Configuring stage retry for a failed stage or failed actions
You can retry a stage that has failed without having to run a pipeline again from the beginning. You do this by either retrying the failed actions in a stage or by retrying all actions in the stage starting from the first action in the stage. When you retry the failed actions in a stage, all actions that are still in progress continue working, and failed actions are triggered again. When you retry a failed stage from the first action in the stage, the stage cannot have any actions in progress. Before a stage can be retried, it must either have all actions failed or some actions failed and some succeeded.
Retrying a failed stage retries all actions in the stage from the first action in the stage, and retrying failed actions retries all failed actions in the stage. This overrides output artifacts of previously successful actions in the same execution.
Although artifacts may be overriden, the execution history of previously successful actions is still retained.
If you are using the console to view a pipeline, either a Retry stage button or a Retry failed actions button appears on the stage that can be retried.
If you are using the Amazon CLI, you can use the get-pipeline-state command to determine whether any actions have failed.
In the following cases, you might not be able to retry a stage:
All actions in the stage succeeded, and so the stage is not in a failed status.
The overall pipeline structure changed after the stage failed.
Another retry attempt in the stage is already in progress.
Considerations for stage retry
Considerations for stage retry are as follows:
You can only configure automatic retry on stage failure for one retry attempt.
You can configure automatic retry on stage failure for all actions, including
Retry a failed stage manually
You can manually retry a failed stage using the console or CLI.
You can also configure a stage for retry automatically on failure as detailed in Configure a stage for automatic retry on failure.
Retry a failed stage manually (console)
To retry a failed stage or failed actions in a stage - console
Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the CodePipeline console at
. The names of all pipelines associated with your Amazon account are displayed.
In Name, choose the name of the pipeline.
Locate the stage with the failed action, and then choose one of the following:
To retry all actions in the stage, choose Retry stage.
To retry only failed actions in the stage, choose Retry failed actions.
If all retried actions in the stage are completed successfully, the pipeline continues to run.
Retry a failed stage manually (CLI)
To retry a failed stage or failed actions in a stage - CLI
To use the Amazon CLI to retry all actions or all failed actions, you run the retry-stage-execution command with the following parameters:
--pipeline-name <value> --stage-name <value> --pipeline-execution-id <value> --retry-mode ALL_ACTIONS/FAILED_ACTIONS
The values you can use for retry-mode
At a terminal (Linux, OS X, or Unix) or command prompt (Windows), run the retry-stage-execution command, as shown in the following example for a pipeline named
.aws codepipeline retry-stage-execution --pipeline-name MyPipeline --stage-name Deploy --pipeline-execution-id b59babff-5f34-EXAMPLE --retry-mode FAILED_ACTIONS
The output returns the execution ID:
{ "pipelineExecutionId": "b59babff-5f34-EXAMPLE" }
You can also run the command with a JSON input file. You first create a JSON file that identifies the pipeline, the stage that contains the failed actions, and the latest pipeline execution in that stage. You then run the retry-stage-execution command with the
parameter. To retrieve the details you need for the JSON file, it's easiest to use the get-pipeline-state command.-
At a terminal (Linux, OS X, or Unix) or command prompt (Windows), run the get-pipeline-state command on a pipeline. For example, for a pipeline named MyFirstPipeline, you would type something similar to the following:
aws codepipeline get-pipeline-state --name
The response to the command includes pipeline state information for each stage. In the following example, the response indicates that one or more actions failed in the Staging stage:
{ "updated": 1427245911.525, "created": 1427245911.525, "pipelineVersion": 1, "pipelineName": "MyFirstPipeline", "stageStates": [ { "actionStates": [...], "stageName": "Source", "latestExecution": { "pipelineExecutionId": "9811f7cb-7cf7-SUCCESS", "status": "Succeeded" } },
{ "actionStates": [...], "stageName": "Staging", "latestExecution": { "pipelineExecutionId": "3137f7cb-7cf7-EXAMPLE", "status": "Failed" }
} ] } -
In a plain-text editor, create a file where you will record the following, in JSON format:
The name of the pipeline that contains the failed actions
The name of the stage that contains the failed actions
The ID of the latest pipeline execution in the stage
The retry mode.
