacts: 0 to 2

  • Description: As input, the stack set action optionally accepts artifacts for these purposes:

    • To provide the parameters file to use. (See the ParameterOverrides parameter.)

    • To provide the target accounts file to use. (See the DeploymentTargets parameter.)

Output artifacts

  • Number of artifacts: 0

  • Description: Output artifacts do not apply for this action type.

Output variables

When configured, this action produces variables that can be referenced by the action configuration of a downstream action in the pipeline. You configure an action with a namespace to make those variables available to the configuration of downstream actions.

  • StackSetId: The ID of the stack set.

  • OperationId: The ID of the stack set operation.

For more information, see Variables reference.

Example action configuration

The following examples show the action configuration for the CloudFormationStackInstances action.

Example for the self-managed permissions model

The following example shows a CloudFormationStackInstances action where the deployment target entered is an Amazon Web Services account ID 111111222222.

Name: my-instances ActionTypeId: Category: Deploy Owner: AWS Provider: CloudFormationStackInstances Version: '1' RunOrder: 2 Configuration: DeploymentTargets: '111111222222' Regions: 'us-east-1,us-east-2,us-west-1,us-west-2' StackSetName: my-stackset OutputArtifacts: [] InputArtifacts: - Name: SourceArtifact Region: us-west-2
{ "Name": "my-instances", "ActionTypeId": { "Category": "Deploy", "Owner": "AWS", "Provider": "CloudFormationStackInstances", "Version": "1" }, "RunOrder": 2, "Configuration": { "DeploymentTargets": "111111222222", "Regions": "us-east-1,us-east-2,us-west-1,us-west-2", "StackSetName": "my-stackset" }, "OutputArtifacts": [], "InputArtifacts": [ { "Name": "SourceArtifact" } ], "Region": "us-west-2" }

Example for the service-managed permissions model

The following example shows a CloudFormationStackInstances action for the service-managed permissions model where the deployment target is an Amazon Organizations organizational unit ID ou-1111-1example.

Name: Instances ActionTypeId: Category: Deploy Owner: AWS Provider: CloudFormationStackInstances Version: '1' RunOrder: 2 Configuration: DeploymentTargets: ou-1111-1example Regions: us-east-1 StackSetName: my-stackset OutputArtifacts: [] InputArtifacts: - Name: SourceArtifact Region: eu-central-1
{ "Name": "Instances", "ActionTypeId": { "Category": "Deploy", "Owner": "AWS", "Provider": "CloudFormationStackInstances", "Version": "1" }, "RunOrder": 2, "Configuration": { "DeploymentTargets": "ou-1111-1example", "Regions": "us-east-1", "StackSetName": "my-stackset" }, "OutputArtifacts": [], "InputArtifacts": [ { "Name": "SourceArtifact" } ], "Region": "eu-central-1" }

Permissions models for stack set operations

Because Amazon CloudFormation StackSets performs operations across multiple accounts, you must define the necessary permissions in those accounts before you can create the stack set. You can define permissions through self-managed permissions or service-managed permissions.

With self-managed permissions, you create the two IAM roles required by StackSets - an administrator role such as the AWSCloudFormationStackSetAdministrationRole in the account where you define the stack set and an execution role such as the AWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRole in each of the accounts where you deploy stack set instances. Using this permissions model, StackSets can deploy to any Amazon account in which the user has permissions to create an IAM role. For more information, see Grant self-managed permissions in the Amazon CloudFormation User Guide.


Because Amazon CloudFormation StackSets performs operations across multiple accounts, you must define the necessary permissions in those accounts before you can create the stack set.

With service-managed permissions, you can deploy stack instances to accounts managed by Amazon Organizations. Using this permissions model, you don't have to create the necessary IAM roles because StackSets creates the IAM roles on your behalf. With this model, you can also enable automatic deployments to accounts that are added to the organization in the future. See Enable trusted access with Amazon Organizations in the Amazon CloudFormation User Guide.

Template parameter data types

The template parameters used in stack set operations include the following data types. For more information, see DescribeStackSet.

  • Description: The key associated with the parameter. If you don't specify a key and value for a particular parameter, Amazon CloudFormation uses the default value that is specified in the template.

  • Example:

  • Description: The input value associated with the parameter.

  • Example:

  • During a stack update, use the existing parameter value that the stack is using for a given parameter key. If you specify true, do not specify a parameter value.

  • Example:


Each stack set has one template and set of template parameters. When you update the template or template parameters, you update them for the entire set. Then all instance statuses are set to OUTDATED until the changes are deployed to that instance.

To override parameter values on specific instances, for example, if the template contains a parameter for stage with a value of prod, you can override the value of that parameter to be beta or gamma.

The following related resources can help you as you work with this action.

  • Parameter types – This reference chapter in the Amazon CloudFormation User Guide provides more descriptions and examples for CloudFormation template parameters.

  • Best practices – For more information about best practices for deploying stack sets, see in the Amazon CloudFormation User Guide.

  • Amazon CloudFormation API Reference – You can reference the following CloudFormation actions in the Amazon CloudFormation API Reference for more information about the parameters used in stack set operations:

    • The CreateStackSet action creates a stack set.

    • The UpdateStackSet action updates the stack set and associated stack instances in the specified accounts and Regions. Even if the stack set operation created by updating the stack set fails (completely or partially, below or above a specified failure tolerance), the stack set is updated with these changes. Subsequent CreateStackInstances calls on the specified stack set use the updated stack set.

    • The CreateStackInstances action creates a stack instance for all specified regions within all specified accounts on a self-managed permission model, or within all specified deployment targets on a service-managed permission model. You can override parameters for the instances created by this action. If the instances already exist, CreateStackInstances calls UpdateStackInstances with the same input parameters. When you use this action to create instances, it does not change the status of other stack instances.

    • The UpdateStackInstances action brings stack instances up to date with the stack set for all specified regions within all specified accounts on a self-managed permission model, or within all specified deployment targets on a service-managed permission model. You can override parameters for the instances updated by this action. When you use this action to update a subset of instances, it does not change the status of other stack instances.

    • The DescribeStackSetOperation action returns the description of the specified stack set operation.

    • The DescribeStackSet action returns the description of the specified stack set.