Create an EventBridge rule for a CodeCommit source (console)
If you use the console to create or edit your pipeline, your EventBridge rule is created for you.
To create an EventBridge rule for use in CodePipeline operations
Open the Amazon EventBridge console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Rules. Leave the default bus selected or choose an event bus. Choose Create rule.
In Name, enter a name for your rule.
Under Rule type, choose Rule with an event pattern. Choose Next.
Under Event source, choose Amazon events or EventBridge partner events.
Under Sample event type, choose Amazon events.
In Sample events, type CodeCommit as the keyword to filter on. Choose CodeCommit Repository State Change.
Under Creation method, choose Customer pattern (JSON editor).
Paste the event pattern provided below. The following is a sample CodeCommit event pattern in the Event window for a
repository with a branch namedmain
:{ "source": [ "aws.codecommit" ], "detail-type": [ "CodeCommit Repository State Change" ], "resources": [ "arn:aws:codecommit:us-west-2:80398EXAMPLE:MyTestRepo" ], "detail": { "referenceType": [ "branch" ], "referenceName": [ "main" ] } }
In Targets, choose CodePipeline.
Enter the pipeline ARN for the pipeline to be started by this rule.
You can find the pipeline ARN in the metadata output after you run the get-pipeline command. The pipeline ARN is constructed in this format:
Sample pipeline ARN:
To create or specify an IAM service role that grants EventBridge permissions to invoke the target associated with your EventBridge rule (in this case, the target is CodePipeline):
Choose Create a new role for this specific resource to create a service role that gives EventBridge permissions to your start your pipeline executions.
Choose Use existing role to enter a service role that gives EventBridge permissions to your start your pipeline executions.
Choose Next.
On the Tags page, choose Next.
On the Review and create page, review the rule configuration. If you're satisfied with the rule, choose Create rule.