Tutorial: Create a pipeline that uses Amazon AppConfig as a deployment provider
In this tutorial, you configure a pipeline that continuously delivers configuration files using Amazon AppConfig as the deployment action provider in your deployment stage.
As part of creating a pipeline, an S3 artifact bucket provided by the customer will be used by CodePipeline for artifacts. (This is different from the bucket used for an S3 source action.) If the S3 artifact bucket is in a different account from the account for your pipeline, make sure that the S3 artifact bucket is owned by Amazon Web Services accounts that are safe and will be dependable.
Before you begin, you must complete the following:
This example uses an S3 source for your pipeline. Create or use an Amazon S3 bucket with versioning enabled. Follow the instructions in Step 1: Create an S3 source bucket for your application to create an S3 bucket.
Step 1: Create your Amazon AppConfig resources
In this section, you create the following resources:
An application in Amazon AppConfig is a logical unit of code that provides capabilities for your customers.
An environment in Amazon AppConfig is a logical deployment group of AppConfig targets, such as applications in a beta or production environment.
A configuration profile is a collection of settings that influence the behavior of your application. The configuration profile enables Amazon AppConfig to access your configuration in its stored location.
(Optional) A deployment strategy in Amazon AppConfig defines the behavior of a configuration deployment, such as what percentage of clients should receive the new deployed config at any given time during a deployment.
To create an application, environment, configuration profile, and deployment strategy
Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console.
Use the steps in the following topics to create your resources in Amazon AppConfig.
Step 2: Upload files to your S3 source bucket
In this section, create your configuration file or files. Then zip and push your source files to the bucket that the pipeline uses for your source stage.
To create configuration files
Create a
file for each configuration in each Region. Include the following contents:Hello World!
Use the following steps to zip and upload your configuration files.
To zip and upload source files
Create a .zip file with your files and name the .zip file
. As an example, your .zip file can use the following structure:. └── appconfig-configurations └── MyConfigurations ├── us-east-1 │ └── configuration.json └── us-west-2 └── configuration.json
In the Amazon S3 console for your bucket, choose Upload, and follow the instructions to upload your .zip file.
Step 3: Create your pipeline
In this section, you create a pipeline with the following actions:
A source stage with an Amazon S3 action where the source artifacts are the files for your configuration.
A deployment stage with an AppConfig deployment action.
To create a pipeline with the wizard
Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the CodePipeline console at http://console.www.amazonaws.cn/codesuite/codepipeline/home
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On the Welcome page, Getting started page, or the Pipelines page, choose Create pipeline.
On the Step 1: Choose creation option page, under Creation options, choose the Build custom pipeline option. Choose Next.
In Step 2: Choose pipeline settings, in Pipeline name, enter
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CodePipeline provides V1 and V2 type pipelines, which differ in characteristics and price. The V2 type is the only type you can choose in the console. For more information, see pipeline types. For information about pricing for CodePipeline, see Pricing
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In Service role, choose New service role to allow CodePipeline to create a service role in IAM.
Leave the settings under Advanced settings at their defaults, and then choose Next.
In Step 3: Add source stage, in Source provider, choose Amazon S3. In Bucket, choose the name of your S3 source bucket.
In S3 object key, enter the name of your .zip file:
.Choose Next.
In Step 4: Add build stage, choose Skip build stage, and then accept the warning message by choosing Skip again.
Choose Next.
In Step 5: Add test stage, choose Skip test stage, and then accept the warning message by choosing Skip again.
Choose Next.
In Step 6: Add deploy stage:
In Deploy provider, choose Amazon AppConfig.
In Application, choose the name of the application you created in Amazon AppConfig. The field shows the ID for your application.
In Environment, choose the name of the environment you created in Amazon AppConfig. The field shows the ID for your environment.
In Configuration profile, choose the name of the configuration profile you created in Amazon AppConfig. The field shows the ID for your configuration profile.
In Deployment strategy, choose the name of your deployment strategy. This can be either a deployment strategy you created in AppConfig or one you have chosen from predefined deployment strategies in AppConfig. The field shows the ID for your deployment strategy.
In Input artifact configuration path, enter the file path. Make sure that your input artifact configuration path matches the directory structure in your S3 bucket .zip file. For this example, enter the following file path:
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Choose Next.
In Step 7: Review, review the information, and then choose Create pipeline.
Step 4: Make a change to any source file and verify deployment
Make a change to your source files and upload the change to your bucket. This triggers your pipeline to run. Verify that your configuration is available by viewing the version.