For the preceding MyFirstPipeline example, your file would look something like this:
{ "pipelineName": "MyFirstPipeline", "stageName": "Staging", "pipelineExecutionId": "3137f7cb-7cf7-EXAMPLE", "retryMode": "FAILED_ACTIONS" }
Save the file with a name like
. -
Call the file you created when you run the retry-stage-execution command. For example:
Be sure to include
before the file name. It is required in this codepipeline retry-stage-execution --cli-input-json file://retry-failed-actions.json
To view the results of the retry attempt, either open the CodePipeline console and choose the pipeline that contains the actions that failed, or use the get-pipeline-state command again. For more information, see View pipelines and details in CodePipeline.
Configure a stage for automatic retry on failure
You can configure a stage for automatic retry on failure. The stage will make one retry attempt and display a retry status on the failed stage on the View pipeline page.
You can configure the retry mode by specifying that the stage should automatically retry either all actions in the failed stage or only failed actions in the stage.
Configure a stage for automatic retry on failure (console)
You can use the console to configure a stage for automatic retry.
Configure a stage for automatic retry (console)
Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the CodePipeline console at
. The names and status of all pipelines associated with your Amazon account are displayed.
In Name, choose the name of the pipeline you want to edit.
On the pipeline details page, choose Edit.
On the Edit page, for the action you want to edit, choose Edit stage.
Choose Automated stage configuration:, and then choose Enable automatic retry on stage failure. Save the changes to your pipeline.
In Automated stage configuration:, choose one of the following retry modes:
To specify that the mode will retry all actions in the stage, choose Retry failed stage.
To specify that the mode will only retry failed actions in the stage, choose Retry failed actions.
Save the changes to your pipeline.
After your pipeline runs, if the stage failure occurs, the automatic retry attempt will be made. The following examples show a build stage that has been retried automatically.
To view details about the retry attempt, choose . The window displays.
Configure a stage for automatic retry (CLI)
To use the Amazon CLI to configure a stage to automatically retry on failure, use the commands to create or update a pipeline as detailed in Create a pipeline, stages, and actions and Edit a pipeline in CodePipeline.
Open a terminal (Linux, OS X, or Unix) or command prompt (Windows) and use the Amazon CLI to run the
command, specifying the failure condition in the pipeline structure. The following example configures automatic retry for a staged namedS3Deploy
:{ "name": "S3Deploy", "actions": [ { "name": "s3deployaction", "actionTypeId": { "category": "Deploy", "owner": "AWS", "provider": "S3", "version": "1" }, "runOrder": 1, "configuration": { "BucketName": "static-website-bucket", "Extract": "false", "ObjectKey": "" }, "outputArtifacts": [], "inputArtifacts": [ { "name": "SourceArtifact" } ], "region": "us-east-1" } ], "onFailure": { "result": "RETRY", "retryConfiguration": { "retryMode": "ALL_ACTIONS", }, }
Configure a stage for automatic retry (Amazon CloudFormation)
To use Amazon CloudFormation to configure a stage for automatic retry on failure, use the
stage lifecycle parameter. Use the
parameter to configure the retry mode.
OnFailure: Result: RETRY RetryConfiguration: RetryMode: ALL_ACTIONS
Update the template as shown in the following snippet. The following example configures automatic retry for a stage named
:AppPipeline: Type: AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline Properties: RoleArn: Ref: CodePipelineServiceRole Stages: - Name: Source Actions: - Name: SourceAction ActionTypeId: Category: Source Owner: AWS Version: 1 Provider: S3 OutputArtifacts: - Name: SourceOutput Configuration: S3Bucket: Ref: SourceS3Bucket S3ObjectKey: Ref: SourceS3ObjectKey RunOrder: 1 - Name: Release Actions: - Name: ReleaseAction InputArtifacts: - Name: SourceOutput ActionTypeId: Category: Deploy Owner: AWS Version: 1 Provider: CodeDeploy Configuration: ApplicationName: Ref: ApplicationName DeploymentGroupName: Ref: DeploymentGroupName RunOrder: 1 OnFailure: Result: RETRY RetryConfiguration: RetryMode: ALL_ACTIONS ArtifactStore: Type: S3 Location: Ref: ArtifactStoreS3Location EncryptionKey: Id: arn:aws:kms:useast-1:ACCOUNT-ID:key/KEY-ID Type: KMS DisableInboundStageTransitions: - StageName: Release Reason: "Disabling the transition until integration tests are completed" Tags: - Key: Project Value: ProjectA - Key: IsContainerBased Value: 'true'
For more information about configuring stage retry on failure, see OnFailure under
in the Amazon CloudFormation User Guide.